1994-1995 Academic Catalog

I>ebate tudent · \\ h(l enJt)> cor11petit1, e intellectual ituation a11d pll'"-e"" gt)t)d ,peaking abilit1e are encouraged to audiltl)Jl fl)f the Debate Team. Cedar, 1lle team ·c)r11re1e ,ucce,,full> ~ 1th a ~ 1de , ariet)' of team t11rt)Ui!llt)Ut the ea,tem nited State . In 1992-93, the .... tean1 fini,hed third in the Mid~ e t behind Hill dale Collece and 1ich1gan State Llniver it)'. Student ar1ticipating leader hip career uch a the mini tr)' , Ia,\·. edu arion. bu ine . or poli tic find the debate e\perience particular}~ helpful. Limited cholar hip are a, ailable for out~tanding debater . Tho e inter– e ted hould contact the debate coach. Drama Each quarter, the Communication Art Department pre~ent a major theatrical production. In recent )'ear , the department has produced William Shake peare · Tl1e Co111ed., ofErrors, Arthur Miller' T/1e Crucible, Henrik lb en· An £11e1n)' of tl1e People. and the mu 1cal . Fiddler 011 rl1e Roof, and Tl1e Sou11d of M1,s'ic . Ope11 to student from all major , these experi– ence pro, ide theatrical training for participant and cultural enrichment for the entire college famil) 1 • Student may earn academic credit for participating in college pla 1· . Foren ic Student~ ~'ith public peaking abilitie ma)' develop and demon trate their communication kill s through intercollegiate peech competition on the College· Foren~ic5 Team. Competing at both the no,·ice and ,,ar it) level ,. tudent participate in public addre . oral interpretation. and limited preparation event . Student intere ted in participating hould contact the fo ren ic.. coach for more information. Limited cholar- hip are available for incoming fre hmen ~ ith ignifi– cant ucce 1n high chool foren ic competition. :\tu ic Group Students ~ ith mu ical abilitie ma)' de\ 1 elop and utilize their talent in an\ one of a number of mu ical ., group . In trumentali t ma)' participate in the Sym- phonic Band. Bra s Choir. String Choir , Wood~·ind Choir, or Yello~ Jacket Pep Band . \ 'ocali t ma} ing with the Concert Chorale, Men· Glee Club. Oratorio Chorus. Women· Choir or one of the man)· mall en emble directed b)' the Chri tian mini trie departmenc . Member hip in all)' of the e group 1 t) picall) determined through audition ~ 1 hich occur during "Getting Started Weekend ." tudent Government A ociation The Student Go\emment A sociat1on (SGA i(i the repre entati,e a embl) of the tudent bod)' . SGA includes officer <; elected annually· by the tudent bod)' . t~ 1 0 repre(ientatives from each cla . and representa- ti\ e from each re idence hall and rudent organization. The purpo e of SGA is to a ist in pro, 1ding a ~ ell– rounded program of extra-curricular activities . to help establi h and maintain an efficient and harmoniou school atmo phere. and to recommend to the proper authoritie or to take action deemed neces elf)' for the ~elfare of the student a an indi, 1 idual or for the student bod)' as a Vvhole. Election to SGA pro, ides an opportunit)· ro develop and exerci e leader hip in student affair . SGA is re pon ible for uch fund-rai ing project as the Student Body Project. SGA al o coordinate chapel ser,·ice each Frida)'. tudent Publications Student maintain primar)' re pon ibilit} for the publication of the college ~·earbook. The Miracle. and the college ne~· paper, Cedar . A facul[) -srudent committee provide direction and ad\·ice. Student intere ted in taff po irion ma) contact the re pecti\·e editor . Jfa1or drarna productions each quaner inl'ire students fron1 all majors ro participare. • •