1994-1995 Academic Catalog
, Student Life The college program is devigned to contribute to the development of the intellectual , piritual social, and physical maturity of tudent . Student life involve each of these areas and i considered an integral part of the college learning experience. Cedarville College' commitment to the Bible a the fmal authority for faith and practice extends into every area of student life and leads to a con ervative pattern of conduct . A variety of educational , leadership, ocial , cultural , recreational and Chri tian service opportunities are available to Cedarville College students. Such out-of– class activities contribute to personal development and enrichment and also provide outlet from the demands and pressure of academic life. A full range of tudent ervices including campu activitie career planning, coun eling placement fmancial aid health orienta– tion, and housing, exi st to assist students in the life– long proces of per onal development. Lifestyle Commitment At Cedarville we believe that the principle found in the Bible should govern what we do. We believe that our behavior i to honor and manife t Godly qualities. We also recognize that we have a re ponsibility to maintain a good testimony before unbeliever . Consequently all members of the college family agree to Jive according to the college' life tyle com– mitment . Faculty, staff, and admini trator reaffirm this commitment annuall y when they ign their con– tracts. Students affirm their agreement to live by thi commitment a a part of the application proce and upon regi tering for cla e . Some of the a pect of chi commitment reflect our Biblical conviction ; other re flect what we call "in titutional preference ." The purpo e of thi commitment i to aid per ona1growth , support the Coll ege's Chri ti an te timony, and enable u~ to achieve coll ege objective . Specificall,, we agree nor co use alcoholic beverage , tobacco, or nonmedical drug . We al o agree ll ()t to participate in social danci1g or gan1b1ing, attend local mo,,ie rheatre . use unwholeson1e 1 1edia 1naterials, or hold n1en1bersl11p i1 secre t societ1e\ . We cndea\'Or to dres appropriately a11d to have sincere re pec t for the Lord 's Da}t. In all tl1n1g\ we \eek L<) ~ervc Chri t a1d a oid per!)onal altitude~ elf di~tru\t , di h<>1 e~ty. sel fi\ h 11 ·ss, da111agi11g cri t1c..1~111. disrespect . u11etl11cal conduc t, a11d irrevere11ce. 'I l1ose \vl10 choose Lo violate tl1e lite t} le con1111i tn1e1c 11la)' be dismi ed. he violat1011 of !)OJ11e pol ic1es sucl1 as tl1ose relating to stealing, , 1 isiting business,es, such as bar --, here the pri1nar)' focu of tl1e e,,ent 01 act1, ity is in violation of the lifest)' le commicmenc--1mmoral1cy, u ing alcoholic beverage or illegal narcotic can re ult in in1111ediate disn1is al . Student Life 15 The life tyle commitment and other re idence li fe guideline are de cribed in detail in the Cedarville College Student Handbook . Spiritual Emphasis The College de ire for each rudent to grow in hi or her relationship with Chri t. Con equently, tudent are urged to set a ide a definite period each day for private devotion . Daily chapel ervice provide spiritual encouragement and enrichment. Additionally, all tudent are required to attend church ervice regularly . Opporrunities for wor hip include the Cedarville Bapti t Fellow hip which meet in the college chapel a well a numerou fundamental churche within ea y drivir1g di tance of Cedarville . Spirirual growth i further encouraged through tudent prayer group which meet regularl y to pray for pecial needs. One day in Fall Quarter and one day in SpriI1g Quarter i et a ide a a 4 Day of Prayer, ' a time when the entire college famil y gather to pray together. (Jarhe, inf? ar rhe Jltu:pole · 011 t//t' \ a1u,11al LJ<1, oJ Pi tn ,., ea, h \J)l lll • l1tl\ be <J1llt? "" a111111al II a,lt11011
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