1994-1995 Academic Catalog

194 Financial Information re,,· tude11t Re er, 1 ation Depo it Refund r er,'ation d po it 1nu t be ubmitted by new tud nc a an indication of the incentiion to enroll . The an1ount of the depo it i $250 . Thi money wi ll be redirect t the tudenc' account and u ed to cover first quarter e pen e . A tudent n1u t ubmit a re ervation depo it in order to be regi tered for cour e . The re ervation depo it i fully refundable if the reque c for refur1d i received before the re ervation depo it deadline. Reque t for refund received after the re ervation depo it deadline are partially refundable ($ 150 of the $250 depo it) until the refund date. No refund are avai lable after the refund dates. Re ervation depo it ubmi sion deadlines and refund date are a fo ll ows: Ter111 Fall Quarter Winter Quarter Spring Quarter Summer Se ion I Summer Se sion II Deadline May 1 November 15 March 1 May 15 August 1 Refund date September 1 December 15 March 15 June 1 August 15 Continuing Student Reservation Deposit Refund Full ( 100 %) refunds will be made to continuing students who notify the College by July 1 of their cancellation. $100 of the deposit is non-refundable to continuing students who notify the College between July 2 and Augu t 15 of their intention not to return fall quarter . No refunds will be made after Augu t 15. Withdrawal Refunds Tuition and Science Laboratory Fees Student wi thdrawing from the College before the end of a quarter may request a refund from the Business Office. Refunds may be requested anytime after the beginning of a quarter. The effective date of t11e withdrawal from the College is the last day of class attendance as determined by the Academic Records Office. Processing of refunds will begin the third week of the quarter . Tuition and science laboratory fee refunds for wi thdrawal are granted on tl1is schedule. Fir r full calendar week or less . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 % Second full calendar week or less .... . . . ..... . . . . .... 75 % Third full calendar week or less . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 % Fourth full calendar week or less . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 % Over four full calendar weeks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . no refund Cour e offerings changed or deleted by the College entitle a student to a full refund of tuition and related course fees. Student withdrawing from a course or courses will be granted full tuition refunds to apply toward courses added. If the new total hours are fewer than the original total, the above refund schedule will apply. Other Fees All other fees are not refundable except for with– drawal within the first full calendar week of the quar– ter. Board Board charges will be refunded on a proportionate weekly basis. Board weeks begin on Sunday and end Saturday. Board refunds are computed based on the la t day of residency. Full board contracts are required for all students living in the residence halls. There are no partial board contracts available. Room Rooms are reserved for each student for an entire quarter . No refund of room rent is made except in cases of severe illness or incapacity . Written confirma– tion of the illness or incapacity must be provided by the Director of Patterson Clinic or a physician. Room rent will then be refunded on a proportionate basis. Federal Refand Policy In addition to the overall institutional policy require– ments, the following regulations mandated by the United States Department of Education are applicable. When a refund is due a student under Cedarville College's refund policy and the student received frnancial aid under any federal Title IV funds , except the college work study program a portion of the refund shall be applicable to the Title IV programs based on a federal formula. Veterans Training Benefits and Dependents Educational Assistance Cedarville College is approved under Title 38, Chapters 30, 31, 32, 35, and 106 U.S. code for education of veterans and their dependents. Students under Chapters 30, 32, 35, and 106 are required to pay the school for all charges. The Veter– ans Administration in turn pays them a monthly allow– ance based upon their training load. Veterans under Chapter 31 are paid a monthly allowance and the Veterans Administration pays the school for tuitioi;i fees, books, and supplies. Inquiries concerning eligibility should be directed to the Contact Office of a Veterans Administration Regional Office. Students planning to study under one of the education laws should receive approval prior to enrolling. A Veterans Administration training officer will contact the college in the disabled cases to accom– plish this requirement for the student. Deferred Payment Plan for Veterans For Option Deferred Payment Plan for Veterans (under chapters 30, 31 , 32, and 35) receiving the Educational Assistance Allowances, consult the Aca– demic Records Office .