1994-1995 Academic Catalog

, Gospel Missions One-on-one interaction erving food, maintaining facilities, preaching, and inging repre ent the mini s– trie of tudents who work in area go pel mi ion . Hospitals Area ho pitals invite Cedarville tudent to encourage patients or their loved one . Specific ta k include encouragement an wering phone and general patient or taff a si ranee. Jail and Detention Centers Student who mini ter in thi area eek to provide comfort and trength through listening, Bible tudy, and directing recreational activitie . There are many opportunitie to hare the hope of the Go pel with people who face difficult problem . Mentally Retarded/Developmentally Disabled One-on-one and group contact with these special people involve teaching fundamental learning and motor kills, playing imple game , and just being a friend . ursing Homes Students who participate in nur ing home mini trie seek to bring joy to re ident while being en itive to what these resident can teach them . Time of per onal interaction, singing playing in trun1ent , preaching, leading Bible studies and directing Sunday ervice characterize the e mini trie . outh Work A variety of opportunitie await tudent who wi h to inve tin the live of youth . Type of mini trie include big broLher/big i ter program , Bible club , latch-key children program . tutoring, and a variety of other youth-oriented activitie . ro cultural Mini trie The ollege' s own Mis ionary Internsl1ip Service (Ml ) provides unique opporlunitie for student~ to experience m1 sions fir. t-har1d . ach yea r, particularly in tl1e u1nn1er, approxin1ately 100 stude11t\ n1inister around the globe Ll1rclugh tca111 and i11di\ idual 1111nis tries . Tl1i s invol ven1e11t 1n n1iss1ons aid~ n1i ~~it>11ar1es in cheir "''ork a11d helps ~tudencs d1<',cern ()d'" direc 1icu1 in tl1eir own lives. Pat t1c1pa 11L"i raise their()\\ 11 financial a11d pra) t! r 4:)Upport a11d reJJ(>rt 011 tl1e11 111in1\ trie upon retur11i11g . 5c>111c \ tudent~ cho(>\e tt> earn acaden1ic credit 101 tl1e11 expc1 ie11c..es. earl)' 50 countries 011 e,,er}' contine11c (>f tl1t: gl<>l)c have been erved b.. MI parcic ipa11ts si11ce 1t ~la1 Led i11 1970. 1ior 'J)Ccitic infc>r1na tio11 C<>J1c0r11i11g J1<)tcnttal 111i11i tries and selec tio11 (JI' cedu res, sl udt:nt, ~J1c,uld < 11tac1 tilt= MIS director in tl1e l1rist1dn \1111istric · u fi ce. Christian Ministries 21 Individual Ministries and Internships Student con idering mi ion a a life-time vocation often u e MIS to gain mi ion experience . Worki11g with veteran mi io11arie a11ywhe re in the world . student u e and develop important mini try kill . gain cro -cultural in ight . and di cem God' leading concerning mi ion a a career. Some, by working with their academic advi or . earn acaden1ic interr1 hip credit for their experience . Tho e intere ted hould contact their academic advi or and n1i io11arie on tl1e field on which they wi h to erve. Student Teaching Student con idering international career · i11 educa– tion often take advantage of the MIS progran1 LO gain cro -cultural experience while cornpleting tl1e rudent teaching egment of their education requiren1er1t~. Student intere ted in thi optio1 hou ld contact the Education Departn1ent for i11forn1ation and appr(1val. Teams The n1ajority of tudent wl10 participate in tl1e MIS progran1 do o a men1ber. of tea111 . . Forn1ed t() perform a particular ervice 'Uch a.. inging. dran1a. puppet medical a i ranee . tecl1nical as, i ta11ce or phy ical labor, tean1 are typically elected eacl1 fall . Student i11tere ted i11 tean1 n1in i. Lrie , l1ould Ct)11tact the MIS director for detai l . .\11uJe111, "ho t'tl)O\ hu, "' ' ,111d 1101 k.111,-: Huh luuulu a11p, cl t l11Jd1 t II oft 1. 11 , olu111ee1 11 the l e/lo\\ Sp,111~, Ru/111~ < e,u,,