1994-1995 Academic Catalog

6 College Profile edar,·ille C liege i a Bapti t college of art and :c1ence , f c,·er ..... 300 tudent . Since it founding, edarvi lle 11a coupled a balanced liberal art program ,,·ith a fu11da1nentali t. theological po ition in regard to d tri11 a11d patre111 of conduct . All clas e are taught b ) ' dedi aLed Chri tian profe or who integrate the k110~·1 dge of their re pective field with biblical . per ·pect1,,e . 11 keeping with the liberal arts concept , the curricu– lun1 center n a ba ic program of general tudie includi11g Biblical education communication.s, humani– tie . phy ical education cience and mathematics, and o ial cie1ce. Following thi program, students choo e a n1ajor field of concentrated study related to their abilitie . intere ts, and career goals. Upon con1pletion. tudent receive the baccalaureate degree. The College al o offer an a ociate of arts degree in offi ce technology. Purpose Since it e tabli hment , the purpo e of the College ha remained the ame: to offer an education consis– tent with Biblical truth. To achieve thi purpose the College eek to accom– pli 11 the fol lowing objectives: 1. To unde rgi rd the tudent in the fundamental s of the Chri tian faith, and to timulate him to evaluate know– ledge in the light of criptural truth. 2. To encourage growth in Chri tian character in each tudent, and to help the tudent accept his responsibil– ity in faithfu l Christian ervice. 3. To increa e the student s awarene of the world of idea a11d events which are influencing our contempo– rary culture. and to prepare the tudent to knowledge– ably participate in our society. 4 . To e11able the student to develop sound critical and analytical rea oni11g. 5 . To provide ufficient opportunitie for tudent to practice the kill of communication. 6. To offer opportunitie for academic specialization a1d preparati on for graduate tudy, and to a sist the tudent in electing and preparing for a vocation. 7. !o ~o ter the tudent ' appreciation of, and partici– pation in. whole ome avocational and cultural activi- . tie . Recognition, Certification, and Accreditation Cedarville College i an institution of higher learning approved by the General A ociation of Regular Baptist Churches. The College is a four-year degree granting in titution chartered by the State of Ohio and certified by the Ohio Board of Regents. The Col lege is approved by the State Department of Education for the education and certi fication of both elementary and secondary teachers. The bachelor of cience in nur ing program i accredited by the Na– tional League for Nur ing. The Coll ege holds member hip in the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. This recognition ignifies that the College i accredited. The College al o bolds membership in the Christian College Coalition, the Ohio College A sociation, the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Ohio the National As ociation of Independent Colleges and Univer itie the A sociation of Chri tian School International , and the Ohio Foundation of Independent College . Information concerning accrediting agencies and respective accreditation requirement is available in the Office of the Academic Vice Pre ident . Massies Creek gorge, located just ,ninures fronz the ca,npus. offers a peaceful re1rear Jronz the stresses of college life.