1994-1995 Academic Catalog
Practical Theology BEPT-240 Personal Evangelism--Sp 4 hours A srudy of the philosophy, principles, and methodology of personal evangelism . The course includes developing a per onal wicnes ing methodology, understanding the current is ues in evangelism, and learning to answer the difficult questions often asked in witnessing experiences . A one day evangelistic field trip is required. Prerequisite : BEGE-171 The Christian Life . BEPT-242 Missions Survey--A 4 hours A survey of the history of mission from apostolic times corre– lated with a srudy of New Te tament mi sionary principle and practices . The organization and policies of the GARBC approved agencies will be examined. BEPT-342 Pastor al Ministry-Sp 3 hours A consideration of the pastor and his ministry . The cour e includes a study of his personal life, study, and pastoral duties, including presiding over the ordinances. weddings, funeral s, and church services. (odd years) BEP'f-343 Pastoral Connseling--Sp 3 hours A consideration of the principles of pastoral counseling. Empha– sis is placed on a srudy of contemporary personal problem and their Scriptural solution . (even year ) BEPT-345 Contemporary World Missions--W 4 hour A study of the development, method , and problems of Chri tian missions since World War II . BEPT-346 The Missionary Proce s--Sp 3 hours An examination of the various aspects involved in becoming a missionary. including such things as the mi ssionary call, pre– candidature preparation, lhe selection of a mi ssion board, the candidate screening process, appointment as a mi sionary, pre-field ministry, culture shock, cross cultural comn1unication, evangelistic and church planting stracegy. BEPT-349 The Pastor ' Wife--A 3 hour A consideration of the unique position of a pastor ' wife. her responsibilities, problems. and privilege . Practical suggestion from area pascors' wives, individual research, and group di cu ion will be explored. (even year ) BEPT-350 Homiletic --A S hour An introductory cour e designed to develop the tudent 's philosophy of preachjng Emphasi is placed on the preparation of expository sermons and practice in their delivery. PrerequL ires: COM-1 10 Fundamentals of Speech, junior or senior tatu . BEPT-440 Pa tora1 Internship--A,W,Sp,Su 16 hour Ten weeks 1n a local church gaining experience in pa toral responsib1lic1es under the supervision of Bible department faculcy and/or the local pastor. Five hours will count toward the preseminary major Prerequisite: Approval of the Bible facult,. B PT-441 Independent tud in Mi sion --A ,W.Sp.Su 1-4 hour , Individual research in variouc; topics of n1iss1on . including ,nission boards. methods, and places of service . B PT-450 Missionary Intern hip Su 1-10 hours l='our to six weeks on a hon1e or foreign mission field gaining experience in actual missions activity under the supen i ion of the Missionary lnte1 nship Corn1nitlee and a qualified m1ss1onary . Th1\ pro~ra,n is open to student in various rnajors, is norn1all} taken during the sununer hetween Lhe junior and senior \ears, and cannot be counted toward thl! general education requiren1cnt 1n Bible l Jp to tlu ee hour n1ay count toward tht: prese1ninary 1najor. B "P'l'-456 d\'anced Hon1ilctics--W 4 hour'i An advanced tudy of sern1011 tructure <levelop111ent and effecuvc dellvery. ·1he ourse is dt: igned to give the student practice in the uthn1ng, "riling, delivering, and e, aluating of se1111011 for dif terent type ot pita hing situations . Prerequisite: 81::.P l'-350 lion1ile1ic . Biblical Education 53 Theology BETH-233 Bible Geography and Customs--A 5 hour A geographical urvey of the Bible lands with tre . upon the topography and cultural di stinctives in their hi torical contexL. (odd year ) BETH-332 Biblical lnterpretation--W 3 hours A detailed tudy of the ba ic principles of Bible interpretation. BETH-333 Christian Evidence and Apologetic --A 3 hour A study of the basi for and the nature of the evidence for Christianity. Stres i placed on the idea of biblical re\ elation and its u e in the defen e and confirmation of the go pel. BETH-335 Bibliology and Theology Proper --W 4 hour A tudy of bibliology, the doctrine of the cripture . with empha i upon it revelation, inspiration. canonic icy, and illumina– tion; and theology proper, the doctrine of the being of God, with attention given to His existence, artribute . trinitarian relation ·hip , and decree . (odd }ear ) BETH-336 Angelology and Anthropology--Sp 4 hour. A study of angelology. the doctrine of the unfallen angels, the fallen angel , and Satan; and an thropology, the doctrine of man, with stre son hi creation, constitution. fall. and inful condition. (odd \ear ) .. BETH-432 Contemporary Theology 5 hour A critical cudy of traditions, trend , i ue , and major thinker in contemporary theology. Prerequi ite: BEPH-220 Introduc tion to Philo ophy. BETH-437 Soteriology and Chri tology--A 4 hour A study of oteriology, the doctrine of alvation. including election, the atonement. and eternal ecurity: and Chri tolog,. the doctrine of Chri t, with empha i upon Hi deity. hun1anity, and redemptive work . (even )ear. ) BETH-438 Pneumatology and Eccle iologJ --W 4 hour A study of pneun1atology, the doc.: crine of the per on and \\!Ork of the Holy Spirit; and eccle ·iology, the doctrine of the church. \\ 1th stres upon both the univer. al church and the local church . (od<l\ear) - BETH-439 E cha tology-- p ~ hour · A tudy of e chatology, the doctrine of la l thing , \\ ith auention given to the rapture of the church, the tribulation. the n1illenniun1. the eternal tate. and the di cinctive of di">pen acionali n1 (e,en \ears) - BETH-440 Independent tudy in Bible--A. \.\ 1 , p. u 1-4 hour The tudent \\' lll inve ·tigatt! c1 sign1ticanc topic or cr,pturt! pa age of pecial intere t \\ ith a \ ie\\ to,vard intt!grauon of k.no 'A ledge.
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