1994-1995 Academic Catalog

, Transfer students transferring more than 90 credits must earn credit- atisfying core on respective CLEP examinations by the end of their fi rst quarter of full– time attendance at Cedarville. International Students Cedarville College welcome application for admi - sion from tudents of all nation . The College was approved for attendance by nonimmigrants by the Immigration and Naturalization Service in 1959. International student should follow the college admi - sions procedure carefully, ubmitting their applications well in advance of deadline o that sufficient time i available for processing and communication . Tho e coming from countries in which Engli sh is not the native language may need to demonstrate their profi– ciency in English by taking the Te t of English a a Foreign Language Examination (TOEFL). Canadian students who have attended Grade XIII may transfer credit to Cedarville by submitting official transcripts. Up to one fu ll year of credit may be granted. To satisfy United State Immigration and Naturaliza– tion requirements, upon acceptance international students must deposit at the College $12,000 in United States currency or submit a certified affidavit of support which demonstrates the ability to cover col– lege-related expenses. Full admission to the College i granted upon receipt of the e funds or affidavit. Que - tions concerning this procedure should be directed to the associate director of admi ion . Grants and scholarships for international tudents are limited. Some international student work on campu Permission for off-campu employment mu t be e– cured from the International Student Advi or . International Baccalaureate The International Baccalaureate (IB) i an international ly-recognized program that enable students to follow a special curriculum a11d take specific examinations co fu lfil l secondary chool graduation requirements. Student can earn up to thirty quarter hours for 18 Higher Level exan1inatio11s on which they earn scores of 5, 6, or 7. A maxi1nun1 of ten credits is permitted 1n any one group . To receive credit , students should sub111it IB tran<;c ripts to tl1e adn1i sions offlee. Admissions 27 Ftnduzg a good Chrfarian fnend n one of rhe greare.H benefttJ of auentlin!; <1 Chnsrian college like Cedarville. Tran sfer tudent tudent who wi h to tran fer to edarvi lle .:h uld ubmit , along witl1 tl1eir application · for ad111 i ~ i<)Il , offi cial tra1 cript of credit fro111 all college~attended. redit from accredited C<)lleges are ft1ll \ tra11sferable ..... . as long a: tl1ey appl) to tl1e ~· tudent · s c )Ur~e )f rud) at edar ill e. our.. e i11 v hich le ·s tl1a1 a ·· " i , earned are r1ot gra11ted tra1 ·fe r credit . l11ft1r111atit)t1 concl!rr1i11g the tra11~fer t)f credi ts 1s a\ a1lahle frl) Ill the Ad1111 i )11 · Oflice upt)n receipt t)f t)ttic1al 1ra11~cr111t~. pecitic course equ i, 1 alenc1c\ n1a) he tlctcr111111ed h) tl1c cot)rdinat<) r of transfer ~er\ ice\· l)ff1ce ttplHl receif)t l)f (l fii c1al cra1 crit)t \. Wl1e1 ct>I11put ing ct1111t1lar1, e graut: J)<J1111 ~t, er age~ tt)r ~tudcnt~ ~ 110 l1a, e cra tl\ te1 1 etl c redt C\ t1 t)lll t)tl1e1 c<Jl lege~. C)lll} tl1e \Vt>r k. ctHllJlletetl at l ' etlat \ 1lle 1, incl uded . "[ <l l1elp in the tra11'-l1titH1 tt) (\:liar\ tlle t t)llt:ge d11d t) Ilh!Cl t>Cller llC\\ tr'Hl\lL'I \llH.lt' lll • all {l .. lll\ll'l \llltl~lll\ arc ret1u11ed lt> dllcntl e,, \tudent l)11t\11 t~HttH1 .