1994-1995 Academic Catalog
• ~ .. . B B, 'A ; B Statistical Information Fall Ouarter 1993 By crass - Men and Women Freshman Sophomores Juniors Seniors Adult Stucties/Special Totals By Major - Men and Women Major Accounting Associate of Ans - Secretarial American Studies Applied Psychology Behaviorial Science Bible - 1 year certificate Bible Comprehensive Bible Pre-Seminary Biology Broadcasting Business Administration Business Communications Technology Business Education Chemistry Communications Art Comprehensive Science Computer Informations Systems Criminal Justice Electrical Engineering Elementary Education Engineering English English Education Fmance History Ht5tory-PolJticaJ Science lnterdi ciphnary Studies Intemauonal Business Missiology Social Science Management Marketing Mathematics Mechanical ·ngineering Multimedia Technology Music Music - hurch Mu ic - ducation • urs1ng Philo ophy Physical Education Ph) sical l!ducation - ornprehensive Phy ical l!ducatiou - ~condary Political cienc~ Pre-law Pr otcs ional \>\ 1 riting P ycholug) Public A<lrninistration ..,..,.,. H Jogy ..,........ial s~ ienc~ ~u,~.aal Work ~pani h pee h .. ducation nde ided Men 288 273 186 224 9 980 Men 64 0 3 14 3 I 61 31 83 42 3 3 1 20 31 1 44 31 54 55 19 10 15 23 23 3 12 2 3 56 42 30 95 4 12 4 )5 1 S 5 16 1l 3 23 16 6 16 3 2 14 1 - 3 9 Women 393 334 279 271 21 1298 Women 55 24 2 43 19 2 30 0 76 1l l 22 7 16 51 2 1 9 2 316 2 33 43 10 12 2 8 2 4 25 22 32 5 0 32 1 30 254 2 18 7 1 8 10 10 55 l 4 7 25 12 6 118 1 1 l .. •• 1148 1490 * D ,uble 111ajl r are included 111 the t nals gi\: ~n Totals 681 607 465 495 30 2278 Totals 119 24 5 57 22 3 91 31 159 53 4 25 8 36 82 3 45 40 56 371 21 43 58 33 35 5 20 4 7 81 64 62 100 4 44 5 45 269 7 34 18 4 11 26 16 71 4 6 21 ...6 17 9 ~1 4 263 Statistics Faculty and Enrollment Comparision (full-time equivalents) l 980-81 1981 -82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991 -92 1992-93 1993-94 Student 1463 1625 1694 1740 1775 1781 1802 1793 1822 1907 1897 2031 2165 2278 By State - Men and Women Me11 Alaska Arizona Arkansa California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinoi Indiana lowa Kan a Kentucky Loui iana Maine Maryland Ma achu ell Michigan Minne ota Mi i ippi Mi ouri Montana ebra ka ew Hampshire e\\ Jer 'ey ew Mexico t:!'A York ortl1 arohna Ohio Oklahon1a Oregon Penn~, I, an1a Rhode l~lan<l outh arohna Tennc~\Ct! Te a tah \ t!I lllllH( \ 1rginia \\' a,lungton \\,~,t 1rginia \: l\l.llJl~lll \\) l)lllill~ ubtotal, l lH t:: ign Re~u.Jence ' l'otals 'J - I 2 6 2 5 2 15 l l l 33 76 13 'J - 4 0 17 12 9 95 5 0 3 - 9 33 0 69 ") - 34 () i q4 I l 4 "\ l lll "'I -- l I 16 17 1 Facultv 69 75 82 89 93 93 94 95 99 99 105 105 123 130 Won1e11 3 l 3 l 7 ,., - 1 0 l I 59 100 27 ~ l 23 26 9 13 1 12 I 3 5 .. _, 12 3-, 1 ., "'I - " l lo 0 ') l l 2Cl l l 20 2o 0 11 .? lo 12 203 Ratio 21 . J 21 .7 20.7 19.6 l 9 . 1 19·- 19.2 18 .9 18.4 19 .3 18. 1 18.16 17.2 17.1 Totals 5 ) - 24 9 13 4 33 l ) - 9_ 176 40 6 9 l 40 3 l 227 17 I 6 10 5 21 70 156 6 1 92 0 210 1 3 l~ 10 .... - t "\ 4S ') 'l -- ~6 43 l .?244 34 227
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