1994-1995 Academic Catalog
202 Trustees and Administration Board of Tru tee Cedar, illc College i"' go, erned b) an au tonon1ou , self-perpetuat- 1ng board or tru~Lce". Board 1nen1ber. are elected for three-year tcrn1. . One-third of the board n1ember are eligible for re-elecLion each ,ear . The e\ecutive con1n1ittee of the board con i t of the • c:hairn1an , , ice chairman . . ec retary, trea urer , chairman of the . tandtng con1n1Htee . and the pre ident of the College . The board 1neec~quarter!) in January. April. June, and October . Officer Paul Di , on. Pre ident Eugene Apple ( 1997). Chairman Gi lbert Brueckner (1995). Vice Chairman \Villia1n Rudd (1996). ecretary Jan1e Carraher ( l995). Trea urer Term of Office Ending June, 1997 Eugene Apple. Cleveland , Ohio R. Gleru1 Guenin, Mernphi . Tenne ee E.L. Ha\vkin . Cleveland . Ohio Ruch Ke111pton, Mechanic burg, Penn ylvania C. Eugene Miller, Traver e Ci ty, Michigan Jaine Mi irian. Lnion Grove , Wi con in J . Dale Murphy. Waterloo. Iowa Lome Scharnberg. De Moine , Iowa Albert Steven . Moore town , ew Jer ey Donald Tyler . Brown burg, Indiana Paul Vernier. Fairborn, Ohio Term of Office Ending June, 1995 William Bernhard Milwaukee, Wiscon in Gilbert Brueckner, Menomonee Fall •Wi con in James Carraher. N. Ft. Meyes, Florida Daryle Doden, Auburn , Indiana Lawrence Fetzer. We terville, Ohio Jan1e Henniger , Canton. Ohio Jack Jacob , We tlake, Ohio Earl Umbaugh, Port Charlotte , Fl orida Term of Office Ending June, 1996 Franci Bre on, Su ex , Wi con in Jack Cline. Rockbridge. Ohio William Commons. Camp Hill. Penn ylvania Jame Engelmann, Davi ion, Michigan Jo eph Godwin, Gallipolis, Ohio David Graham, Cedarville, Ohio George O' Bryon, Nokomis. Florida Randy Patten, Fi hers, Indiana Lynn Rogers, Northfield . Ohio William Rudd, Muskegon, Michigan Bill Srnith , Allegan, Michigan Paul Ta ell , Schaumburg, Illinois Emeriti John Draxler, Cleveland, Ohio Arthur Dyke. Elyria. Ohio James Jeremiah, Cedarville, Ohio Irwin Olson, Me a, Arizona Will iam Patterson , Greer , South Carolina Gerald Smelser, Kidron, Ohio Robert Sumner , Ingleside, Texas W. Thomas Younger. Auburn , Indian Administration Ad111inistrative Council Paul H. Dixon, President B.A., Tennes ee Temple University, 1961 : M.Div ., Ternple Baptist Theological Seminary, 1964; D.D. , Tenne ee Temple University, 1978; LL.D., Liberty University, 1984; Ed .D., The Univer ity of Cincinnati , 1986 . At Cedarville ince 1978. Jame T . J eremiah, Chancellor Graduate, Baptist Bible Semi– nary , 1936; B.A., Central State College, 1960; M.A., Winona Lake School of Theology, 1968; D.D.• Central State College, 1961 ; Litt.D., Cedarville College, 1973. At Cedarville since 1953. Duane R. Wood, Academic Vice President B.S.E.E.• Rose– Hulman Institute of Technology, 1964· M.B.A., Butler Univer ity, 1968; D.B.A., IncUana University, 1974. At Cedarville since 1987. John C. Anglea, Vice President for Business B.S., Husson College, 1971 ; M.B.A., University of Dayton, 1983. Ar Cedarville ince 1988. Martin E . Clark, Vice President f or Development B.A. , Bob Jones University, 1967; M.A. Bob Jones University, 1968; Ed.D., Vi rginia Polytechnic Institute and Stare Univer ity, 1974. At Cedarville since 1974. Donald W. Rickard , Vice President for Student Services B.A., Central State College , 1963 ; M.A., Eastern Michigan University, 1968. At Cedarville since 1970. Harold R. Green, Vice President for Christian Ministries Th .B., Baptist Bible Seminary, 1953, D.D. , Grand Rapids Baptjst College & Seminary, 1990. At Cedarville ince 1970. Acadernic and Student Services Patricia L. Bates, Dean of Wo111en B.S. , Ouachita University, 1968 ; M.S., Xavier Univer icy , 1971 . At Cedarville since 1974. Sandra G. Entner, Director of Counseling B.A., Cedarville College, 1959; M.S., University of Dayton, 1982. At Cedarville ince 1985 . Clifford W. Johnson, Assistant to the President B.Ed ., Western Washington University, J 949 ; M. Ed ., Western Washington University, 1953; D.Ed . , Univer ity of Washington , 1962. At Cedarville ince 1962 . David M. Ormsbee, Director of Admissions B.A., Cedarvil le College, 1978 ; graduate study , Syracu e Univer icy , 1985-. At Cedarville since 1979. Jonathan M. Purple, Dean ofMen B.S ., Tennessee Temple Univer ity, 1980; M .Ed., Liberty Univer ity , 1988. At Cedarville ince 1991 . C.B. Hurst, Director of Admissions and Registrar Emeritus B.E. , University of Akron , 1933 ; M.A., Western Reserve University, 1938. At Cedarville 1966-1973 . Library Lynn A. Brock, Director of Library Services; Associate Profes– sor of Library Science. B.A., Cedarvil le College, 1968; M.L.S. , lndjana Univer ity , 1969 . At Cedarville ince 1969 . Stephen P. Bro\vn, Senior Administrative Support Librarian; Associate Prof essor of Library Science. B.S., Cedarvil le CoJlege, 1967; M.L.S., Indiana Univer ity, 1968 . At Cedarville since 1968. Janice M. Bosma, Associate Director of Library Services; Associate Prof essor of Library Science. B.A., Grand Rapids Baptise College, 1975; M.L.S ., Western Michigan University, 1978. At Cedarville ince 1982 . Carl D. Brandon, Assistant Library Director for Media Services; Assistant Professor of Library Science. B.S., Bob Jones Univer ity; 1969; M.A. Bob Jone University, 1970. At Cedarville since 1992. Lynne M. Funtik, Reference Librarian,· Assistant Professor of Library Science,· B.A., Wayne State University, 1981; M.L.!.S. , Wayne State Univer ity, 1984 . At Cedarvil le since 1994. Ruth E. Martin, Assistant Library Director for Reader Services; Assistant Professor of Library Science; B.A., Cedarville College, 1980; M.L.S, University of North Carolina, 1991 . At Cedarville since J 991 . Alberta L. Chaffe, Director ofLibrary Services E1neritus B.A., Cedarville College , 1960; M.A. , Indiana Univer ity, 1963 . At Cedarville 1960-1975.
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