1994-1995 Academic Catalog
192 Financial Information Financial Information ollege Financial Operating Policy The application fee tuit ion, room board, and other fee are kept a low a po ible to be consistent with re pon ible operation. The revenue from students doe r1 t co er the total co t of operation. The College i partial ly upported by individuals and churche who de ire to have a hare in the preparation of young people for effective Christian service as pa tor , teacher mi ionarie evangeli ts, and dedicated Chri tian in all walk of life . Some funds are received from intere ted businesses, industries, and foundation . Student co t a stated are subject to change upon rea onable notification by the College. Student Costs Tuition *Regular Tuition-per quarter hour . ....... .. .. .. .. . .. $153 Audit Tuition-per quarter hour . ... . .. . . .. . .. . . ... .. . ... . 77 Fees Application Fee .... . . . . .. . ... . .... ..... .. .... .. ..... .. . .. .. 20 Board-per quarter . . . .. . . .. . ..... . ... . ... .. ..... .. . . .. .. . . . 680 Car Regi tration Fee-per quarter (commuter) . . .... . . . .. 6 Car Regi tration Fee-per quarter (re ident) .. . .. .. .. .... 9 Drop/Add (Course) Fee . . ....... . ..... . ..... . . .. ..... .. ..... 5 Graduation Fee ( eniors only) .... ..... . . . ..... .. ..... .. . 90 Accident Insurance Fee (e timate) ..... . ..... . . .. ...... . 42 Sicknes In urance (if not waived)(e timate) Single tudent .. . ..... . ..... . . .. ....... .... .. . .. . ..... .. ... 39 Married student and spou e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 699 Married tudent spouse and family .. . . ...... . .. . .. . 750 Late Payment Fee ... .. .... .. . . ..... . . . ..... .. . . ........ . ... 20 Lo t Room Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 ew Student Orientation Resident student-fall ..... . ..... . . .. . .. .... .. . .. ........ . . 80 Resident student-winter , spring . ..... ........ . . .. ...... 40 Commuting student-fall . . .. . .......... . .. .. ........ . .... 50 Commuting student-winter spring . . ..... . . . .. . ... . .. . 30 Reservation Deposit . . ....... .. . . ..... . .. .. .......... .. .. . 250 Room Depo it (refundable upon withdrawal) ... ................ 30 Room-per quarter (with computer , double occupancy) ..... 790 Room-per quarter (South , Harriman Bethel dorm ) ........ 625 Te t-out Fee-per quarter hour ... .. . . . .. .. . ..... . ....... . 77 Transcript Fee .... . . . ..... . .. . . . ............ .. ... .. ........ . .. 3 * Senior citizens may enroll in courses fo r credit or no credit on an available space basis at no tuition charge . Accident Insurance Fee All students carrying six or more credit hours are required to pay the Accident Insurance Fee which provides group coverage fo r accidental injuries. The Accident and Sickness Insurance Plan brochure, available at Patterson Clinic, explains this coverage in detail. Sickness Insurance All students carrying six or more credit hours will be charged for sickness insurance coverage, unless they have completed and returned the insurance waiver card before the end of the third week of Fall Quarter. If a student 's education is interrupted, the waiver card process must be repeated before the end of the third week of the returning quarter . The insurance waiver card is included with the Accident and Sickness Insurance Plan brochure available at Patterson Clinic. Clinic priveleges are available to all students carrying 6 or more credit hours, even if sickness insurance is waived. Summary of Costs Basic Expenses Estimated basic costs for the academic year of 1994- 1995 (excluding transportation, personal expenses, books, and laboratory fees) : Tuition (ba ed on 16 quarter hour ) Board (21 meal s per week) Room (with computer network) Accident Insurance Fee (estimate) Total Estimated Costs Other Expenses $7,344 2 040 2,370 126 $11,880 Other yearly expenses may be estimated as follows: books and supplies . .. . .. .. .... .. .. . .. ..... .. .. .. . ... ... $555 personal expenses (including clothing laundry, recreation, and personal items) ... . ..... .. ... . .. .. $1 ,015 transportation (based on state of residency) . $115-2600 Financial aid may be available to help with college costs. Contact the College's fmancial aid office for additional information concerning available funds and application procedures. Financial Registration Policy To enable the College to be responsible in meeting its financial responsibilities, each student must make provision for the payment of his or her college bill at the beginning of each quarter . A student 's registration fo r classes is his/her obligation and commitment to pay for related charges as stated in the college catalog . To help students care for this responsibility, the first two days of each quarter are set aside for fmancial registration. A student is not considered registered until arrangements for payment have been fmalized with the business office. Any student who does not make fmancial arrangements for the payment of his or her college bill will not be permitted to eat in the college cafeteria , use the library, or attend classes and may be asked to leave the College.
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