1994-1995 Academic Catalog
24 Admissions d111i • 100 Ccdar,·ille C<)llege invites appl ication .. fro1n econd– ar\ ' Cl1t)t)I .. ·tude11c. ,vho are able t<> pre ent trong acaden1ic recc>rd and a clear te ' tin1011y of fa itl1 i11 Je U Cl1ri r. In electing ..' tudent . the Adn1i .. ion Commit– tee adn1it tude11t .. fc.) r whom graduation i a rea on– able expecraci o11and wl10 offer potential to cont ribute po~ irivel)' co the college con1n1unity. They car~fu lly on ider all factor which den1on trate the applicant ' abi litv co ucceed at Cedarville Coll ege . ., Criteria for election inc lude: 1. Evidence of a per onal relation hip wi tl1 Je u Chri t a11d a con i cent Chri tiai1 life tyle. ..... . cademic record, recom1nendation , and rank in cla .. . 3. Te t core from the An1erican College Te t (ACT). (Score from the Schola tic Aptitude Te t (SAT) will be accepted. However. core fro1n the ACT are preferred. Since the e core are u ed fo r placement purpo e . tran fe r tudent may be reque ted to ubn1it them. ) The College doe not di cri n1inate 011 the ba i of race, color. ex, or 11ational origin . Applicant with the be t pro pec t for admi ion have academic credential that include a college preparatory econdary chool curriculum, a"B 44 grade average, a rank in the upper half of the cla s and a te t , core on the ACT above the 11ational average. Student who wi h to attend the College on a part– time ba i hould follo,v the ame ad1ni ion proce– dure . The College admits tudent with vari ou pl1y ical handicap . Through pecific cou11 eling, adju tment are made to enable the e tudent to achieve their educational objective . Additional i11forn1ation con– cerning specific ervice i ava ilable fron1 the Student Service Office. Enrire families often choose 10 aJtend the College. Elena (not pictured), Sharon, Chnsune, and Linda Michael all graduated frorn Cedan•ille. ecor1dary School Requirement Althougl1 the Coll ege does not prescribe actual .. econdary chool cour e requirement , it recommend that tudent fo llow a college preparatory curriculum tl1at include : 4 unit of Engli h (grammar. compo ition, and litera– ture) 3 unit of mathematic (algebra and geometry) 3 unit of natural cience (phy ical cience, biology, and chemi try) 3 unit of ocial tudie (hi tory and government) 2 unit of a ingle foreign language Students planning to pur ue field of tudy in engi– neering, cience, mathematics and nur ing hould take a many cour e in mathematic and cience a pos ible in their econdary chool curricula . High chool elective hould be cho en to develop intere t and kill in related practical field . Skill in typing i of real value in completing many cour e a ignment and i of particular importance to tudent who plan to enroll in computer cour e in college . Typing kill enable tudent to take full advantage of the exten ive computer re ource at the College. Home-schooled Students Student with nontraditional econdary chool experi– ence may be con idered for admi ion . Typically, core from tandardized te t uch as the ACT or SAT are u ed to help a e readine for college-level academic work. To a i t tuden t unable to take the ACT locally, the College offer the ACT on campu on a monthly ba i to pro pective tudents. Except for tho e admitted under the Early Admi ion Progran1, tudent mu t give evidence of high chool completion by the time they begin taking cour e at the College . Student who attend traditional chool mu t have thei r chool forward final high chool tran- cript . Student who are home- chooled or have experienced other type of nontraditional econdary chool experience mu t ubmit high chool equiva– lency diploma upon enrollment. Family Rights and Privacy Act Cedarvil le College complie with the Family Educa– tional Right and Privacy Act (the Buckley Amend– ment) which i de igned to protect the privacy of educational record , to e tabli h the right of students to inspect and review their records, and to provide guideline for the correction of inaccurate or mislead– ing data through informal and formal hearings . The College has adopted a policy which explains in detail the procedures followed for compliance with provisions · of the Act. Copies of the policy are available in the Academic Records and Student Services Offices.
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