1994-1995 Academic Catalog

red :~ \n • '? • ill ? • • •. Academic Information 39 WP The mark ' 'WP" i used to indicate that the student is "passing'' when a course is dropped following the fourth week and before the week of final examinations. WF The "WF" is u ed after the fourth week of the quarter if the student is "failing" at the time of withdrawal . A "WF, is treated in the same manner as the 'F' grade when figuring the grade point average. Z The mark "Z" indicates that the student did not complete the course but did not officially withdraw. A "Z" is treated in the same manner as the 'F" grade when figuring the grade point average. Grade Points and Point Averages Cedarville College uses the "four-point system" to determine academic averages. Grade points are awarded as follows: Each Quarter Hour Grade Points A 4.0 A- 3.7 B+ 3.3 B 3.0 B- 2.7 c+ 2.3 C 2.0 C- 1.7 D+ 1.3 D 1.0 D- .7 F 0.0 The grade point average is computed by dividing the total grade points earned by the total hour attempted. Grades are issued at the end of each quarter . It is the responsibility of each student to di cuss hi or her academic achievement with hi or her instructor . Academic Progre s, Warning, and uspension To satisfy the minimum graduation requirement , a , tudent must earn a cumulative grade point average of 2. 00 The rnini111um cumulative grade point average needed to mainLain good acaden1ic landing is also 2.00. Tl1e College reLogn11es tl1at son1e tudents may l1ave difficulty earning and/or 111ainta1ning the 111ini111um cumula– tive grade point average required for good standing and for graduatio11. ·ro assist tl1en1 . the following cl1art outline. the rnini111u111 cun1ula tive grade poi11t average needed acc.ord ing to tl1e credit l1ours earned. on1c acade1nic progra111s ha\'e tricter acaden11c progress r equi rc111e11ts tl1a11 are lisLcd above. tudents l1ould cl1eck acadt:111ic departn1ent sec ci o11s c>f tl1e cacal l1g for tl1e spec iiic grade poii1L 1 equircn1e11ts of tl1ei r 111aj l>rs. tude11ts wl10 are 11ot i11 good acade111ic sta11di11g will l)e n(>ti Jied b)' L11e Acadc111i \ 1 ice Preside11t of rl1eir sta11d– ing. r;i , c-quarter freslu11e11 vll10 do 11ot 111eet tl1e J • 00 a,,erage "''ill nol l)e acaden1ical l)' ~t1 . pe11ded i11 order tl> 1,ro, 1 idt:: 0111e ti111c for tl1e111 t( 111ake tl1c adjust111e11t tc> coll ge life. Any tudent who does not meet the minimum cumula– tive grade poiI1t average required for academic probation will be suspended for at least one quarter . Any tudent on academic probation fo r two succe ive quarter who i not making atisfactory academic progre s i subject to academic suspension. The academic vice president may make exceptions to the academic progres guidelines when appropriate. However , a tudent receiving veter– ans benefits who is on academic probation for two successive quarters without making satisfactory progres will be reported to the Veterans Administration. The veterans benefit for such a student will be terminated unles the student is making progre toward meeting the minimum academic requirement for graduation. A student suspended for academic reasons may apply for readmission during any quarter in the regular aca– demic year following the quarter of u pension . Faculty member and other coun elors are available to di cuss student progress. The student experiencing academic difficulty should utilize the e per onnel to help find solutions to academic problem . Students on academic warning or probation may be required to take a special study skill cour ~ a a c~ndi– tion for continuing at the College. Academic wammg may preclude involvement in certain college activitie . Students facing academic warning or probation hould consult with the coaches, advi or , or director of their activi tie to learn of academic requirement or re tric– tion that may apply to tho e activitie . Academic progre influence the receiving of financial aid. Students receiving aid should check the financial aid ection of the catalog to obtain tbe academic progre requirements that pertain to their particular aid program . Academic Progre C hart red it Minin1un1 ( ' umul ati, c l\linin1un1 un1ulnti, c tten1pted GPA for Acade1nic c;p,-\ for caden1ic Probation \\ arnin~ 0-30 1 00 1 )0 11-60 I. 30 l 6" 61-90 1.50 180 91-135 1.70 1 90 116-170 l 90 I 71 1 9-i