1994-1995 Academic Catalog

20 Christian Ministries Tl1e l1risci ·111 111 ini .. trie departn1e11t coordinate all Ct)llegc-spt)Il. 1red ~rude11t n1i1i trie. . Ce?arville view i11di\ idual 111ini trv invol e1nent to be a vital and 11e 'e, ._ 3 f ) ' part f eacl1 ._ tudent ' education and per onal grt)\\'tl1. The n1i1d et a11d moti vatio1 for Chri ti an ;11i 1i.. tr ie.. a t Cedar,,ille i refl ected in the college stated purpo .. e ar1d objec tive . The College trive to hatter the mind et of isolating Cl1ri. ciani t):-to a Su11day-church experience. Student are taught that biblical Chri tianity i demon trat ing a ..... er\'aI1t· hea rt in all arena of life. All are challenged to con ide r h w their academic di cipl ine , athletic incere t . or hobbie can be u ed to demon trate their fa ith . By trerching tudent ' vi ion of n1ini try Cedarville endeavors to develop a con tant awarene of the call of God upon their live to meet the need of the individual He providentiall y bring aero their path . Directed by the vice pre ident fo r Chri tia11 ministrie and coordi11ated through 8 additional full-time taff 1nember and everal other part-time taff member the Chri tian mini tries department provide training and a i ranee to the hundred of students who volunteer for any of the more than 100 different mini trie each quarter. Campus Ministries Campus Interaction Teams Cedarville i convenient ly ituated near everal other coll ege and univer itie . Ranging in enrollment from 1,000 to 20 000 tudents, the e chool offer Cedarville tudents excellent opportunitie to build fri end hip with other their own age and win them to Christ. Student utilize Bible studie discus ion group , and one-on-one interaction to hare the truth of God' love. S1ude111s enrich Iii es ~ slzohtng loie 10 people of all ages. Cedarville Bapti t Fellowship The Fellow hip provide tudent with opportuni tie for wor hip Sunday chool, and prayer meeting, right on campu Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings , and Wedne day evening . The vice pre ident for Chri tian mini trie , who also erves as campu pa tor direct the Fellow hip relying upon the Advisory Seven a group of men elected by the tudents attending the Fellowship, to help coordinate the ervice and activitie . These men oversee every a pect of the service . Student them- elve teach Sunday chool cla es on a variety of topic . Speaker include off-campu guest faculty, taff, and tudent . Special music, choir , song leaders, u hers and all otber po itions are fi lled by students. These opportunitie enable rudents to use and develop valuable ministry kill whi le gaining very practical experience. The vice pre ident fo r Christian ministrie desires to be a pa tor to the tudents while they are away from their home church. Student can be assured of his prayerful attention to each need and hi trictest confidence in all matter of per onal coun eling. Cedarville College Discipleship Student intere ted in leading or participating in di cipleship program hould contact the Chri tian mini trie office . Community Ministries Cedarville College i located in a region known as the Miami Valley, an area encompassing the cities of Columbus, Dayton and Cincinnati a well as the hundred of smaller communities out ide of these major metropolitan area . Community mini tries seek to serve individual of thi area by providing as istance in pecialized area , by meeting individual needs and ultimately by demon trating the love of Chri t. Ap– proximately 60 team serve the community each week. Adult Literacy Students involved in thi ministry provide one-on-one or mall group tutoring at a local vocational chool to area adult seeking the GED (Graduate Equivalent Diploma) . The close relation hip that result often lead to opportunitie for evangelism. Crisis Pregnancy Centers (CPC's) Students a sist everal area center that endeavor to provide information and coun el to women who are contemplating abortion.