1994-1995 Academic Catalog
66 Business Administration OTJ:t:C-390 Office S)·, tcn1, Scn1ina r -- p 3 hour ,\ con1prehcn,1\ c cap-..tonc course that re\ ie\V\ soft\.\rare applica– unns. tudcnt, \\ ill be t!'\pccted to solve real-life problems appl)tng the1r pre\iou-.. training u 1ng a daLabase, preadsheet, graph . de,k.top puhh,h1ng. and word proce5sing. Time will al o he ~pent u~ng electronic calendaring and other telecomn1unication application~. A re\ IC\\ of pcedv~·riting and gramn1ar is included. To be tak.cn the quarter before graduation. Course Descriptions Depa111ne11tal Courses Accoi111ti1zg ACCT-211,212 Principles of Accounting--A ,W.Sp 5 hours each quarter An 1ntroducc1on to the accounting for sole proprietorships. partner hip . and corporation . Topic include basic bookkeeping procedure . preparation and u e of financial statements, manage– n1ent accounong. taxes. and payroll. Prerequis1te: sophomore cla sification. ACCT-311,312,313 Intermediate Accounting--A,W,Sp 3 hours each quarter Review of fundamentals. basic accounting theory. and practice. Develop1nent of the ability to analyze accounting problems and pre enc clear, supportable solutions is stressed. Prerequisite: ACCT-212 Principles of Accounting. ACCT-315 Accounting Information Systems--Sp 3 hours A c;,cudy of the flow of information through the accounting system emphasizing )' tern analysis and design, internal controls, and computer applications in the business environment. Prerequisites: ACCT-212 Principles of Accounting, CIS-220 Computer Information Systems. ACCT-317 Cost Accounting--Sp 5 hours Principle of industrial and distribution cost accounting, job order and process cost system5. and standard costs. Prerequisite: ACCT-2 l2 Principles of Accounting. ACCT-411 Federal Income Taxes--A 4 hours Proper preparation of federa l income tax retun1s for individuals, partnerships, and corporations. Students are introduced to income tax planning and the effect of income taxe on business decisions. Prerequisite: ACCT-212 Principles of Accounting. ACCT-412 Auditing--A 4 hours A study of auditing standards and related auditing procedures. Topic include evaluation of audit evidence, profes ionai responsi– bilities. and auditors· report and opinions. Prerequi ites: CIS-220 Computer Information Systen1s. ACCT-313 Intermediate Account– ing, BUS-2 l2 Stati tics. ACCT-413 Advanced Accounting--Sp 4 hours A rudy of consolidated financial statements. foreign exchange, estate and tru\ts. branch accounting, and related problems. Prerequisne: ACCT-313 Intern1ediate Accounting. ACCT-415 F und Acco11nting--Sp 4 hours Accounting and reporting principles. standards, and procedure applicable to not-for-profit organizations. Prerequisite: ACCT-311 Intermediate Accounting. (odd years) ACCT-417 Advanced Cost Accounting--Sp 4 hours Ad\ anced topics in accounting for manufacturing companies and the use of the computer in cost accounting applications. Prerequi- site: ACCT-317 Cost Accounting. (even years) ACCT-419 Advanced Accounting Problems--W 4 hours Comprehensive review of the application of accounting principles, using specific problems and development of approaches to problem solving. Cseful as intensive preparation for the C. P.A. examina– tion. Prerequisite· ACCT-313 Intermediate Accounting. ACCT-421 Advanced Taxation--W, 4 hours An examinauon of the tax provisions governing C Corporations, S Corporations Partnerships. and Estates. Analyzes international and multi-state taxation of corporations. Prerequisite: ACCT-411 Federal Income Taxe . Business Administration BUS-100 Business Prologue--Sp 1 hour An introduction to the career opportunities in business and industry, a preview of the programs of study withi n business, and a look at ethical foundations for the study and practice of business as a Christian professional. This course 1nust be taken the fi rst available quarter the student enters Cedarville College. Open to undeclared students and business major5 only. BUS-211,212Statistics--A.W,Sp 3 hours each quarter An introduction co statistical methods used 1n business decision- 1naking. Topics include probability. sampling, estimation, regression. correlation, and analysi of variance. Prerequisi te: GSCl-190 Calculus for Business. BUS-216 Business Communications--A 4 hours Instruction for writing business letters, memos, and business reports. Oral business presentations, mall group communication, and the communication process in general are also discussed. Prerequisites: ENG-110.140 English Composition I,II. BUS-218,318 Business La,,·--A.W,Sp 4 hours each quarter A study of contracts, ales, bailments, negotiable instruments, agency, employer-employee relationships. partnerships, corpora– tions. insurance, and property. BUS-291 International Business--A 3 hours To give a global perspective of the business environment, international business terms are defined and the interactions of the various actors, firms, institutions, countries, and groups of countries are developed. An environmental approach including both culrural and financial perspectives develops a broad view of the world economy. BUS-311 Decision Analysis--A,Sp 3 hours Introduces mathematical methods of decision analysis. Topics include probability, forecasting, decision under uncertainty, decision trees. inventory models, linear programming, and networks. Prerequisite: Bus-212 Statistics II . BUS-340 Independent Study in Business Administration 1-4 hours Research in problems of accounting. computer information systems. general business, economics, finance, management , marketing, or secretarial administration. BUS-341 Topics in Business 1-5 hours A varieLy of courses is covered under this heading on an experi– mental basis. This allows the department to meet the changing needs of the students without formally adding or dropping courses on a quarterly basis. BUS-345 Business Internship 4-16 hours A work-study program designed for junior and senior business administration maJor to receive a variety of job-related experiences in a busines environment. The program is arranged and adminis– tered by the department. BUS-442 Business Seminar--A ,W.Sp 3 hours Discussion of current business topics. Open only to seniors in business ad1ninistration. BUS-499 Executive Development O hours A program of professional development activities which prepares rudents to n1ove into a corporate environment. Senior business majors are required to maintain enrollment in this program during their last three quarters. (Fee: $10) Business Education BSED-347 Materials in Business Subjects--A 2 hours A study of the materials used in teaching business subjects in high school. BSED-348 Clinical Teaching--Business--A,W,Sp 1-3 hours A clinical experience required of teacher education students. The course includes sixty-six clock-hours of on-campus experiences that are analogous to secondary school teaching. These experiences are arranged by the department and are supervised and evaluated as part of teacher-training requirements. They may be taken in one, two, or three credit hour segments.
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