1994-1995 Academic Catalog
}l(lllSi11g Re,' ide11ce hall li\ ing i.~ C(>n ' idered an integral part of tl1c cducati t)11al prt>Ce s. 11 appr priate re idence hall c11, irt>nn1e11t contril1ute to academic achie ement , an under ta11dinQ t)f t)11e elf. and the development of '- i11cerper L111al kill a11d appr priate attitude toward otl1er.. . Re idence hall li ing al o develop la ting frie11d l1ip and rich 111en1orie . Con equentl y all .. i11gle tude11t under twenty-five year of age, except tl10 e C<)n1n1uti11g fron1 the hon1e of their parent or legal guardian. are required to live in college re idence hall . Student over the age of twenty-five mu t ecure off- an1pu l1ou ing. Approxin1acely eighty-five perce11t of the tudent bod 1· live on campu in college hou ing. Men and won1en are hou ed in eparate re idence hall . All offer convenient laundry, and lounge area ; mo t hou e ju t two rudent per room. Each room i fully fur- ni bed ru1d equipped with a phone, pern1itting tudent to dial and receive call directly. Mo t of the re idence hall offer computer in each room linked to CedarNet tl1e campu -wide con1puter network . Tho e living in re idence l1all witl1ou t computer in each room l1ave ace to everal computer lab on campu . Hou ing a ignment are made by the Student Ser– ,,ice Office. Uppercla men who have paid re erva– tion fee are given priority fo r re erving room . New tudent are a igned roon1s after they have been admitted and have ubn1itted their reservation depo it . Complete information concerning re idence hall taffing, fun1i bing . and policies i found in the Student Handbook which i ent to new tudent prior to their arrival on campu . Married tudent usually live in the apartment com– plex owned by the college or in one of many apart– ment in the area. A Ii ting of area apartment owner i available in the Student Service Office. New Student Orientation At the tart of each quarter , new student participate in an orientation program de igned to facilitate adju t– ment to their new urroundi11g and provide an opportunity for cour e selection and program planning with the a sistance of an assigned faculty advisor. The fall program includes an orientation program for parent . Special interest ses ions, question and answer time , mall group meeting , and ocial activitie provide opportunitie for tudent and parent to meet new friends and adju t to a new environment. Help during \\- inter and pring quarters i often provided on a one-on-one ba i with a co11tinuing student . Testing ma)' be required during orientation for purpo es of advi ing and placement. Intercollegiate Athletic Cedarvi lle Coll ege maintain intercollegiate competi– tion fo r men in ba eba ll , ba ketball, cro -country golf indoor and outdoor track, tenni and occer . Intercollegiate ports fo r women include ba ketball cro -country indoor and outdoor track, oftball renni and volleyball . Cedarville i a member of the Mid-Ohio Conference the National As oc iation of Intercollegiate Athletics, and the National Chri tian College Athletic Association. Student intere ted in participating as a member of one of the intercollegiate athletic team hould contact the admi sions office or the re pective coache . A limited an1ount of athletic fmancial aid i available for out tanding athletes. Campus Activities The Campus Activitie Office provide a program of cultural , social , educational and recreational activi tie that i con i tent with college educational and spiritual objective and, therefore contribute to the per onal development of college community members. An artist erie provide concert , cultural programs and musical pecialist . Other activitie include a variety of learning experience and social events such a banquets, talent night all- chool parties, interest trips retreat , topical di cu ion , and gue t speaker . A full range of recreational and intramural port for both men and women including flag football , occer, volleyball, ba ketball racquetball table tenni walJeyball, oftball , badminton river rafting, skiing, and golf complete the integrative approach of Campu Activitie . "Thursdays Live " programs, sponsored by the Student Services Department, communicate relevant concepts and principles through drama, music, and speaking. •
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