1994-1995 Academic Catalog

Computer Information Network 13 Applications A a re ult of the variety of feature and capabilitie offered by the network, student from all majors can benefit greatly . A number of pecific application exi t. These include: Biblical education Church management oftware Concordance programs with multiple translation Hebrew Greek word processing Busines Textbook-specific oftware Financial tatements Management simulations Stati tical analysis Spreadsheet Communication Arts Groupware cooperative projects Interactive video generation Education Gradebook management Lesson preparation Database management Visual aids Engineering CAD oftware TKsolver Maple (mathematic ) Statistical anal ysi Chart and graph Health and Phy ical Education Dietary anal y i oftware Sports management , Charts and grapl1 lnterdi~ciplinary studies Acces~ to internatio11al de1 1clgraphical data preadsheet~ Statistical analysi s Language and Literature Writing skill builder Reading skill builder Gra111n1ar cl1et. ker and sly le analy1cr\ 1 anguage tuc<H 1als Puhlicatio11 de.! ig11 1usic Art lides 1tH hu111anities class 1JDJ i11 trun1e111 Ct>Jltrt>l 1u ic tile< J')' tutt>rials • Nur ing Vocabulary tutorial Video training programs Psychology Personality inventorie Stati tical re earch Science and Mathematic Graphical demon tration of mathematical propertie Laboratory imulation Biology laboratory review Stati tical analy i Chart and graph Social Studie and Hi tory Access to demographic data Mapping oftware Stati tical analy i Acee to hi torical document College-wide Campu Activitie Li ting of on-campu and off-campu activitie De cription of popular area attraction Career Service Po ting of: Intern hip opportunitie Full and part-time job opp rtun1t1e Upcoming rec ruiting day and recruiter Graduate ct1ool deadline General : College-wide announcement Faculty- tudent con11nunicati n, on-campu Student- tudent comn1unicatio11. on-campu l ed cla e f r regi trati n Chri tian n1i11i try oppl) rtunitie Library : On-li11e public acce ~ · Lo I ibrar)' holding Periodical searcl1 World-wide - Inter11et: lec trc)r1ic 11ai l and acces · to , er 10.0 0 it1st i cut ic)11~, l 1 l)ra r lt!'-i. and da l'lhase a rc)u11d the \\ <)rid edar, 1lle tlllege lncer11et c1Llll1e"~ ft)r ,cttff: .... "u,er ' , lt)gtn 1J "([1)cet.l.1r\ tile cdt1 (1 c Jl)ne,h. ([1ced,11\ tile ellu) ("eJarville ( ~()llcgc Inte1 net allllte," tt)r .... tudent, '' ~ t uticn t ' ~ l l lg L n 1 d · Cg ccd <1 1\ ll l t' t• ll u (1 e <.;l - ~4)6'«1ceda1\tllc t 'dt1 )