1994-1995 Academic Catalog

26 Admissions ReserYalio11 l)eposit ~\ re.-er\ atit)n dep()Sit n1t1 t be , ub111itted by 11ew st11dc11ts a , an i11dication ()f tl1e inte11tion to enroll . Tl1e ar11t)unr of the depo. it i ,, $250. Tl1i 1noney i credited tt) the , tuue11t' s accou11t a11d u ed to cover tir t quarter expe11se . cudent 111u ·t ·ub1nit a re ervation depo it in order tc) be reQ:i . tered for cour e . .... Tl1e re er,,atit1n depo it i fully refundable if the reque. c for refund j received before the re ervation dept1sit deadli11e. Reque t fo r refund received after tl1e re. ervatio1 depo ·ic deadline are partially refundable ( 150 c)f tl1e _50 depo it) until tJ1e refund date. No refund are available after the refund date . Re ervatio11 depo it ubn1i ion deadline and refund date .. are a fo llow : Term Fall Quarter Winter Quarter Spring Quarte r Su1111ner Se ' io11 I Sum111er Se io11 II Deadline May l oven1ber 15 March l May 15 Augu t 1 Refund date September 1 December 15 March 15 June 1 Augu t 15 Stude11t adn1itted after the re ervatio11 depo it dead– line, 1nu. t ubmit their re ervation depo it a oon a po ible or withi11 thirty day of notification of admi - . ion. Afan) upper< /a.\s111e!1 prepare Jo, life aji er college by liiing o!J-can1pus in the lOhll of Cedari·1/le. Advanced Placement and CLEP High chool students may receive advanced collegiate randing by participating in either the Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate Program or College Level Examination Program (CLEP). Up to ixty credit may be earned through these programs or by other test-out procedures. To earn credit through Advanced Placement students must enroll in specific Advanced Placement courses offered by their re pective high school . Upon com– pleting these courses, students take individual Ad– vanced Placement examinations in each Advanced Placement cour e. Students request that scores from these examinations be sent directly to Cedarville College by entering code number 1151 on their regis– tration forms. Upon receiving these scores the Col– lege determine the appropriate amount and type of credit for each examination . Scores of 3, 4, or 5 must be earned in order to receive college credit. No fees, other than the fee accompanying the examinations, must be paid in order to receive the college credit . In ome ca e , sophomore standing in particular subject area may be earned through these examinations. Student hould contact their local high schools to obtain Advanced Placement cour e and registration information . Student earn credit through CLEP by taking nation– ally tandardized examination in a variety of subject area . The e te t may be taken at local colleges before enrolling at Cedarville or at Cedarville after enrolling. To have CLEP score sent directly to Cedarville College students should enter code number 1151 on their CLEP registration forms. By earning core above pecified levels tudent receive college credit in pecific cour e area . A complete list of the appropriate te t and re pective Cedarville courses as well a regi tration information i available from the Admi ion Office . Like Advanced Placement no fee, other than tho e accompanying the examinations must be paid in order to receive college credit through CLEP. Student who wish to u e a CLEP examination to ati fy the General Education requirement ENG-110 Composition I must have earned a credit-satisfying core by the end of their econd quarter (two quarters after their initial full-time matriculation) . Clep may not be u ed to ati fy the General Education require– ment ENG-140 Compo ition II . Students who wi h to use CLEP examinations to sati fy General Education requirements in foreign language, mathematics natural sciences and ocial cience mu t have earned credit-sati fying scores on the re pective CLEP examinations by the time they earn 90 credit (attend Cedarville College two years) .