1994-1995 Academic Catalog
190 Social Sciences and History ~OC-231 Ju,·enile DelinquencJ -- p 4 hour \ ·tu<l) and tl~~e""n1ent of cau. al theor) and problem of correcuon and pre, ent1on of delinquency. ...OC-232 a~e,, ork-- p 5 hour An 1ntro<luction to the general principle and method of ca ework emplo) e<l 111 , ar1ou type of agencie . pec1al attention wi ll be gi, en co inter, 1e\\ ing kill , ca e manage1nent, intervention . trateg1e.. and the referral proce . OC-240 l\larriage and the Family--A,W,Sp,Su S hours A :tud) of the cientific knowledge which exi t about mate :elec!1on. the court hip proce s. and the adju tment problems of marriage . 0 -333 Social Stratification--A 4 hours A tudy of the cla structure and its implication for American ' OCleC) . SOC-334 ociology of Religion--Sp 4 hours The relation hip of religion to ociety with particular reference to contemporar) movemenc . OC-342 Human Sexuality--W 3 hours A tudy of Biblical content regarding human sexuality and an analy i of contemporary concepts within a framework of Christian thought. SOC-367 Re earch Methodology--A 3 hours In the pre entation of the cientific method of research, particular emphasi will be placed upon hypothesis formation, questionnaire de ign and administration, ampling, interviewing, and data collection. SOC-368 Data Analysis--W 3-5 hours The ba ic concepts of descriptive and inductive tatistics are pre ented for the purpose of analysis of data sets. Among the concepts e1npha ized are levels of anaJys i , measures of cent ral tendenc) and dispersion. probability, correlation. simple te ts of ignificance. and linear regre ion. The course will utilize a major tati tical oftware program to fami liarize the students with the power of the computer in data analys is. Prerequisite: SOC-367 Re earch MeLhodology. SOC-371 Family and Society--W 5 hours An examination of marriage and family pattern in variou cultures, with emphasis on the relationship of contemporary social movements and the family. SOC-372 Social Theory--A 4 hours A hi rorical review of major sociological theorists and a cri tical examination of their theories from a theistic perspective. SOC-373 Social Problems--Sp S hours A cudy of elected social problems for the purpo e of developing under tanding and exploring approaches to the social treatment of the e problem within a theistic framework. SOC-374 Urban Sociology--W 4 hours Variou models of the Christian approach to the contemporary urban comn1unity and social clas es. Familiarizes students with the need of urban culture, shows how variou Christian model are applied as well as what the anticipated re ults might be. (even years) SOC-375 Social l\Iovements--Sp 4 hours A study of the influence of ideas and insti rutions upon social movements in America. Satisfies general education requirement in hisLory. SOC-441 Research in Sociology--W S hours A senior re earch paper in which each student focu ses upon an 1s ue or topic within the discipline of Sociology. Social Work S\\'K-232 Casework--Sp S hours An inLroducuon LO the general principle and methods of casework emplo,ed in variou types of agencies. Special attention is given to intervie"" 1ng skill , case management, intervention strategies, and the referral proce . SWK-233 Introduction to Social Work--A 5 hours An 1ncroducnon to the profession of social work. Designed to give the cudencan under randing of the historical development and professionalizaLion of social work . Includes an overview of fields of social work service, agencies, and organizations. Serves as a prerequ isite to all other course offered in the social work program. A Christian ministry is required. SWK-301 Human Behavior and the Social Environment 1--A 4 hours An examination of the development of the individual over his life pan and his memberships in families and small groups. Utilizing a person-environment focus, the course studies the relationship between human biological, social, psychological, and cultural systems as they affect and are affected by human behavior. Prerequisite: SWK-233 Introduction to Social Work, SOC-230 Principles of Sociology. PYCH-160 General Psychology, BI0-100 Principles of Biology, PYCH-260 Human Development: Lifespan. SWK-302 Human Behavior in Social Environment 11--W 4 hours A continued examination of the social system's approach to understanding human behavior with groups, organizations, and communities. Special attention will be given to the Christian perspective on issues of diversity: age, race, ethnicity, gender, culture, social class, sexual orientation , and disabilities. Prerequi– site: SWK-301 Human Behavior in Social Environment I. SWK-311 Social Welfare Policy I --W 4 hours An examination of the institution of ocial welfare. Focus will be on the history and systems orientation of service programs. Analy is of the political proces and its impact on the social welfare ystem especially as they relate to oppressed populations. The student will also be introduced to social policy anaJysi . Prerequi– sites: BI0-100 Principles of Biology; SOC-230 Principles of Sociology; PYCH-160 General P ychology; ANTH-180 Cultural Anthropology. SWK-312 Social Welfare Policy 11--Sp 4 hours A continued examination of the social welfare sy tem, its relationship to other ystems, and the ignificaot social problems of the 1990' . Prerequ isite: SWK-3 l l Social Welfare Policy I. SWK-321 Social Work Practice 1--W S hours Fir t of a four-cour e sequence studying the practice and theory skills utilized in generalist, beginning level ocial work practice. Focus wi ll be on the knowledge, values, and ski lls basic co the social work proces . The problem-solving approach will be studied as it applies to working with individuals, families, and groups. Prerequi ite : SWK-3 11 Social Welfare Policy I : SWK-301 , 302 Human Behavior and the Social Environment I & II . (Fee: $30 for liabi lity in urance) SWK-322 Social Work Practice 11--Sp S hours This is the econd course in the sequence of professional practice course . It focu es on the integration of theory with practice . Includes further application of the generalist method of problem– solving with micro and macro systems . Prerequisi tes: SWK-321 Social Work Practice I; SWK-343 Junior Seminar I; SWK-344 Junior Field Experience I. (Fee: $30) SWK-343 Junior Seminar I --W 1 hour Thi course is taken concurrently with Social Work Practice I·and Junior Field Experience l . A special feature to the overall process is the haring of experience in a one hour per week seminar session . Prerequisi tes: BIO- I00 Principles of Biology; SWK-233 Introduction to Social Work; SWK-311 Social Welfare Policy I; SWK-301 Human Behavior and the Social Environment I; PYCH-160 General Psychology; PYCH-260 Human Development: Lifespan; SOC-230 Principles of Sociology. SWK-344 Junior Field Experience 1--W 2 hours This course is taken concurrently with Social Work Practice I and Junior Seminar I. It provides one day a week of practical field experience in a professional social work agency. The student will be under the supervi ion of a qualified field supervisor. Prerequi– sites: 810-100 Principles of Biology, SWK-233 Introduction to Social Work; SWK-3 I1Social Welfare Policy I; SWK-301 Human Behavior and the Social Environment 1; PYCH-160 General Psychology; PYCH-260 Human Development: Lifespan; SOC-230 Principles of Sociology.
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