1994-1995 Academic Catalog
are , 1.r . ' a c D• l , Academic Information 41 Academic A \.Vards Alu,nni Scholarship and Grant Endow,nenr Fund A1vards Awarded to outstanding freshmen, ophomore , and junior by academic department. Provided by the Alumni A ociation. The A,nstur: Manage,nent-Sales A,1.·ard Granted to a de erving Junior majoring in busines administration. Provided by Mr . and Mrs. Myron E. Amstutz. The Par Yoder A1nstutz Nursing Award Granted to a de erving junior majoring in nur ing. Provided by Mr . and Mrs . Myron E. Amstutz. Anderson Fa,nily Scholarship Fund Granted to a female student with a foreign language concentration and a 3.0 GPA. Provided by Mr. and Mrs . Robert J. Ander on. The Arline Littleton Aurio Alt'ard Given to a ,enior elementary education rudent who intend to pur ue a career in public chool education. Given by General and Mr . Clyde Auria. The John W. Bickett Alu11111i Scholarships Given to juniors and senior preparing for pa toral or mi sionary ervice and planning to continue their education in eminary or language scudie . Provided by Heritage Alumni . The Boyd Accounting A1t1.1ard Pre ented annually on LO a de erv- ing junior in accounting. The Alron R. Bro,vn Psychology Alvard Given to two junior majoring in psychology or behavioral cience. Provided by the members of the Alton R. Brown family. The Ed,nund Burke A,vard Awarded co a junior majoring in ocial cience with a 3.5 grade point average. The Business Faculty Senior Scholar Ali 1 ards Given to graduating eniors who have demonstrated exceptional scholarship and exemplary Christian , moral, and ethical character. Cedarville College Christian Ministries A,vard Given to a deserving enior hawing faithfulnes and leader hip in the area of Christian ervice. CRC Press Chenzistrv Au·ard Presented to the tudent with the highest average for the ·year in General Chemi5try. The Crea1ton Research Alvards Pre enced annually to out tanding en1ors maJor1ng 1n biolog}, chen1i tr,, mathematic • and medical technology. The David G. Canine Alvard Given to a graduating enior with a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or above who ha been accepted at Dalla Theological Seminary. Established in memory of and grautude for the ministry of David G. Canine. The Erich W. Eberl A1,1ard Given to a en1or secondary or ele1nentar, educauon student Vvho has as his or her intent to pur. ue a career 1n Christian ~chool educauon. Provided by General and Mrs Clyde Autio in lo\ 1ng n1e1nor, of and gratitude for the Jife and c::ducacional n1in1~tr} of Lrich W . Ebert . '/11e Austin E/111ore AH 1 ard Presented annually to a junior majoring in biology. Preference g1\ en to student~ demon,trating potenual in botanical sciences. ·stablished to honor Au\tin Elmore for 17 years of faithful rninistry as a hiolog) professor at Cedar\ lilt! . 111e Faculty Sc hola1 lht/J 1i·oph) Given to the graduating senior \A.ith the highest cun1ulattve gradt.:. pou1t average. EligibilH) n1ust include 120 quarter hours taken at C edarv11lt College con1plt.:tec.l "'ithin nine regular quarters. '/1,e Jointr Fa,nil, Sc ltola1'\hi11 Given to a student on the to, en ic 1ca1n \A.'h;> dc1nons1ra1es ·ucccss and leadership Pro, 1ded b) 1r. and !\1r . Roben Joinl:r. 'lhe George L ... l aulor G11 1 c 1 k , tHar<I Given to the student ha\'i11g Lhe haghesl a\er age in l! h.:111entary and lntennediatc ,eek over n,c qu. rter . 171t' Dururln Iii/nu, J .. eininger 'u, ing Sc ho/ar~ltif> Granted to a ull-tirne nur ang tu dent "'ho i at least a sophon101 c, intends to pur ue a caree1 in 1ni ion:s, and de1non tates an e e1nplar} < hr1 11an test in1on) . 1 tabli hed in honor ol Do, othy I lihna l...e 1111 nge 1 • 17,e Et/uh Jla,1 11/11P1 Aua,tl A,,arded to a dese1v1ngjunio1 n1aJ ring in l ngtish . PiiO\ 1ded b) fJr . ,eorge S. 1ilne1 . 711e lluh Je, e,niah t lln!a, 1111> "arded 10 a ull· ti1ne n1ru ried , •111an "ho 1 1un101 r enio1 . ha at tea t , 3 0 , I' A, and ha hnan 1al need 1u t I e acu, e 111 h1 i nan c-1, 1 e and tudent lite Pro, mded 111 hono1 of t a Rub Jeren11ah The K;1nberly Kerr Me,norial Scholarship Granted to a qualified junior or enior nursing tudent who demonstraLe financial need and schola tic achievement. E tablished in memory of Kimberly Kerr , class of 1975 . The John E. Kohl Music Trophy Granted to a de erving junior majoring in music . Provided by Robert Tombley. The Lillian Kresge A·H·ard Given to a junior or enior nur ing cudent ba ed on demon trated financial need and chola tic achieve1nent. E tabli hed in memory of Lillian Kresge, a re ident of Cedarville who devoted her life to a career a a Chri tian nur e. TheMiria,n Maddox Speech Conununication Scholarship Ai,·ard Pre ented annually to a communication arts fre hman, ophomore. or junior who exhibits high commitn1ent to Christian education and excellence in speech communication. The Ira C. Masi Award Pre ented to a graduating enior majoring in management and having at lea ta 3.0 GPA. Given in honor of Ira C. Ma t. The Clara Monzelle Milner A,vard Granted to a de erving junior majoring in teacher education. Provided by Dr . George S. Milner . The Nehemiah Eng;neering Aivard Provided by Dr . and Mr . Eugene Apple. Granted co an engineering cudent who demon– trate the balance of devotion to God and diligence of profe ional purpo e l11at wa exen1plified in Lhe life of ehemiah . The George S. Olive Co,npany A,vard Pre ented to a junior accounting major ,vith an overall GPA of 3 .0 or higher and a GPA of 3.3 or higher in accounting . Recipient n1u ·t demon trace leader hip abili tie , be eeking a career in public accounting. and be open to practicing in the tace of Indiana . O.iford Universiry Press Scofield Bible Alvard Awarded co the graduating enior Bible major having the highe t GPA. The Patterson College Che111isrry A H 1 ar t.l Awarded to an out rand– ing junior chemi try major . Spon ored by the Dayton ection of the American Che1nical Society. The PSI Office Technology A1trard Awarded LO a ru<lent n1ajoring in Office Technology or Bu ine · Conununicacion ,vho den1on– trate out landing abilitie in hi /her field . Pro, ided b} the pringfield Chapter of Profe ional ecretarie · Internacional. The Presidenr 's Trophy Awarded annually to a graduating en1or on the ba i of chola cic ability, character, leader hip, and port man hip. The Marlin Rayburn An•nr<l E tabli hed in n1emor 1 of Marlin Rayburn by Mr . Ethel Rayburn Jererniah. The recipient hall have earned a GPA of 3.0 or above and have den1on crated excellence in hon11letic . The Riervel<l Fine Arrs AH'ar<l Gi, en annual!) to the JUntor or enior den1on trating con i~· tent and out tand1ng abiht) and developn1enc in one or n1ore area · of the fine art!\ (n1u ·ic, dran1a. con1mun1cation arc , and broadca ting.) . Estabh hed b) f\1r . and Mr . Flovd Riet, ell.I. The Ta):lor Scholar.\/111J .4 ,rar<l Granted to a full -un1e \tudentt~) pursu ing a degree in nur~ing an<l ha, 1ng con1pleted chc 1un1or y~ar. E tablishc<l 111 honor tlf Ruel B. and \1 . l:.thel 1 .t\ lor b, their . . ch1lc.lren and grandchildren. The Krt\ft l v1111 i\'alho,11 \.le111orial cllolar,hi1> G1\en lt) ,l ,ophon1ore or 1un1or n1u,1c n1aj,H ,, uh ,\n t!n1ph,1 1, ,n, OtLC or in 1nu,1c t!ducaunn ,, ith , ot.:,tl t!t11pha,1, E"tahlt,he<l 111 n1en1or, t,t Kt t\ll L) nn \\ 1 alhorn. The iVa/1 S11,e1 Journal lh'llr,I \\,,trdcJ h.> an nul,t,u1J11H! ... g1 aduate 111 hu"'1nc,, aun11n1\tr,n1on Jhe J D. Jae~ i\ 1//e11, \cllola1\htJ> tH ar,I (,1,cn h> .1 ,npho1norc 01 Junior \\hll t'\Lt:ls 1n prt>ptlr;Hil,n hn .t L,ll1..·c1 in education . G1, 1..·n 1n 1nen1or) nl tht• to1 n1c1 p1c ... 1Jent of lhe C."c<la1 vilh: lu111111 As"'l>Ciation and n1t111hc1 nl the C l,l"'" \,r t l),._ flu rrhu, f"1u11A/111 \\'illia111, I Har,/ <.._;,anled l() a g1.u.lu.uing senior 1najoring in the ht Id nf hihli al 1..Jul.'at1on. 11,e J)r. a11<i t.1, , . D11,11u R \Vo,>(/ f a111i I, I l, a r,/ l,r ,tnted ltl · 1 tull -li1ne student ,, ho\\ ill hl'" at le,1st .1 ,nphl,llll\JC "1th ,t 3.25 )t highe1 g,1 .tde point .1, erage \\ ho ha e, 1den~ ed hristian ch.tracte1 , leatler~hip Hl a1npus , d ,1den11 ,tch1c,en1cnt , and, 11 lt) athh."ll pc1 to1111an e.
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