1994-1995 Academic Catalog

... h. , Major Field Toe amount of work for a typical major field approxi– mates 50 quarter hour and must include the require– ments of the department. Comprehensive major are typically from 70 to 90 hours. Specific requirement are Ii ted at the beginning of department cour e offer- . mgs . o course in which "D" grade are received may be counted a meeting the requirements of the major field. Department chairper ons may suggest that an alternate cour e be taken rather than repeating the cour e . In order to graduate, a student must sati fy the requirement for at lea t one n1ajor fie ld of tudy . With proper cheduling, he or she may concurrently complete the requirement for more than one major. Major involving fewer than ixty quarter hour of cour e work lend them elve to thi approacl1. Special Academic Programs Cedarville offers everal pecial program de igned to enhance the collegiate experience and/or to help prepare fo r particular career : Emergency Medical Technician Training Envi ronmental Studie Honor Medical Technology One-year Bible Certificate Premedical/predentaJ Prepharmacy Preveterinary Prephy ical tl1erapy ROTC - Army and Air Force Secondary Educa tion ( 17 area of certification) Office Technology (A.A. degree) pecial Educati on Study abroad progra11 T L (Teaching -- ngli h a a Second Language) Descr1ptio11s <>f tl1e e programs are located i11 tl1i !)ectio11 <>f tJ1e catalog or in cl1e aca<len1ic departn1ent · spo11soring ct1e prugra111 . "" l cti e. 'l' he pro\ J')i<>n <>f clect1\ e {..h<>1ce i\ based upc)n tl1e J)re1111~e t11at cl1e stude11t sl1oul<l have an oppc>rtu111cy to either furtl1cr stre11gtl1e11 l11s 111ajc1r field or 111111<>1 fie ld <>r further l>rl>ade11 l1is l1ackgrc>und l1) ~e lec ting cc)ur e\ i11 a1eas <)f inadequaC)' c>r i1 terest . l Ject1, e chc>1cc al"il) J>1c>vides tt1e student V.' tlh s(>J11e 11(; 1l1il1L) ~11c>ul<l he <H lie decide tu J1a11ge 111ajc>r fields. Academic Information 29 Major Fields of Study The College offers forty-eight major fields of tudy . Some of the majors represent combinations of two or more area of study . These are denoted with an asteri k (*). Course requirement for each of the major are outlined in the re pective departmental ection of the catalog . Accounting American Studie * Applied Psychology Athletic Training Behavioral Science* Bible, Comprehen ive Bible , Pre eminary Biology Broadca ting Bu ine Communication Technology* Bu ine Education Chemistry Communication Art Computer Info rmation Sy tern Criminal Ju tice Electrical Engineering Eleme11tary Educatio11 Engli 11 Engli h Education Finance Hi tory Hi tory-Political cience Inter11ati o11al cudie '* Ma1agen1ent Marketing Matl1en1atic, Matl1en1atic Educatio1 Mechanical E1 gineeri1g Multi111edia Tech11c) lt>gie ..... Music Mu, ic ducatit)Il Mu ' ic dt1catio11, econuar) . urs111g J>h) 1 sical E<lucatit)Tl Ph) sical E<lucattc)n, t)111prehen'-it\ e Ph 1 ~ical uucattl)ll, Sec{>ndar) Poli tic al Sc iencc Prela\\ Prc)IC\\l{)Ilal 'iv ruing P \)Chlll<.)g) l)ul)11c ,,.\ ch111Jll\ll at1llt1* ClCI1LC . ( ' lllllJ)I ellen,i, L' StlC 1al ~c 1cncc St)Lldl \\,l)J'k ~l)ll(lll)g\ \J),111 isl1 ~1>~inisl1 f~du ·~ui<Hl ~1>ct·ch l: ducatilHl