1994-1995 Academic Catalog

v i , Business Administration 55 Galen Smith. As ociate Professor of Economics. Education : B.A.. Washburn University, 1966; M.S., Kan a State University, 1968: M.Div., Grace Theological Seminary , 1978. At Cedarville since 1981. Sarah Smith, Associate Profes or of Accounting. Education: B.A. .. Cedarville College, 1975; M.A., Virginia Polytechnic In titute and State University , 1976; Ph .D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. 1982. At Cedarville since 1980. Kenneth t. Clair, Associate Professor of Business. Education: B.S.. University of lllinoi , 1956; C.P .A. State of Ohio, 1962; M.S.. University of Illinois. 1963; graduate study, Uruversity of ebraska. 1964-65: Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary , 1986-87. At Cedarville since 1959. Wesley S\.\·eet er, Assistant Profes or of Computer Information Systems. Education: B.A.. State Univer icy of New York at Oswego, 1977; M.S., State University of New York at Albany, 1985. At Cedarville since 1994. Ronald Walker, Professor of Management Science. Education: B.S., Bowling Green State University, 1965; M.S. , University of Michigan, 1966: D.B.A., Kent State University, 1986. At Cedarville since 1978. Bert Wheeler , Associate Professor of Economic . Education: B.S., University of Tennessee, 1981: M.A., University of Tenne - see, 1984: Ph .D., University of Tennes ee, 1985 . At Cedarville since 1992. Duane Wood, Academic Vice President; Professor of Manage– ment. Education: B.S.E.E.. Rose-Hulman In titute of Technol– ogy, 1964: M.B.A., Butler Universi ty, 1968; D.B.A. . Indiana University, 1974. At Cedarville since 1987. Programs of Study The Department of Business Admini stration offers the following programs: Major in: Accounting Business communication technology with concentration in: Organizational communication Professional writing Bu ines education with teaching field in: Bookkeeping-ba ic bu ine s Comprehensive busi11ess Co1nputer inforn1ation ystems rina11ce Internalio11al sludies: global economic & i1ternational busi1 ess Management witl1 co11cer1tratior1s 111: Hur11an resource. n1anage111ent on-pro ti l 111a11age111e11t Operatio11s n1a11age111c11t 51nal1 busi11css/c11trepreneursl1i1) Marketii1g ""' itl1 co11cc11tratio11s in: Advcrtisi11g l11dus1rial r11arketi11g a11d sales Marketi11g 111a11agen1e11t ,OllJ)fOfit Minors in: Bu ine administration Chri tian mini strie management Computer information system Economics International business Special Program: Office technology (a ociate of art degree) Career Opportunities Graduate and profe ional school welcome Cedarville College graduate . Career pur ued by graduates include: accountai1t admini trative as i cant auditor banker busine s teacher church financial n1anager computer network manager controller financial analy t human re ources manager marketing re earcher office manager production ma11ager programmer purcha ing manager retail manager ale manager alesper on ecretary ecuritie broker Admission and Degree Requirements Althougl1 tt1denl · i11 tl1e Dcpart111ent of Bu · i11e ~ Adn1ini tration are 11ot required to appl) for ad111i " io11 to the depart111e11t , conti11ltatiL)t1 is ba ·ed upt)n perfor- ma11ce in tl1e core bu ' i11e~~ reqt1iren1e11t . tude1 ts enteri11g tl1eir ju11 ior 1 ear 111a) l1e r~\ ie\\ cd ft)r co11ti11uati()11 by the depart111e11t cha1r111a11. . tude11t 111t1~t ear11 at lea ,1 a .., . 0 grade p<.)1111 a, erage i11 the foll()\\ i11g ct c)f SC)JJh()tllt)re cc)ur~e~ . A CT-211 .2 l 2 Pr111ciplcs c)f ,\ cct)u11t111g B -211,212 taci tic~ CO 233 1 tCt C)t!Cl)r1C)Jl1iC\ I:.CO 234 l acrc)t!Cc)1101111c" Beft)re enrolling i11 a11, 4()0 le, el De1)arc111e11t t)t '- Bu inc~ · d1111n .... 11\ 1t1011 Ct>Ut \t:. -.,tutlc11t" 111t1"'c ha\ c att ~fat Cc)rtl) CL)lll()letetl 4111 200 lt:\ el De11ar1111c11t. l)f Bt1 s111e , \ th11 i11istrat ic)tl course~ 1 et1u 11 ed fL>r tl1e1r 111aJor~ . l t) gradua1e \\' i tl1 a n1aJt)1 t't°l)t11 tl1e Dt: l)art- 111e11t Clf Bt1si11ess 1\d111ini tratit)ll, stutit:nls 111tt'il t:,1r11 at lea t a ~ O ru111ulati, 1 t: a\ ern~ · anti at 1 ast 1 l "' 111 dll l1u i11css ,HJ111ii1istracic)Il r ~<.1u1r n1c11ts .