1994-1995 Academic Catalog
104 Health and Physical Education Purpose The Department of Health and Phy ical Education eek to : 1. Pr ide a program that will promote the physical, intelle tual, and piritual development of each indi– idual through the medium of phy ical activity. - . Develop an awarene of the Chri tian s steward- hip re pon ibility with regard to the care and use of the body. 3. Provide experiences and in truction which will help develop Chri t-like attitude and actions in and through port, game elf-testing activities aquatics and lifetime recreational pursuits. 4. Prepare tudent for careers in teaching health or physical education coaching, athletic training, recre– ation port administration, exercise science or other related field . Personal Requirements Student planning to pursue careers in phy ical education and its related areas are best prepared by taking a college preparatory curriculum in high school which includes four year of physical education and related courses. In addition they should eek involve– ment in organized athletic programs and establish habit of maintaining good personal fitness. Students planning to obtain certification in athletic training or preparation in sports meilicine should take as much coursework in science and mathematics as possible in high school. Each student majoring in physical education is expected to maintain a high level of personal physical fitness. An annual one and one-half mile run is used to evaluate the status of the student 's fitness. Faculty Donald Callan, Chairman: Athletic Director. Coach, Men' s Basketball. Founder Missionary Internship Service (MIS); NAIA District 22 "Administrator of the Year, " 1987-89; 1990 Inductee , NAIA Hall of Fame. Education: B.S ., Taylor University, 1955 ; M.A., Ball State Teachers College, 1960; Ph .D. , The Ohio State University, 1968. At Cedarville since 1960. Elaine Brown, Assi stant Professor of Physical Education . Coach, Women' s Volleyball. Education: B.S ., Cedarville College, 1977; M .Ed., University of Dayton, 1982; Ph .D. , The Ohio State University, 1994. At Cedarville since 1982. Robert Duchardt , Head Athletic Trainer. Certified Athletic Trainer (NATA). Education: B.S ., Taylor University, 1965; M.S ., Union College, 1973; graduate study, West Chester State College, 1977. At Cedarville since 1989. Kathleen Freese, Assistant Professor of Physical Education. Coach, Women's Basketball and Women's Softball. Education: B.S ., Bowling Green State University, 1971 ; M.A., Bowling Green State University, 1981. At Cedarville since 1991 . Evan Hell\-vig, As i tant Professor of Physical Education. Certified Athle ti c Trainer (NATA), Licensed Physical Therapist Education: B.S., Mankato State University, 1984; Physical Therapy Certificate, University of Iowa School of Medicine, 1986; Ph.D ., Univer ity of Virginia , 1992. At Cedarville 1986-89, 1992 to present. Pamela Diehl Johnson, Professor of Physical Education. Coach, Women ' Tennis; Member, NAIA Women's Tennis National Tournament Committee; Member, Executive Committee, Greene County Special Olympics. Co-author , Physical Fitness and the Christian; Education: B.S ., University of Dayton, 1970; M.A ., The Ohio State University, 1971 ; Ph .D. , The Ohio State Univer– sity, 1974. At Cedarville since 1974. E lvin King, A ociate Professor of Physical Education. Coach, Men· s and Women 's Cross Country . Founder, NCCAA National Track Meet. NCCAA Hall of Fame, 1993. Education: B.S ., Kent State Univer ity , 1964; M.Ed ., Bowling Green State University, 1967. Ar Cedarville since 1969. John McGillivray, Associate Professor of Physical Education. Coach, Men 's Soccer, NAIA Hall of Fame, 1993. Education: B.S., Cedarville College, 1970; graduate study, Wright State Univers ity 1972-74 ; M.S ., University of Dayton, 1976. At Cedarville since 1974. Paul Orchard, Assistant Professor of Physical Education. Coach, Men' s & Women's Track & Field . Education: B.S. , Taylor University, 1983; M.A., Miami University, 1986. At Cedarville since 1993 . Programs of Study The Department of Physical Education offers the fallowing programs of study : Majors in: Athletic Training (national certification) Comprehensive physical education (certification for teaching K-12) Physical education with concentrations in: Exercise science Sports Management Secondary physical education (certification for teaching 7-12) Minors in: Coaching Comprehensive health education (certification for teaching K-12) Health education Career Opportunities Graduate and professional schools welcome Cedarville graduates. Careers pursued by graduates include: administrator of youth activities and youth organizations athletic administrator athletic ilirector organizations athletic trainer camp director coach health teacher physical education teacher recreation director
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