1994-1995 Academic Catalog
2 Introduction A Word From Our President, Dr. Paul Dixon Tha11k you for your intere tin Cedarville College! Thi catalog i de igned to answer many of the que tion you may have about u . Plea e read it carefully. I also invite you to vi it our campus to see for yourself why Cedarville College i such a popular college among committed Christian young people today. We would love to have you join u and prepare for your life's career and ministry in thi dynamic learning environment. Christians have countle opportunitie to erve Christ through bu iness, medicine, law engineering, education, the pastorate mission , public office, coun eling, and many other profe ions. At Cedarville we trive to challenge you to be both a committed Christian and a competent profe ional o that you can make a difference in this world for Je us Christ. I believe that you will be particularly impres ed with the people who make up Cedarville College. Our faculty, taff, and admini trators are here to teach you and to erve you in many different role , and also to encourage you to grow in Chri t. They will demon– strate a incere concern for your growth--intellectually, phy ically emotionally, ocially, and piritually. You will make lifelong friend during the time you are here, and you will find we really are family. Cedarville ' education combine per onal attention from godly faculty with a high-tech environment that command national attention. You will be able to log on to CedarNet, our campu -wide computer network from mo t dormitory room or from everal lab . CedarNet will connect you to profe or other stu– dent , the college library, and a multitude of oftware programs to enhance your Cedarville education. CedarNet i now linked with Internet which gives you acce to computer in educational institution and bu ine e around the world. A the Lord enable , we will continue to build or renovate building which wi ll add to your learning experience. Over 95 % of our academic pace ha been constructed or renovated within the pa t 10 year . The new 100,000 quare-foot Engineering/Nur ing/Science Center wa ready for the 1992-93 chool year. Mo t of our tudent have ome cla e in thi tate-of-the-art facility. Other building completed in recent year include the Centennial Library, the George S. Milner Busine Admini tration Building, the Alford Audito– rium Annex for mu ic, and re idence hall --Brock Hall and two additional wing on Willett Hall . Every year we remodel or redecorate other facilitie . For l 06 year Cedarville College ha offered Chri - tian higher education con istent with biblical truth. We tand ready to help prepare you to erve our unchang– ing Chri t in a rapidly changing world--in thi decade and on into the 21 t century.
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