1994-1995 Academic Catalog
• Ci£ • • , Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress for Recipients of Financial Aid Policv ~ Fi~ancial _aid recipient at ~edarville College are required to achi~ve san factory a~adem~c progress to be eligible to continue co receive federal _financial a s1 cance. The purpo e of thi policy is to defin~ the req~u~ement f~r ati factory academic progre as it pena1ns ~o rec1p1ents of Tnle IV federal aid programs. Cedarville College recognizes that condition which create the need for fmancial a si tance may al o create other educational needs ~hich require extra time and slo\ver progre in achieving ~ducauonal goal . Student who, becau e of exceptional educa– oonal need , must make lower progres than outlined in the policy or who find them elves victims of unusual circum tances are encouraged to di cus their situation with their academic advi or an_d_the_fm31!cial aid office . Where legally po sible , becau e of m1ugating c1rcum tance , exemption to thi s policy can be con id– ered. When. the Congress of the United States enacted the Higher Educallon Amendment of 1976, eligible in titutions were directed to define and ~nforc~ tandard of progress for students receiving federal financial a s1 tance. The program directly involved at Ceru~rville College are : ( 1) Federal Pell Grant , (2) The Federal P~rk1ns Loan. (3) The Federal Supplemental Educational Opportu– nity Grant-FSEOG, (4) Federal Work Study-FWS , and (5) Stafford/ PLUS Loans. Full-Time Students To be eligible for full benefits of federal title IV funds under– graduate recipienrs of fmancial aid must enroll for a mi~imum of twelye (12) credit hours of classes during each quarter that aid is received. All sruden~s are required to have a cumulacjve grade point average of 2.00 (C) 10 ord~r to b~ graduated from Cedarville College. The fo~low1ng academic. requirements would be appropriate in achieving this ~oal and !1Jlfilhng the term "carrying to completion" the required credit hours. In order co meet academic progress tandards. studenLs must complete a minimum number of credit hours.based on a pe~centage of work to be completed and maintain a m1n1mum.cumulauve gra~e p~int consistent with the requirement for .graduation. The following illustrate the academic progres pohcy: Hour attempted Completed (percent) Completed (credits/yr) Completed (cum credits) Miniinun1 cum GPA 1-48 65 % 31 31 1.70 49-96 70% 34 65 1.90 97-144 75% 36 10 l 2.00 145-240 80% 38 139 2.00 Satisfactory acade1nic progress means that firsL-t11ne students rnust, after a reasonable probauona1 y period not to exceed two quarters c::x~ept in cases of n1it1gating circu1n tance , have regis- 1ered the n1in11nun1 cumulative grade point average each quarter therealler above. In addition these students must con1plcte 65 % or 31 c1 edit hour t.he fir t academic year, 70i or 34 c. redn hours {total of 65 credus) the second year, 75 % or 36 crcdll hour (rota! ot 1q 1 c1edils the third year, 80% or 38 credu hours (total ot 139 credns) the fourth year. OT : un1ula1ive grade point is 1neasurcd each quarter: percentage o! " ork or creui1 hours co1npleted t\ 1neasured once each acaden11c year . It 1s assu,ned that the 1naJortt) of student\ " ·ill grad.uate in the norn131l tin1e trau1e . I IO\\' t:\'et. no student Jll,l) cont!nue n1ore chan hve }ear s iu order to co1nplete ht!).her aca– den11c p1 ogra1n . J{ega1 die s ot the credit hours a full -tirne student anen1pt , v.hich (; annot , . ceed 240, he/ he n1u t cl>1npletc th~ p 1 ~rll~~e ot \\'Of · ~c , edu J~our s and ha, e the app, oprialt. cu1nulau, e grade point as upulated. Financial Information 199 Aid r~cipient who fail to complete the required number of credlt hour listed ab?v_e during the applicable academic year and who do not mee.t the m1n1mu1n grade point requirement each quarter ,vi ll be con 1de~ed as no~ making ~ti fac~ory academic progre . The e tudent will be ubJect co having their federal aid di continued unles t}lere are ~itigating circum tance involved that may affect a rudent academic progre . Student who withdra~ from all cour e. du_ring any quarter will be required co confer with che fina1:c 1aJ aid office and oc~er appropriate offices. ff pennitted to continue, tudent who ~1thdraw from.all cour e during each quar_rer for .two con ecut1ve quarter \Vtll be con idered a · not making a.ti . factory academic progre and \viii be di continued fron1 rece1v1ng federal financial aid . I_n conjunction .with chool policy the grading n1ark F. I, and WF w111 not be considered as ucces ful completion of cour e. ac– tempte~ . Incomplete (l) grade can be con idered when co1npleted according t.o the pr~vi ion in the college catalog . Cour e that are repeated will count 1n the calculation of hour attempted and completed hour earned !f the rudent receive a pa ·ing grade ~ however, all grade received for the cour~e \vill be included in the grade point calculation . Credit hour in which a (CR) ha. been earned count to\vard total graduati~n requirement but are not u ed in che co111putation of grade point average . on-credit hour for ~hich an ( C) ha been earned are noc u ed in the computation of grade point average . Repeat ~our e credit earned are averaged into the cumulari e grade poi~t average. , however credit ~our are counted only once . (AU)_Audit, (W) Wllhdrawal , (WP) Withdrawal Pa ing do not constitute hour attempted or completed. Summer school credit hour earned will be included in the academic year to which ummer e ion are a igned. They \Vill be evaluated the ame a hour earned in regular quarter e ion . Part-time Student Students who enroll for le than a full -cin1e ba i ( 12 credit hour per quarter) will receive proportionately le financial aid than a full-time student a dictated by lower chool co t and federal regulation . Similar academic progre requirement. for full -time apply co part-time enrollment on a proportional ba is. Financial aid will not be awarded to tudenc \\ ho enroll for le. s than ix hour of credit per quarter (half-tin1e). T r an fer tudent Tran fer tudent who ha, e nc er attended Ceda r, llle Coll e!!t: will be treated a ne\v tudent. . fter con1pletion of che prohauon- ary period , the tran fer credit plu che credll rece1\ ed 4u Cedarville College and che cun1ul ati\ e grade point earned \\ 111 ht! Lhe evaluating factor to detern1ine 1f progn.!'>" ,.., e\ 1<lent. h~l'..c'd \.)11 the currenl saci factor) acaden11c progre..., ... p l)ltC) Ho,, to Ree t abli h E ligibilit) When a , tudent i: denied aid hecau,c ot lac k. llt 411:.tdt·nuc progres , add1tional course , acCedar, tile n1u...,t he tttk.en ,H thl' sludent '\ ov. n e\pen e. Thi~ \\ 111 he neci:~ ar) u1u1l tht! ininin1un1 cumulat1, e grade poinc a\ erage an<l the rcqutred n1in1 nnnn L t\.'Ull hours needed meet the acade1uic progre,, critt'rton In ,\11 ~·.1...,e,, the ~cudcnt, upon con1plec1on ot thc',c ri:quirt•n1en1, 1nu,c ,chetlult• an appo1ntn1ent ,, tth the l inan 1al \1<l 0 th ,e tl) detcr,nint· h1, he1 futurt! ehgibilit) for federal ,1 , ~1, t,lllLC lctl1od for ppcnl tudent, \\ ho have hce n discnntinucd front finan ial aid h.. t\ e a 1i~l1t to appeal and tnn do sub, \\t ttten notifi uion ll) the direlt H ol ~tudent tinanc.. i,tl ,ud \ ll appt .,1 111u:-.t inL lude ,uh,t un1, t• reasons for llulu1c to corupl) \\ ith the p1 >, i,1ons )t th1, p )li ') • ..lll l all e tenuating circu1nstances 11n1st he.: supporte l b) llll' U1nc·11tatinn . ·1 he du t'cto1 of stutlt:nt fin,tt1\.1al aid\\ ill it• pond b) lctte1 to ea ·h appeal ,uH.l euhc>r appll)\ C 01 d1,app1,), ~ the ,ttH.lt 'nt', ( l,nunuc1uon of financial aid . J· u1 thc1 appl"clls l:ctll be 111<1dt~ to che l 111.tnrnll \ 1 t ( 01111Hit1ee ct 1u.l to tht'. \ 1 ·e P1 esH.ient ol Student Ser , ll:c,, 1f 1equi1~d .
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