1994-1995 Academic Catalog

28 Academic Information The edar\ ille College progra rn i de igned to meet cl1e educacio11al. n1cJral. pl1 1 ical. ocial. ru1d piritual 11eeds t1f) t)ung pcot>le who de ire to honor God with tl1cir Ii\ e:. The t<)tal program repre ent a balai1ce het\\ een tl1e k11t)\.Vledge gained through the cour e ~· cudied. che ct)-curricu lar activitie , and wor hip in the reguL:lr chapel a11d church ervice . In uch a etti11g truth fron1 criprure i , integrated witl1 tl1e knowledge taught in each cour ·e to provide effective learning and e11duri112 Ii fe val ue . The knowledge and kills learned ...... fro111 tl1e cour e give tudent an excellent background for profe ional con1petence in tl1eir cho en field . Degree Requirements Cedarvi lle College grant ix baccalaureate degree a11d 011e a oc ia te degree: Bachelor of Art (B.A.), Bacl1elor of Mu ic Education (B.M.E. ), Bachelor of Science (B.S.). Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (B.S.E.E.), Bachelor of Science in Me– chanical Engineering (B.S .M.E. ) Bachelor of Science in ur i11g (B.S. .), and A ociate of Art in Office Technology (A.A.). A degree candidate hould carefully tudy the require– ment for that degree as well a the pecial require– ment for graduation found in thi bulletin. Careful attention to the e requiren1ent will enable the tudent to avoid doing work which will not apply to a degree. The student is responsible to see that graduation requirements are met. Bachelor degree requirement are Ii ted below. Requirement fo r the A ociate of Art in Office Technology are Ii ted in the Department of Busine Admini tration ection of the catalog. l. Meet all admi ion and proficiency requirement . 2. Complete at lea t 192 quarter hour (11ot including proficiency), 48 hour · of which rnu t be of upper divi ion work (300-400 level cour e ). 3. Maintain a grade point average of 11ot le than 2 .00. 4. E tabli h n1inimum re idency of one year (48 quarter hour , normally the enior year). 5. Complete the general education requirement . (The biblical education requirement for fre hman and ophon1ore transfer student i 24 quarter hours; junior and e11ior transfer norn1ally mu t complete at least one biblical education cour e for each quarter of fu ll– time re idence including BEGE-376 God and the Church. ) 6. Complete the specific requirements for the de ired major, one third of which mu t be taken from Cedarville College. Students should check their department for an 1 1 additional requirement unique to their area. 7. Demon trate proficiency in the use of the English language on a tandardized examination or complete Engli h Compo ition (ENG-110 ENG-140) with at lea ta 2.0 grade point average, on a four-point scale. 8. Complete at lea t two years of high school level or one year of college level cla ical or modern foreign language . 9. Participate in the senior testing program when offered. 10. Complete an application for commencement and pay the graduation fee . Curriculum Ou tline Quarter hours Proficiency ... . ... . .. . ..... . . . .. . .. .... ... . .. . ...... . ....... 0-8 Other General Education requirements . ..... . ... . 80-102 Major field requirements and cognates . . .. .. . .. .. . 48-100 Elective . . .. . . .. . . ..... .. . . ..... . .... . .. .. ..... .... ... .. ... 0-64 Total (minimum not including proficiency) .. . . ... . 192 Specific curricular requirements are outlined in each departmental ection of the catalog. Selection of a Major Many student have not cho en a major field of study by the time they enroll at Cedarville. Others change their major at some time during their collegiate tudies. The College offers special advising and services to help tudent making these important decisions. Student uncertain of a major begin as "general studie ' or "undeclared, major . They work with faculty academic advi ors who pecialize in helping rudent who have not yet chosen a field of study. Until they choo e a particular major general studies tudent typically take course specified as meeting the General Education requirement . They are also encouraged to utilize the re ource of the Career Service Office . Thi office offer career profiles intere t inventories and counselors so that students in the mid t of making career decisions have good information. Mo t general tudie student elect a major by the middle of the ophomore year. In many instances delaying the choice of major does not extend the time needed to graduate from Cedarville. However , in program of tudy with exten ive specific, course requirements, delaying choice of that major even one quarter can cau e student to talce longer to complete degree requirements . The sugge ted four year cur– ricula listed with each major in the catalog outline the recommended course sequences.