1994-1995 Academic Catalog

• WSRi Student intere ted in applying and developing their kill in electronic media are encouraged to join the taff of WSRN , the College ' student radio tation. Operating at 530 AM, the tation air 56 hours weekly, erving the tudent body with entertainment and information . Though broadca ting tudent po e an edge a a re ult of their cour ework in broadca ting, rodents from all major are encouraged to apply for taff positions. Tho e interested hould contact the WSRN tation manager. Career Services The Career Service Office eeks to as i t tudent in tran lating abilitie , value and a piration into a plan of action for sound career deci ion and employment. Career Service has workshops whicl1 explore uch topics as job search techniques, re ume writing. interviewing, and gaining admis ion to graduate chool. Intere t inventory te t and a computer-a i ted career development program are available to help students in determining major and occupation . The office maintain a career library with job earch information company file for re earching job opportunities, and graduate school catalog . The course COLL-400 Employment Strategie addres es topics relative to the job earch. Avail able to all juniors and eni or during the fall and winter quarters, it offer one quarter hour of credit which may be applied toward graduation. A compl ete de cription of the course is 1 isted in the lnterdi ciplinary Studie ection of the catalog. Three pecial events, Career Day in October, ur e Recruiting Day in ovember , and the Chri tian School Recruitment Conference in February , are held each year to provide the opportunity for pro pective empl oy– ers to meet with cudent . Potential employer al. o vi it the a llege for individual on-campu recruiting days. Through the Re ume Expert program , tudent wh<) regi ter with the offi ce are placed in a job-match data ba~e program wl1ich enable areer Service. to pr()\, ide re. u1nes to employers. he office maintai11s credential files for all educatJ()O n1ajor a1d provide regi~tcred senic>r and alumni witl1 a reference/credential ervice. xisting cmployn1ent opportun1tie\ are li~ce(l in ht V.'Cekl y jc>h bulletins areer Ser\ ice\ provide stt1 - dents with perti11ent J<>b <,pp(1rtu111t} u1fc) r111at1()ll and c 11tac t 11a111es througl1 the can1pu~ wide con1pute1 netv.,ork . )'Ste111 . 'I he <)llegc reCl>g1111e'i tl1at n1ost ·cudcnts s<) l1d1f \ care r goals duri11g the cc>llegia te experience l1e a1 eer Services ffice cndeavt>rs t<> assist 111 tl1i ~ prl ce s I))' n1aintai11i11g a librar)' t>f pt:1 ti11ent inf <>t n1a– lit n <Hlct:r11ing c, r r l>J)f)l>rtunities, fll'<> vidi11g testi11g , nd cat cer c<>u 11st.:: ling in whicl1 student s are acc1uainted \\ ith tl1e care I deci i<111 111aki 11 :1 prc>ce••. Student Life 19 Counseling Services The Coun eling Service provide a place where tudent can find under tanding, encouragement, and coun el a they deal with per onal, interper onal, and piritual concerns. Coun elor are available to discu per onal prob– lem , elf-apprai al , deci ion-making, relation hip , preparation for marriage , piritual growth, and a variety of other concern . Support group are formed a needed. Thi ervice, for which tudent pay no additional charge, i provided by appointment. In the ca e of a cri i . the ervice i provided a needed. In addition, the vice pre ident for Chri tian mini - trie , faculty member , and taff member provide coun el and guidance to tudent . Faculty advi or are particularly prepared to a i t tudent in program and course election . Vehicles Fre hn1en with grade point average of 2. 50 or higher may bring motor vehicle to the College after their fir t quarter. Sophomore , junior . and enior mu t maintain a 2. 00 cumulative grade point average to retain the privilege of having a motor vehicle at the College. cy ·cal ( Dozen\ of ht1~/)lta/, and healfh 01 ga11i:at1011\ , , \II rhe < '""I"" ea h \ e,,r to rer, 11it ( eclar, tilt- 1111r\tll~ ~,adualt''