1994-1995 Academic Catalog

• Prospective students find that a visit to our campus is of great value in finalizing their decisions about college. Therefore, make plans now to spend a day with us. While you're here, you may: • Join us for chapel at 10 a.m. • Tour our campus. • Visit a class or two. • Talk with a professor in your field of interest. • Discuss finan cial aid opportunities. • A ttend an admissions presentation. • Sp eak with a coach in your sport. • Eat in our dining hall. • Participate in one of th e evening activities on campus. • Sp end a night in one of our residence halls . Just let us know when you are coming and we ' ll make the appropriate arrangements. Our offi ce is open Monday through F riday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. and by appointment on Saturday. _on tact: Admi ssions Department Cedarville College P.O. Box 601 Cedarvill e, Ohio 45314-0601 or call 800-CEDARVILLE (1-800-233 -2784)