1994-1995 Academic Catalog

I Local Church Ministries , AWANA Several churche in the area surrounding the College invite students to work a leader in their AWA A programs. Student work with all age group . Extension Teams A di vi ion of the Swordbearer extension team go to the same church each week throughout the chool year to assist in a variety of mini trie ranging from nursery work to teaching and ongleading. Individual Ministries The College strongly encourages student to become involved in the church of their choice and make it their Christian ministry. Students hould contact the pa to– ral staff of the church for information concerning possible involvement. Some churche may require church membership or watchcare membership . Music Ministries Students with musical talent find a variety of mini - tries available to them. Team audjtion time will be announced. Abundant Life Singers A ten-member mixed group of eight inger a pianist, and a ound technician, thi group trave l during the chool year and for a ten-week ummer tour. Team member receive a alary. King men Quartet A six-member group of four inger , a piani t, and a ound technician , thi group travel during the chool year , spring break, and the ummer for ten week Team members receive a alary . ummer wordbearer A twelve-member mixed group of 5inger , keyboard accornpanists, and a ound technician, thi s group travel s during the school year a11d the sun1mcr for ten weeks. Team member receive a salary . pring \\ 1 ordbearer A twelve-member rnixed group of inger\ , keylJ()ard accon1pani t , and a ound tecl1nic1a11 . tht '> group tra\ el duri11g che cl1ool year a11d o, er spr111g break. Tea111 r11embtrs recei \ e a salary. l oloist and mall roup Students pro ide special rnusic on and off can1pus at banqu ts, organ1zat1onal function , and special church meeting . 'fho e interested in this type of n1in1~tr} sl1ould contacr the Christian ministry office for detail concerning tf)f-outs and specific opporcunicies. Christian Ministries 23 Selecting a Ministry All tudent participate i11 Chri tian Mini trie volun– tarily. A a re ult of thi a11d the large number of n1i11i trie available, decidi11g which wa)' to erve ca1 eem overwheln1ing. In electing a mini try. student l1ou ld apply the following: 1) Con ·ider your intere ' t . Select a mini tr)' chat allow you to do so111ething you enjoy doing. 2) Con ider your vocatio11al goal . Tl1ere are 1na11 1' mi11i trie that are directly related to the n1ajor offered at Cedarville College . A Cl1ristian Mini try related to your cho e11 field ca11 help you decide if you l1ave 111ade the right cl1oice. and i11 01ne ca e n1ay lead to a11 i11ter11 hip. reference, or ernployn1e11t. 3) Talk wi th uppercla n1e11. Find ~omeo11e wl10 ha been invo lved i11 the 111ini . tr) you are con idering. 4) Talk with tl1e Chri tia11 Mi11i trie caff. Tl1e Chri tian Mi11i trie Departn1e11t i · located in the Chapel and it . taff are availab le to a11 \Ver an) que ti on that you rnight l1ave. 5) Attend meeting . There will be Lra, eli11g cea111 audition and () rganizational n1eeci11g: tluring Lhe fir ·t two week or fal l quarter . Waccl1 carefull)' for ir1structi<)11s (11 ht1\\' l() get i11, ()l\ ed. Requirement I ) The Chri. tia11 111i11istric~ 11rt)gra111 at Ced<1r\ 11 le Co]lcge i a \' t)luntcer prl>gra111. 1l "ituJe111~ are e11couraged tt) parric 1pate 111 hri "it tan 1111ni \tries (111 a regular l1a"i~ tluri11g cl1e1r L'l)llege • cxper1e1 ce. 2) At tl1e end c)f each t}ttarter, each "itt1dent 1~ rC{)U i rec.I t() Ct)lllJJlcLe an ... nd l) r rl1e Qt1arrcr Rep(1rt" f<)r111. Tl1i, tt)rn1 t"i tl"ictl tt) rcCl)rd t)t1 eacl1 ~tude11t 's 1 er111a11e111 ftle the11 currc11t tll ca t.)f 111i11i tr, 11l\l)lven1ent . It "ihl)lllLl he Ct)lll})lt'leLl e en 1f a stutle11t hatl llllt bt.•en 111\ tll\ L'd 111 ~1 n1in1\tr) thar tiuarcer 3) tl)f n1inistr) apJ)l't)\ ed l)l l>ffert.•tl chrt,ugl1 thl' l1r1~t1an ~11t11"itr1t' "i l)e11"1rt111ent lt)t tl11t)ugh \t)UI' lc)cttl cl1t11 ch) tlll"1l1t1e~ d~ ~t l~h11 l1"H11111111"it1 \ . If a ·tudent 1~ 111, t)l\' t:tl i11 a 1111n1str) L)lttsilll' t)l cl1~ l1r1~t1a11 111ini tries dcpart111e11t, it ~11 >Ulli be repo1 ted 011 tl1e ·· ~11,l of tl1e Quarte1 Rc11l)ft ."