1994-1995 Academic Catalog

22 Christian Ministries c c c d The Caribbean Chns1ian Centre for 1he Deaf in Janwica is one of 1he many i11terna1ional Chr1s1ia11 agencies assis1ed by Cedarville Missionary h11er11sl11p (NIIS) s1udeflts each year. Drama and Puppet Ministries The Lifeline Players A11 eight-member group compri ed of male and female rudent from a variety of major , this team u e drama to encourage and challenge both youth and adult in their faith. Program typically include hort often humorou , ketches depicting real-life ituation where biblical truth can be applied. A traveling mini try, the Li feline Playe r rnini ter in churche and chool throughout the Midwe t on weekend and during Spring Break. The Master' Puppets Student involved in the Master s Puppet u e pup– petry and a variety of other teaching method to mini ter to children a11d youth. Men and women from all major find thi to be an extremely effective and enjoyable mean of haring God' truth. ~IIS Puppets travel to other countrie , u ually during the Chri tma pring, or summer break . The School Year Master's Puppets, normally a ix– member team, travel during the academic year and during Spring Break. The Summer Master' Puppets, a five-member team, travel during the academic year and the um– mer . Student on thi team receive a alary for their ummer· work. The \.\i'riting Team utilize their creative abilities to produce material u, ed by the various puppet teams. Thi ream also a i t in coordinating the annual Ma ter· Puppet Party. a children' conference held on campu each pring. Evangelistic Ministries While evangeli m, sharing the truth of God' s love for man, is the ultimate goal of all ministries several focus specifically on communicating the gospel to non– believers. Open Heirs As "joint heirs together ' this team trains students to do evangelism work in the cities of the greater Miami Valley. This training i designed to help students use the most effective method of making new friends and leading them to Christ. Spring Break Teams The Beach Evangelism Team ministers in Fort Lauderdale during pring break. Team members serve in a host church, help the homeless and witness to people of all ages. The Inner City Impact Team minister to children in the inner city of Chicago through tutoring, Bible clubs and youth activitie . Joy Ranch, a home for disadvantage abused and problem children in Hill ville, Virginia , invites stu– dents to a si t in the maintenance and improvement of ranch fac ilities and service of resident . In addition to performing light maintenance work Cedarville students tutor and have ocial and ministry times with the children. The Master's Mission invite students to Robbin ville, North Carolina, to gain practical experi– ence in phy ical mis ion work. Typical tasks include clearing bru h, falling trees, painting general construc– tion, and landscaping. The New York City Team work with Manhattan Bible Church in a variety of mini trie such as the Love Kitchen, street evangelism, tutoring, and church work. Through their entertaining yet pointed presentations, the Lifeline Players influence people of all ages.