1994-1995 Academic Catalog

200 Financial Information tud nt Right . . 'f ou ha, e the righc to kno,v '"' hat financial aid program are available at your - chool. . . . . ) 'ou ha, e the right to kno\ th.e deadhne for _ubmttung applica– tion, for each of che financial aid program avatlable. 'tr ou ha\'e the riohc to kno,v how financial aid will be distributed, ho,v de i ion.. on°chat di cribution are n1ade, and the basi for the e dee, ion . 't' ou have the rioht to know how your financial need wa deter– n1ined . Thi incl~de ho,v co.. t for tu ition and fee • room and board, travel, book and uppl ie , per onal, and mi cellaneous expen e . et . , are con idered in your budget. ou have the right to know what re ource (such a parent~! contribution, other financial aid, your as et , etc.) were considered in the calculation of your need. . You have the right co know how much of your financial need a determined by the in tirucion ha been met. You have the right to reque tan explanation of the various pro2:ram in your tudent aid package . You have the right to know your chool' refund policy . Student Re ponsibilitie I . You mu t complete all appl ication forms accurately and submit them on time to the right place. 2. You must provide correct information. In most instances, misreporting information on financial aid application forms is a violation of law and may be considered a criminal offense which could result in indictment under the U.S. Criminal Code. 3. You must return ail additional documentation , verification, correction , and/or new information requested by either the financial aid office or the agency to which you submitted your application. 4. You are responsible for reading and under tanding all forms that you are asked to sign and for keeping copies of them. 5. You must accept responsibility for all agreements that you sign. 6. You must perform the work agreed upon in accepting a College Employment award. 7. You mu t be aware of and comply with the deadlines for application or reapplicat ion for aid. 8. You should be aware of your chool' refund procedure . 9. All schools must provide information to prospective students about the school' programs and performance. You should consider th.i information carefully before deciding to attend a school. The sunshine of the spring quarter encourages so,ne professors to reach their classes outdoors.