1994-1995 Academic Catalog

• ( • • ' • , I Social Sciences and History 191 SWK-345 Junior Seminar 11--Sp 1 hour This course is taken concurrently with Social Work Practice II and Junior Field Experience II . A special feature to the overall process is the sharing of experiences in a one hour per week eminar session. Prerequisite : SWK-343 Junior Seminar I; SWK-344 Junior Field Experience I , SWK-321 Social Work Pracrice I . SWK-346 J unior Field Experience 11--Sp 2 hours This cour se is taken concurrently with Social Work Practice I and Junior Seminar I. It provides one day a week of practical field experience in a profe sional social work agency. The student will be under the supervision of a qualified field supervi or . Prerequi– sites: SWK-321 Social Work Practice I ; SWK-343 Junior Seminar I: SWK-344 Junior Field Experience I. WK-367 Re earch Methodology--A 3 hours In the presentation of the scientific method of research , particular emphasis will be placed upon hypothe i formation, que tionnaire design and administration, sampling, interviewing, and data collection. SWK-368 Data Analysis--W 3 hour The basic concepts of de criptive and inductive statistic are pre eoted for the purpose of analysi of data et . Among the concepts emphasized are levels of analysis, measures of central tendency and dispersion, probability, correlation, simple test of significance, and linear regression. The cour e will utilize a major statistical oftware program to familiarize the students with the power of the computer in data analysis. Prerequi si te : SWK-367 Research Methodology. WK-421 Social Work Practice ffi--A 5 hours A further study of social work practice in which the student learn to combine all of the appropriate methods and skills to intervene on the behalf of the client in need. Prerequisites: SWK-321 ,322 Social Work Practice I & [I ; SWK-343 ,345 Junior Seminar I & II; SWK-344 ,346 Junior Field Experience I & II . (Fee : $30 for liability insurance) WK-422 ocial Work Practice IV--W 5 hours The fmal course in the practice equence. Designed to complete the undergraduac.e program and equip the rudent for beginning level professional social work. Prerequi site : SWK-321 ,322,421 Social Work Practice I,II ,JII , SWK-343,345 Junior Seminar I & II ; SWK-344,346 Junior Field Experience I & 11 ; SWK-451 Senior Seminar I; SWK-456 Senior Field Experience 1. (Fee: $30) WK-451 enior eminar 1--A 2 hour The senior seminar meet two hour per week . It function a a professional upport group in which srudents receive upport , as well a~ constructive feedback , from their peer a they enter the profession . Prerequisites · SWK-321,322 Social Work Practice I & II . SWK-343 ,345 Junior Seminar I & II ; SWK-344,346 Junior ield Experience J & II . K-452 ' enior eminar 11--W 2 hou r A conunuauon of Senior Seminar I . A course for graduating seniors to demonl)trate their proficiency in beginning profes5ional social work prac.uc.e Invol"e !> self-evaluation a well al) group interview Prerequisites SWK 451 Senior Seminar I : SWK- 321 ,322 ,421 Social Work Pracuce I,11 & III . \.\'K-456 enior Field E. p rience I -A 5 hour. This course is taken conc.urrently ~ tth Social Work Practice 111 and St:nior en1inar I. 1'his course rt!quire~ three days per week (240 hour ) in the field , providing the ~ludent with a n1ore in-depth ps actical experience in a professional social work agency. Tht! student will apply theory to actual practical social work suuauon . The student v. 1 ill function as a beginning levt!l soc.1al worker in the a~ency under close supe1 vision of the field in&t1uccor Prcrequ1 :;ite : WK 321,322 Social \\ 1 ork Pracuce I & 11 SWK 343 Junior tn1ina1 I, ~ \\' -344 Junior I ield Experience I. ' - 7 11ior ield • p rience II W hour!) hi cou, sc is la tn conc.u1 rently with ocial 'A'or Practice I\ and Senior e1ninar 11 . lt is also a continuation of Senior field l· xpc::rien e 1 and,, ill b~ co1npleted v.·ilhin the sa1ne agenc.) fh is ,, 11l 1n lude an additional three da} per wee (240 hou1 s) of µ1 & ucal e per ien e. P1 erequitiite : \\'K-343 Junior Se1ninar J; S\\' -3 Junior l·ield l~ perien e I; ' \\' K-4 6 . eniu1 r:iel<l t perieu I . Cynthia Suuer, director of the social \Vork progra111, brings urban and in1ercultural social 1vork experience to the classroon1.