1994-1995 Academic Catalog
42 Biblical Education Purpo e The n1i .. ion of the Department of Biblical Education i to facilitate tl1e developn1ent of an undergraduate tudent' , ,vc)rld and life view which i biblically ba ed, tl1eologically ound, and philo ophically defensible. The departn1e11t eek to provide a biblical foundation for a liberal art education which integrates faith, learning . and life by providing basic biblical and theo– logical cour e a part of the liberal art core curricu– lu~1. The faculty endeavors to aid the tudent 's under- tanding of the Christian faith through the devlopment of proper principle of biblical interpretation. the expo ure to theological propo ition and biblical con– cept , and the fostering of evangelism and disciple hip. The department attempts to cultivate research and writing, timulate the use of cholarly methods and attitude , and to encourage individual scholarship . To produce graduates prepared for vocational Chris– tian ministrie , and eligible for admission to graduate chool , the department offers major programs of study in comprehen ive Bible (with emphases in general rudies, Chri tian education/youth, missions, and pastoral tudies), preseminary Bible education, interna– tional studies-missiology, and philosophy. The department 's curriculum has been devloped to empha ize the entire pectrum of a Biblical and theo– logical education. The curriculum is integrated with the liberal arts through the general education requirements and opportunities for electives. The purpose is to provide the major with a biblical and liberal arts educa– tion and experience which will fit his or her personal ministry aspirations and kill . The curriculum is reviewed continuously to maintain its appropriatene . Personal Requirements Students planning to pur ue careers in vocational ministrie hould po ses an intense desire to tudy the Scriptures and seek to gain as much practical experience in mini tries as possible, even before entering the College. Biblical education majors find the opportuni– ties provided by the Christian ministries program to be excellent avenues for applying truths learned in the cl~ ~room and for developing skill s useful for effective m1n1 try. Faculty Jack Riggs, Chairrnan; Professor of Bible. Director of ln tirutional Re earch. Author of two books and church education study materials; Interim pastor . Education: B.A.. Taylor University, 1956; B.D., Grace Theological Seminary, 1959; Th. M., Grace Theological Seminary, 1963; Th .D., Dallas Theological Seminary, 1968; post-doctoral study, Institute of Holy Land Stu die , (Jerusalem, Israel), 1987. At Cedarville since 1967. Richard Blumenstock , Assistant Professor of Bible. Education: B.A., Cedarville College. 1963; Th .M., Dallas Theological Seminary. 1967; D.Min ., We tern Conservat ive Baptist Seminary, 1993. Ac Cedarville since 1990. 4/ Greg Couser , Assistant Professor of Bible. Education: B.S., Liberty University, 1981; M.Div., Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary, 1985; M.A. Liberty University, 1988; Ph .D. Univer– si ty of Aberdeen (Scotland), 1993. At Cedarvi lle since 1994. Paul Dixon, President; Professor of Bible. Education: B.A., Tennessee Temple University, 1961; M.Div., Temple Baptist Theological Seminary. 1964; D.D, Tennesee Temple University, 1978; LL.D., Liberty University, 1984; Ed.D., The University of Cincinnati, 1986. At Cedarville since 1978. David Drullinger, A sociace Professor of Bible. Former pastor; Bible conference speaker; Author of church education study materials. Education: B.S., Western Baptist College, 1967; B.D., San Francisco Bapti t Seminary , 1971 ; Th .M., Western Conservative Bapti t Seminary, 1975; ; D.Min., Western Conservative Bapti t Seminary , 1980. At Cedarville since 1989. Floyd Elmore, Associate Profe or of Bible. Former missionary in Hondura ; Missions and Bible conference speaker. Education: Graduate, Pensacola Bible Institute, 1969; B.A., Cedarville College, 1977: Th .M., Dallas Theological Seminary, 1981; Th.D.. Dallas Theological Seminary , 1990. At Cedarville since 1985. Daniel Estes, Associate Professor of Bible. Assistant Academic Vice President. Education : B.A., Cedarville College, 1974; Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary, 1978; Ph.D., Cambridge University (England), 1988. At Cedarville since 1984. Cheryl Fawcett , Assistant Professor of Christian Education. Author of church education study materials; church education eminar peaker. Education: B.R.E.. Baptist Bible College, 1975; M.A., Wheaton Graduate School, 1977; Ed.D. , Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, 1991 . At Cedarvil le since 1991. Harold Green, Vice Pre ident for Christian Ministries; Assistant Profe sor of Bible. Education: Th .B., Baptist Bible Seminary, 1953: D.D., Grand Rapid Baptist Seminary, 1990. At Cedarville since 1970. Robert Gromacki, Distinguished Professor of Bible and Greek. Author of fourteen books; Pastor; Bible conference speaker . Education: Th .B. , Baptist Bible Seminary, 1956; Th .M. , Dallas Theological Seminary, 1960; Th.D.. Grace Theological Seminary, 1966; post-doctoral study, Institute of Holy Land Studies, (Jerusalem, Israel), Summer, 1982. At Cedarville since 1960. Chris Miller, Assistant Professor of Bible. Education: B.A., Tennessee Temple Universi ty, 1976; Th .M., Grace Theological Seminary, 1981 ; Ph. D, Dallas Theological Seminary, 1993; graduate study , In titute of Holy Land Studies, (Jerusalem, Israel), 1992. At Cedarville since 1991 . .; David Mills, Instructor of Philosophy. Education: B.S. , Cedarville College, 1992; all work completed for M.A. except di ssertation, The Pennsylvania State University, 1994. At Cedarville since 1994. Gary Percesepe, Professor of Philosophy. Director of the Honors Program; Author. Education: B.A., Cedarville College, 1975; M.A., University of Denver, 1978; M.A., Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary, 1978; Ph.D., St. Louis University, 1986; postgraduate study, Collegiurn Phaenomenologicum, Italy, summer , 1990. At Cedarville since 1983 .
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