1994-1995 Academic Catalog
~ ' :.•&J e.r " ~ r. ~ &J1, Financial Information 193 otification of the College Bill Student who preregister will receive an invoice ba ed on their preregistration schedule ten to fifteen days before the quarter begins. A statement of student account is generated each month that the account has activity. Invoices and account statements are directed to the student at his/her current college residence. Student may request to have statements sent to their parents address · however, they are til l addres ed to the student. For•••Sof Payment Students may pay their college bills using ca h money orders, personal checks, certified checks, or checks drawn on a major credit card. Payments may be made at the cashiers office or at their temporary location during fmancial registration. Payment Penalties Students who fail to make acceptable payment ar– rangements within a rea onable period of time wil l be denied acces to the cafeteria and library until uch arrangement are made. Students who do not make fmancial arrangements within the fir t two days of the quarter will be charged a $20 late registration fee. Tho e who do not pay their bills in full will be charged 1.083 % interest per month on the unpaid balance . Student with unpaid balances at the end of a quarter could be denied enrollment in the next quarter , grade reports, transcripts, and/or college diploma. They wi ll also be re ponsible for any fees incurred in the collec– tion of their past due account. Intere t Rat e An annual intere t rate of 13% (1.083 % per month) will be charged from the beginning of fall quarter to the end of pring quarter on account of tudent enrolled in the current quarter . An annual intere t rate of 15 % (1.25 % per month) , will be charged during the academic year on account of students no longer enrolled; and, during the un1mer montl1s on all student accounts . Pa m nt Plan Students may take advantage of one of two pay1nent plans: 1 Pa ment in ull is the mo\t popular payn1ent pla11. 111 plan in\olves paying tl1c full ar11c>u11t due a indicated 011 tl1e tude11t I11,.1oicc w1t l1ir1 the fir~t two da)fs of 1l1e acade1111c ter111 quarter) . Pa) 111e11t enve– lopes availal>Je (>Il ca1t1pu " duri11~ registration e11able tudent to send cl1ecks tl1rc>ugl1 1ntracan1pu'!) n1a1l a11d avoid s1andi11g in li11es. 2 . 'f'hr -Pay Plan 111akes it J)Ossible for tl1e stude11t to pay l1is/l1er ullege bi 11 i11 three pa)'t11ents spread O\ er i t)' da)' . A11 inL~J est c l1argc of 1. 083 % per 111<.>11tl1 i 111ad n tl1e u111)a1d bala11ce . First Payn1ent: At lea t one-third of the amount the tudent is required to pay i due at financial regi tra– tion. This i the amount of the student' bill remaining after fmancial aid grant and cholar hip are deducted. When thi payment i made , the student ha completed financial registration. A late fee of $20 is a e ed if the first payment is not made by the end of the finan– cial registration period. Seco11d Pa)1ment: At lea t one-half of the rudent, remaining balance i due within four week following fmancial registration. An intere t charge of 1.083 % per month i made on the unpaid balance . A late payment charge of $20 i a e ed on all account that at lea t two-third of the tudent quarterly bill after financial aid ha not been paid by the econd payment due date. Third (final) Pa}'tnent: The remaining balance owed by the tudent i due within eight week of financial regi tration. A late payment charge of $20 i a e ed on all tudent account with a balance remaining after thi deadline. An intere t charge of 1.083 % per n1onth i made on the unpaid balance . The use of the Three-Pay Plan constitutes a debt obligation of the student to the college and is payable in terms as stated. Each pa rent and each student must consider and under st and the full co t and obligation of the commitment being made. 3. Prepayment Incentive Cr edit P lan (Pl -Plan ) enable tudent co earn intere t on tudenc ace unt tl1at have a credit bala11ce of 500 or more. lntere t earned i credited monthly. Thi plan operate auto– matically a oon a the tude11t ha a credit bala11ce L1f 500 or more on the fir t day of a calendar n1 nth . Prepayment can be n1ade anytime. II pa)·n1ent are credited in1mediately to the .. tude11t' s acc(1u11t. The College re erve the right to lin1it tl1e an1ou11t .. ti~pos- ited under tl1e PTC-Pl an. l11tere. c rare are e~tahl1sl1ed on a quarterly ba, i begin11i11g January l, pril 1. July 1, a11d Ocl<)her l . Please call (5 l 3) 766- 766: ft)r tl1e current rate . Please re<.1uest a current Pl Pla11 brocl1ure fro111 the d111i s\i<.)tl \.i C)r C·1"l1ier·, Office~ ft)r 111c)re details . Withdr,l\\'als fro111 a Stude11t ccot111t (( redit B,11- ance) ~tudent n1a\ \\tthura\, iltnti, frln11 h1, t)r he1 ac.:c.:c1u11c it the acc<.)Ulll ha~ a c1 edll l)ala11ce (',1,11 w1tl1dra\\al'-I t<)lalling 5l) n1,1\.1n1un1 llld) l)~ n1,1tit: t)tl a \\eekly ba\t l) n1tHe 1ha11 t\\l) L,1,11 ,,1thtlra,,al" 111,1, he 111ade 111 a \\eek. (> ,vithLlr,t\\ ,tl\ ,11 t: ,ill )\\ e<.1 duri11g tl1e week. t)t t111a11cial rt~g1"trattllil . \\ 1tl1<.ir,,,, dl, tlf anll>Unt~ greater 1l1a11 ~l) ,11 e 1,"ued h, t lle(k t1~1t)11 ~ . t \!<.Jue~t ac tl1e <..,tshier's ,ttu.:~ . ( ' he<..k.111tl<..e,"1ng 1ll>1 n1all)' 1et1u1re l>11e l,r t\\C> full hu 1ne,, Lid\,
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