1994-1995 Academic Catalog

54 Business Administration The Deparc111e11t t)f Bu i11e, Admini tration eek to prepare Cl1ri .. tian you11g people for a variety of careers and 111111i tr)' opportunitie in tl1e con1petitive world of bu ' ine, , a11d or for graduate tudie . Tl1e program offer.. a health)' combinatio11 of the liberal art and prote ior1al kill in order to develop the intellectual capacit)' . ethical imagination, and service orientation \\'hicl1 are e ential to per on as urning leadership re ponsibilitie within tl1e bu ines community. On thi Biblically-integrated foundation, we construct academically ou11d busine n1ajors to prepare Chri s– tian bu ine per onnel for God-honoring vocations. We eek to develop a wide range of tudent competen– cie . including all the technical skills offered in leading chool of bu ine . The bu ine s curriculum has been carefully developed to empha ize the entire spectrum of bu iness concerns in a balanced program that combines theory, principles, technique . and practical applications to erlhance graduates· employment opportunitie or to provide a olid foundation for graduate studies. The department seeks to build upo11 the fundamental Chri tian liberal arts foundation established in the general education requirement of the Col lege to present a value-centered curriculum that applies Chris– tian principle to the private enterprise sy tern a well a other public and nonprofit economic ystems . This i accompli bed through a cor1tinuous curricul um review and a highly competent faculty who combine acaden1ic experti e with profe sional experie1 ce in indu try. Cedarville College is a member of the Association of Collegiate Bu ine Schools and Programs. GEO. S. ULIVt: D ~ CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTA Represe11rr11l\ es oJ " 811: S'n · lllld reRional acro11111i11 g ft nu~ i i i;i1 !he ca111pu ~ 10 recruu Cedan1/le a,co1a11i11~ graduate.\. Personal Requirements Student will find a college preparatory curriculum in high school provides the best preparation for study in the bachelor degree programs in the Department of Bu ines Administration. This curriculum should include at least two years of mathematics. Three or four years of high school mathematics, including calculus, are recommended for students anticipating graduate study in business . No previous coursework in bookkeeping or accounting is necessary . Because of extensive computer utilization in the business curricu– lum, elec tives in computer programming or software packages may prove to be helpful. Students pursuing the associate degree in office technology or the major in business communications technology will fmd high school coursework in type– wri ting and shorthand to be helpful. Students with excellent skill in these areas may test out of basic typewri ting and shorthand courses at the College. Faculty Sharon Johnson (Mr. ), Chainnan; A sociate Professor of Management. Education: B.S . , Florida State University, 1969; M.B.A . Florida State University, 1973; D.B.A., Florida State University, 1978. At Cedarville ince 1993 . Richard Baldwin Profe or of Management. Education: B.S.E. E. , [owa State Uni ver ity, 1955; M .B.A ., University of Dayton, 1968; L .L.B., LaSalle Corre pondence Uni ver ity , 1973; Ph .D ., The Ohio Sta te Univer ity, 1987; President' Fellow, Amer ican Graduate College of International Management , Winterim, 1987. At Cedarville since 1975. John Cassidy, As ocia te Profe sor of Finance. Education: B.S ., Bob Jone Univer ity, 1961 ; M.B.A., Florida State Univer ity, 1967; D.B.A., F lor ida State University, 1980 . At Cedarville since 1991. Clifford Fa,vcett Profe sor of Management. Education: B.S.E.E., Uni versity of Maryland , 1958; M .B.A ., American Univer ity, 1970; D.B.A., George Washington Univer i ty, 1976 . At Cedarville since 1983. J effrey Fawcett , Assistant Profe or of Marketing. Education: B.A., Cedarville College, 1982; M .B.A ., Uni ver ity of Baltimore, 1986; ABD, Cleveland State Uni versity. At Cedarville ince 1987. Charles Hartman, A i tant Profes or of Accounting. Education: B.A ., Michigan State Univer ity, 1984; M .B.A ., Michigan State Univer ity, 1984 . At Cedarville since 1989 . Marinus Hazen , A ociate Profes or of Finance . Education: 8 .8.A., Ohio Unive r ity, 1963; M.B.A., Ohio Univer ity, 1964; C. P .A., State of Ohio, 1965; all work completed for Ph .D . except di sertation. Cleveland Stace Univer ity, 1989-. At Cedarville ince 1983. Martha Johnson, A ociate Professor of Office Technology. Education: B.A ., Uni versity of ortbem Iowa, 1975; M .A., Univer ity of Northern Iowa , 1978. Certified Profes ional Secretary, 1986. At Cedarville ince 1983 . Betty Orme, A istanc Profe or of Office Technology . Education: B.S., We t Virginia Tech, 1970 ; M.S ., Wright State University, 1991. At Cedarville ince 1991 . David Rotman, Director of Computer Service ; A si tanc Profe or of Computer Informa tion System . Education: B.S., Taylor Unive r ity, 1968; M.A .T ., Indiana Uni ver ity . 1972 ; C. D. P., ln titute for Certification of Computer Professional , 1980 ; Ph .D. Southeastern Uni ver ity, 1994. At Cedarville ince 1984 .