1994-1995 Academic Catalog

Early Admission Student who have completed their junior year of high chool may apply for early admi ion. Thi i especially helpful for tudents who anticipate a lengthy graduate program after graduation from college. In addition to following normal applica tion procedure , early admi ion applicant hould ubmit uperior academic record , trong recommendation from high chool teacher , and a tatement of approval from parent or guardian . An interview i al o ugge ted. Admissions Procedure A tudenc hould complete the following tep in order to be considered for admi ion to Cedarville College: 1. Obtain, complete and return an application for admi ion. Application are available from and hould be returned to the Admi ion Office . Nece ary recommendation form are included in the application. A $20 fee and two current photograph hould accorn– pany the returned application. 2. Take the American College Te t (ACT) or the Schola tic A e ment Te t (SAT) and have the core reports ent to Cedarville College. (U e the Cedarville ACT code of 3245 or SAT code of 1151 when you register for the te t to have your score sent direc tly.) The applicatio11 for admi sion rnay be ubmitted before taking thi s te t. 3. Reque t chat higl1 chool tran cripts through the junior year be sen t, along with a reco1nmendatio11 fro111 the high school coun elor . Cla · rank at tl1e end of the junior year should be included . 4 . Reque ta reco1nmendati on from the pastor of the churcl1 he or he attend . 5 . Reque~c that official copie of tran~cript fc)r work completed at ()ther college be en t (tra1 fer ' tude11t '). Student~ wl10 l1ave been offered ad111ission for a , particular quarter 111ay defer their e11rolhnen t t<1 a ~ub~equent quarter b} noti fy111g the Admi s~ic)n Oftice in wr1ti11g ac Jea\L 011e 111onth l)efc)re tl1e quarter l1egin ~t"df 111~ find Jarult 111e111bers 10 h app, o,u habit• and H 1lll11g r,, 11,•/p u uh acad 11ur p, oble,a~ Admissions 25 Admission to Academic Programs Some academic program have unique requirement For example, mu ic tudent mu t audition for entry to that department. Engineering candidate mu t meet a minimum te t core requirement. Student in education and nur ing apply for admi ion to their re pective program during their ophomore year after the pro– gram prerequi ite have been ati fied. Therefore, tudents hould review the pecific entra11ce require– n1ent outlined in the re pective depart111ental ection of the catalog . Admi ion to the College doe not guarantee admi io11 to an acaden1ic progra1n. Academic Development Program The College offer a upple1nental academic a i - tance progran1 to erve tude11t who e academic backgrounds do not reflect their collegiate academic pote11tial . Con1ponent of thi program include an orie11tation cour e entitled Tran ition 100, pecial advi i11g, tutoring when nece ary and diagno tic te ting in on1e ca e . Admi ion to the Academic Development Progran1 i determined by the Admi ion Committee. Student elected to be involved in the Progran1 u uall y take a typical fre h111an cour e of tudy compri ed of general education requiren1ent . Student who complete tl1e progran1 find that thi a i tance duri11g the fir t year of ollege help then1 lay a11 excel le11c f u11dation for academic u ce in the future . A complete de cripcion of tl1e Progra1n i ava ilable frorn tl1e Ad111i io11 Office. Readmi ion A ·tuder1t wl1ose acade111i c work ha , been interrupted for one quarter or n1orc n1u t apply fl)f re ·1dn1i , ·io11 cwo n1<)n tl1s before the hcgi11ning of tl1e <1uarter in ,vhich l1e de ire t<) 111acricu lare. Read111is ·io11 fo r111 · are availabl e fro111 tl1e dn1i · ' i<)n · Oftice . If Ct) llege le, el '- work l1a bce11 con1plc ted el . e\\ here. t)fficial tr·111~c ript ~h()Uld accc)n1pa11) the applica tio11 f()r reau111is ic)11. tudent whl1 ha~ bee11 reac.ln1itred after t)11e )'ear a\\ a} frt)111 Cedar, ille Ct)llege is 1.!xpected rt> Cl)t11plete tl1e graduatic1n requ ire111e11L~ as l)U ti incd in tl1e catah)g in current u eat the tin1e l)f recnr(>lln1enL . J)cadli11es a11d • otificatit>11 · edar\ ille c.>llege fc.)lll)\\" a rt)lling ac.h11i,~it)11~ prl)Cedu re . n ap11l 1ca llLHl 1, 11r l)Cc\~eti a, ,t)()Il ll~ rl1e tile i, Cl>1111)ll!te 1\ Ct)n111h:teLl l1h: 111clutle, .u1 ,l(1I)ltcd tilHl ll>I adn1i~\l()J1. 20 ar)f)llL'<HllHl IL'e. ,\ .., I l)I ', \ T \Cl>re,. l11gh \ChL)l)l trall\L'l lJ)l, Ct)lh:ge t1.Jtl\CI l()l t il apJ)l tcttl.,le). h 1gh "c Ill )l)l t llllll\L'lL>l ·, 1 t'Cllll1n1c11tl.it1L>11 . anti J)a~C<>I s rt:Cl>llllllL'llltttilHl . \ J)J)lll,llll\ .UL' Illlllllt'li h\ letter \\'ithin l\\ll \\L't~k. s allt' t tl1t~ \lh t11'-i,llHl" t ' L)tll 111utet' acts llf)Clll tht' L LH11plclt ll t tlt·