1994-1995 Academic Catalog
, Computer Information Network 11 Software Cedar et features 138 oftware packages including: COBOL C ++ for Windows FORTRAN FoxPro, dBASE IV, Paradox (data base ) Gopher (Internet) Harvard Graphics LOGOS (Bible research) LOTUS 1-2-3 Microsoft Project Minitab for Windows and DOS Mosaic (Internet Brow er) ews (Reuters/AP) On-line Bible On-line library catalog and periodical acce PaintShop Pro Pagemaker (desktop publishing) Pascal Quattro Pro for Windows ( preadsheet ) SPSS (statistics) Toolbook, ObjectVision 2.0 (visual programming and hypertext) WordPerfect Office (e-mail) WordPerfect Presentations WordPerfect for Window (word proces ing) New software is added regularl y. Faculty al o specify or produce their own software for pecific courses or projects. /11 1993 edu 11/c> hOJ ,erog111ze(i uuh Br ohn U11ne1~tf\, <,e/f\\hurg o/Je e, J.1 I I , Pe1111 1n1e. Su•, t'lll /11 111111e oJ J e, hnolog . and t.h,rt copa onu,uu,,r, ol/e 1 e In U I. a ha\ 111, oJ one the top cu11p11\ "ule 011ipu1e, 11 Ih ort.~ 111 11,p ll 1111ed Stat s .. Library Slaff help students utilize rhe scanners, graphics sojru·are. and color printers located in the Media Resource Center. Training The network ha been de igned o that mo r u er will be able to learn the network on their own via tutorial s and help- creen which explain how to u e the program . Additionall y, computer a i tant in labora– torie are available wl1enever the lab are open. Facult u ing pecialized oftware typically orient tudenr in their re pective cla e . Student find chat utilizing the network i the be t way to learn how to u e it . Supplie and Maintenance The college book tore ell the paper and 11opp)· di ·k. s tudenc need co u e the net\\ 1 ork. For ecurit, . ·tu- - dent are enc uraged to r re their \\Ork on their t)\\'11 floppy di k . Technician fr n1 the on1pt1ter er\'ices Deparc111e11t provide the tecl1nical back-up t keep tl1e ) te111 op rating . cudenc' 'A'ho experience pr<)hle111s \\ ith tl1e operati o11 f tl1eir equip11ent ~· hould Ct)11tact eitl1er tl1e laboraC()ry asst ·c·111t <)tl dut)' l)f se r1tl e 111a1l lt) PROB LEM. on1e n1ea~t1re <)f \\ ear ·1nd tear 11.., expected t rt)111 tl1e u~e <)1 1l1e ec.1u1p111e r1t . uch 111a111re114111ce 1, C•J\ e1 ec.l 1hrt>ugh the net\\. are tcc l111t)ll)g) fee" c~s,1\ e \\ t'.tr t>r d,1111age , h t)\\ e\ er, i, nt)l C() \ er ed . ~tt1Lie11t \ ,, l1t) iillt'Jlll()Ilall) da111ctge Hll) llt:l\\(.)J h. Cl}lllJ)lllt:Ill \\ tll ht• a ~k.ed [() Cl)\CI Cll~ L'O~l\ a~\l)ll4llt'll \\tth ICJ)tlll lllg ll .
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