1994-1995 Academic Catalog

II lru. tet!~. Jdrl11n1 trJh.1r . tull-un1~ t:,cult). and '-l,ttf supp"'rt Jnd adhere- ll' the dt~lrtnal tJten1cnt .1nd It tc~t, le ' \.'llHn1cn1cnt l,f Cedln tile Colle~e. ... ctrinal "' tat enient \\ e l1elie,e 111 the cr1pture-. l,r the Old . .1nu c,, Tc. t31ne-nt~ ·•" , erhall~ 111 pired b~ God ~1nd inerrant 111 the orig1n.1l "rtt1ngs. en1brac1n~ .. 111 rnatter~ \\ Inch the Bihl1cal ,\Ulht1r• • 1dJr~'1.. anti ..... behe, e that the~ are of . upre1nc and t1nJl .1uthorit~ in f,uth and hfl' . II Tin101h, 3 16.1,: II Peter l:19 21. \\ c belle, e 111 one God-eternal. on1n1ptHcnt. 0111n1scicnt. and on1n1pre,ent. e,1..,ung a~ three Per,on~ Futher. on.•u1d 111.,l) ptrll. one 1n nature, aur1hule~. po,, er. and glor). ,cnesi~ 1: l .26: Pro, erb 30:-l-: ~ 1ark 12:29: lat the,, _s : 19: 11 or1nth1ans I J: 14: John I 1 4. 14. l : CtS 5 .... 4 \\ e behe,e that the Lord Je. u.;; Christ \\'a. hcgoucn hy the llol, ._ . . p1nr. born of I.he , irgin 1ar). and that l lc i~ both true od and true 1nan. ~1attlH!\\ I : 1 _5_ Luk.c I :26 35: Phtlippian~ 2:6 l l: I a1ah 7: 14: John I · 14. \\ e belle, e in the literal 6 da, account tlf creation. that the .. creauon of' n1an lie 1n the pccial. 1n1n1ctliatc. and ro r1nati, c act~ or God and not f ron1 pre, iou I) c,i,ting t'orn1s of ltfc . Genest~ 1.26.27: 2. 7-9, 16.17; 3: 1- 19. We belle, e that n1an ,, tlS created perfect 1n the irnagc or Hld. that he inned and thereb) incurred not only ph) ical death hut also thut ~p1ruual and eternal death ,vhtch is cparauon fron1 God . and that all hutnan being are born ,, 1th a sinful nature, an<.I "'e ar~ sinners in thought. '-'Ord, and deed. Gcne~is 3: 1-6: Ron1:111 1: I .32. 3: 10 19.5·12,19 We behe, e that the Lord Je us Chr1 t died for our sins accoruing to the cripturcs a · a rcprc\entat ivc anti suh"titut ionary sacri lice and ro,e again for our JU ttlu.:ation. and that all ,vho heltcvc 1n ll 11n are Jusuhed on the ground\ of I It\ ,hcd blood and arc sa\cu hy grace through fallh wholl) apart I ron1 hunu111 111crit and \\ or1's . els 13:39: 16·, 1. Ron1,u1, 3:21 28: L· phc\1an, 2.8 10: r1tl1s 3:1 8. We belltvc that all ~ho rccc1,c by faith the J ord Jesus a1c horn again by the I loly p1rit through the Wot <.I ot God and thcrch becorne thl! children of God forever and an.! ctcrnall) secure. John 1: 12,13; 3:3-16: 5.24, 10 28 7.9: I Peter t ·23: II Peter l 4 11 . We believe lhat the I fol) \p1rll is,, divine Per,nn, equal ,, llh (iod the P'athc1 and God the Son, that I le \\,as at uve 111 t rt•ation . that I h: convicts oi in, 1 ightcousncss. and jud!'Jllcnt, tlitlt I le 1s the ! 1 cn1 in the new hi1 th; that I It: baptizes all hchc,crs intn the: hod) oJ hri t :ll l:onvcr ion; that Ile ind\\.'clls. seals, cndttl.'S, gu ides, tea hc!i, wit1H! sc , sanctifies, and help the hcltL\CI' . Psahn tJ<J :7- 1.; John 14 : 16,17; 16: 1 ,14; l{o1ua11s8:<J ; re 01111thians<,: t9 . V.'e l elic c that the si 1 11 gi lt ol the I loly Spirit a,c co111plctcd and a,c 1101 applicahlc tu the \\'OI k of the l loly Spit it toda.. I 01 inthian 12:8-1O. 28 30; 14: I 40. V./c helle,c in the 1111111inen1 " liles~cd I lopej, " the J{ap1u1c oJ lhl' chu ,ch l cfo1c the trahulall<ln, \\hen the '' I 01d shnll de ccn<l l1l1111 hea, en" 10 cat h up I Ii h, i<lc to 111cct J l ii11 in the uir ,tn<l "so h.tll \\e C\cr I c \\llh the J 01d." Jl hn I · 1 3, I ' I lies alo111 u1s t· 1. 18; I 011ntl11an 1 : I • ¥.'e I hc,c 1n 1he literal , hod1ly 1c u11ectiou ol thl' c1uci l1cd I <>t<l , 111 a cen ion 1ntu Jh:a,en, lh pr cut hie thc11.· 11 ou, 11 1 •h J'11cs1 and Ad, ate , itnd I la pe1 c111al, l ochl), , 1 rhlc JL:'lUI n to th,· c.111h at the end f 11t ~ 111uul,u1on 10 e tabhsh I 11 uullcnn11l Kan 1 dP111 1,11 th l ul P1 tc11tal • lhc I 111 • of I 11a 1 , nnd t~1te111e11t 201 l l,r<l l1f l l't i~ l ukt' 24 ,(, 4; ..h,hn 2l) 4 2ll. \ 1..·t, t ,) l l : I lt,r1nth1,u1~ l. 2S. Rt'\l 'l.Hh 'll t ~ "'; l'l ti tc,. 'Oc, \\ c bcl1l', I.' 1n the b\.,thl, rt•,u111..\.'lll'll l,t ,\II the dl',\d th·,,,, l'd h1 a htt' ,,r l'{l'l ll,\I \ !l1.lt \ .Hl I hh,~ lll H ',I\ <..'ll \\ tth l ~1.ld . tht' un,.1, l'd t,, • l'tl '11l.Jl Jl1' .. h!llll'lll lll ((lt\M.. ' ll1\IS "'\ltlt'l llH! ,llld \\ l't' ll\ th' l.lkl' lll (111: . ' J l1 h n 5: 2 ~ .- Q. R l', I.' 1, H11.,n ' l) Cl . I I l " . 2 l I ~ . \ t .\l th l'" l () ' ~ . 18.~~, Q . 2: .4 l .4c, : ~ t.,rk l) · -l,, 4ll . 11 l'hc,,.111.,n1.1n, I <, Q \\ l' bcht'\ <...' 111 pl·r ,tlll.tl ,1.:p.11.H11.,n 11,,,n .\II p1 .1 ·11 ' t' ' .u1d 1nllu l'l\L'l'~ 1.)r thl' \\ ,,, IJ \\ lltl'h h1ndct ,\ ,p1r1t ltlll'd lttc \\ l' hcht'\ l' ti\ l~1blil'al Sl'p,1r.llH1n ft\Hn all 11.,rn1, ,,t c · · I ·~1.\,tt~.1l .tp\.,,t.1~, RtHn~111~ 12 I . .1.unc~ ~ 4-. l .h,hn 2 IS 17. ll t\,11ntlu,1n, (, 14: 7: I : ("t,losstan, J : I t..,. 1{( nn.111, (, I 14-. t ~.1lat 1.111" " t C1 '5 \\ ,.;: h~llL' \ c th.ll ll i, the p1 ,, 1lcgl' .tnd rc~pt,n,1h1hl\ \,t L'' t'l'\ hcllc, ~r t1.) hl' a pcr ,on.tl :,.out "11\lll'I' ,1nd t\, dn h1, utllH)\t t,, ~,, c the gospel l)l ('h1 1:,.t tn the \\hnlL' ,,nrld 1.trk t<, I . \ L· t, IS. Jt1hn 17: 18: 20:21 . ll l ,or1nt ht,1n, S 20 . \Vi: hclic,c thal thl' 11.,ral t ' hur ·h is .1n ,,, ~.1111,cd (\'IH!t L'~.ltHlll l,t ... ... ... in11nl'r:,.,.;:J hl'hc, l'r,. a,s\1c1,\11..'d h, C()\ l'll,\lll, ,,b,cr, tth! th1: . ~ ordinanL·cs ol C hr1,t . ha, 111~ the 1.,111 ·c" \,t p.,~t1.,1 ,\lu..l ll',\ ·1.,n. C\l'rl'i~ing the gift", right,. prh tll'!!l':,. .• 1nd rc,pnn"1h1ht1c, !!,l \l'll thcn1 h, 1l ts \ \,rd .. ind that It h.1s thl' ,1h,1..lhllc r1~ht \l( :-.L'II . ' no, crnn1t·nt \\ c hl'hc, L' th.H thl' ,hurl'h \\ h1l'h ,, 1 ti, l~l,d, ~ . i1u:ludcs all c,, l'cs1 ~11l\L'llt hclll', l'r" . l,tttht'\\ I~ I) 17. I or1nth1ans 1.2: 7. 17. 11 : 16 , l r1111nth) 1 l l:'1 . l r\H111thi.1n, I _:28 : l.. phl'Sl:lll\ 1· 22.23. 2 14.1 ~ . • - 1 12 \Ye hclil'\ c that the Sc11ptu1 al nrd1n:1111:t' ' nt lhL' h,L·.11 t'hu1\'h .11 t' l3ap1i,n1 and lhl' l llrd', Suppl'!'. th,11 l~.tpt1,n1. h, 111H\\L'l '"'n . ,hnuld hL' .tdn11111slL'l'L'd tn hL·llc, l'I' lH\I\ , .1, ,111 1dt•nt 1I, 111~ ,, n1h,1I . ' r,I' their belie I in the dl':tlh , hu11al. .1nd IL',ut'1l'l.:llnn ,,1 nut l lHd .u1d Sa, inr Jcsus ( ""1111,1. and ,lu1 dcdth tn ,1n a11d tt'\lll tl'l.· t1,,n ln ., llt'" ,valk in Ii IL'. and thnt ,t ,, a prt•1 cqt11,1tc to l1.,l'.ll l' ht111.. h t1h.'lltht•1 , hip. that lllc I ord', Suppl'&,, ,1 l'l)lll lllt' Hhll ,ltl\Hl ,,t I It, tk'.Hh ,Hll..l should he p1 l'L'Clh:d h) hcllL'\ t't · ... h.1pt 1,1n .1nd ,,)ll..•11111 \t'II c,an11nnlln1l. r--.1a1thl' \\ 28 19.!0, .\ ct, X ,h ,l) . I~~. Pl,,n,\n, h J ~: oln:-.,1an, 2. 12. I C\u 111th1.111, I I ' ' ' ' S tnudnrd~ of ( ' ondul·t We hl!ltc, l' that thl' ~i.: 11ptu1 t'" l lL':t1 I) tk•l,nl'.lll' pt 111\. 1p1t·, "h1 ·h gn\l'J n ('l111~t1an LlHldUl.l l)u1 hL'h,1, 101 ,hnuld 11ot lundl' t till' l.tith nf othc1 hL'lll'' L'1,; "t' ,hlHlld d\l 0111, tlHi,t' th,nf, "hit h "ii I glo11f) (iod .1nd "hll h ,, 1ll r d1I \ hnth lhl· 111lli, 1du.1l .111d lht• ,•1 ,iup. V.'c ll'C.:OP, lll/C that \\C h,l\l.' ,I ll'\llllll\lhll1t\ ll' tll :11111.,in ,\ti ,lppt,)lll I ,Ill' 11.'\tllllllll\ hl'l<ll l' \lllhl'IIL' \ l ' I \ WL· hchL'\ L' th,ll tn ,lid lll.'l "'l'll,tl 'i(Hllt\l:tl i 1 t\l\\ th , 101 tlll' s:1 kt• ,11 ( ' l111st1:111 lL'\lllllPll\ .111d thl' ,ll htt'\ L'llll'lll lll l lllll·g,· pu1 pus1.•, \\ l 111\ISt ,1h,1:1111 110111 thL ll\l' ol ,tllnhnlil' hl'\l l,1 1 ~'. ,,,lHll' ' \), ,\l\d 1l11..• lllllllllCd1<.: al u~c nl II.II l Plll d1 ll ' S, .111d IIUl p.11 lll lp:lll' Ill ,,,1.·1.11 d1llll'ill!1, ~:11uhl i11 1 , Hill lld,1111.•1.• ,tl lllll\ ll' lhl'.lll'l 'i, lhl' \tsi: ,11 \Ill\\ hult'\tlllll' llll'di:i 111,lll'l l,d s, ,11\d l\\l'll\hl'I ship Ill \l'l' I ~ I s,,~ l l'I ll''i \Ve .ilso h •licvt• that l ' ht 1s tt1111 , h,I\ t' .111 11hll ' llll\Hl Ill d11.·-.s ,tpp1npria1cl) 111d hl h,1, e s 111 ·1.•1t• tl'SJll'lt ltu tit~ t 01d's l)a, \\ l lllll)l'IIUll SL 1 Ck Ill St' I\L' ('llllSI 111 II\ lllll\lSphl'll' l1,s1,.• lt\HU pr1sun 11 HlllllHlcs nt d1 s t111 s1, dt s hP lt l'.'sl , s1,.•l l 1sl1111.•:-is, d.11111 •1n c11t1l' is1n , d1s1tAspt't' l , u11t· tht l: ii l:nlldlll l , ,tnd 11,c, t' t l'llll'