1994-1995 Academic Catalog
Business Administration 67 ~ Computer Information Systems CIS-fOO Introduction to Computers--A,W ,Sp 2 hours An introduction to basic computer hardware, software and applications. Using popular software packages, the emphasis will be on general and personal applications of the computer for the non-business major. (Fee: $10) CIS-124 Computer Programming--BASIC--Sp 3 hours Principles of computer programming in BASIC. A strong ~ emphasis is placed on the proper design of a computer program using structured programming concepts and techniques. (Fee: $30) CIS-220 Computer Information Systems--A,W,Sp 3 hours I An overview of computer information systems. The integration and application of computer hardware. software, procedures. systems. and human resources are explored. Emphasis on using spreadsheets, word processing, and database technique . (Fee: $10) CIS-221 FORTRAN Programming- Sp 4 hours l!irttf Problem solving is emphasized as algorithms and techniques useful in practical business and scientific application are introduced m programming arithmetic, logic, and data handling functions . (Fee: $40) n CIS-222 Structured Programming--Sp 4 hours Structured programming concept are developed through programming assignments in a high level language. The program development process. top down design, stepwise refinement, as . well as the analysis of algorithms and data structures will be used to develop sound problem-solving techniques. Intended to be the first programmmg course for CIS majors. (Fee : $30) ban CIS-223 Microcomputer Applications--A 3 hours .. A study of the use of electronic spreadsheet and database management software in business applications. (Fee : $30) I -224,225 COBOLProgramming--A.W 4 hours each qua rter The course introduces the basic program structure of a high level programming language as business-oriented programs are prepared hOlll'S and executed. Advanced topic& are developed with stress upon more efficient programming techniques, documentation, and structured programming. Prerequisite: CJS-222 Structured Programming. (Fee : $40) ham CI -326 ystems Analysis--A 4 hour A study that provides an understanding of the duties of the systems analyst together with an understanding of the specific methods and techniques for conducung a systems proJect-- from the preli1ninary investigation of the project through the systems implementation and evaluauon. Prerequ1s1te: CIS-221 FORTRAN P~ogramming or CIS 224 COBOL Progran1ming. I -327 ystem De ign 4 hours Advanced study of structured systems developmenl. Emphasis on ,strategies and techniques of structured anal) sis and structured design for producing logical inethodologies for dt!aling with co1nplexily in tht dcvelop1ncnt of infor1nation '}~Len1s. Prerequi– ite: CIS-326 Sys1e1ns Analy'iis. ...IS-328 Database Development--Sp 4 hour · Introduction to applicauon prograrn dcvclopn1ent in a <lataha\e environ1ncnt v:ith an e1nphasis on loading, 1nodi fying and querying tht: database using a host language ( 0801-). Di cussion and applicauon o1 data structures, indexed and direct file organizations, rn del~ of data including hierarchial, network, an<l 1elational. Prerequisite: IS-224 Ol30l- Progr a1nn1ing. (Fee: $30) I. -329 oft\\ are and llard,\lart 011rcpts--A 4 hours A urvey of technical topic related to cornputer S) ste111s wich e1npha i on the relation hip between hardv. arc archite ture, ) ten1s fi1v.a1e, and applicati ns ~ottv.a1c. (altt:rnate years} I - 0 ata tructurt· Sp 4 hours A , an1ery of data t) pe and srructurcs uch as a11 a) , t:ts, I e rd , Lael queues, hn ed 11s1 • u e · and gt aph v. ill he d1 cus d and den1on II ated 1hrough prog1 a1n1ning e ·1 cis in a lugh le, el language Apph atiou 10 ea~ hin I and orting Jgo~uluns \\ 1111 e 1n, e tigated. Pre1equ1sue: I 2.. L tructu1 cd I ran nun, I e: 10) CIS-420 Programming Language --A 4 hour Advanced programming concept using one or more tructured languages (selected from Pa cal. ADA, Modula 2. C). Theorie of program design and implementation. Some di cu ion of compiler construction. (Fee: $10) (alternate year ) CIS-421 Software Development--W 3 hours Application of con1puter programming and systen1 developn1ent concepts, principles and practice to a comprehen ive sy tern development project. A team approach is used to analyze, de ign, and document reali stic systems of moderate complexity. Use of project management methods, project cheduling and control techniques, formal presentation , and group dynamics in the solucjon of information system problems. Development of database to support the sy tern. Prerequi ites: CIS-225 COBOL Programming, CIS-326 Sy terns Analy i . (Fee: $30) Economics ECON-233Microeconomics--A,W 4 hour That area of economic inquiry that i concerned with the effect of human behavior on the conduct of affair within rather narrowly defined units. It is the study of deci ion making regarding consumption, production, and exchange which is carried on by individual hou eholds and by busine s firm . ECON-234 Macroeconomics--W,Sp 4 hour That area of economic study that focu e on how human beha\ ior affect outcomes in highly aggregated market , uch as the mark.et for labor, or for con umer product . It is a rudy of the behavior of the economy as a whole, including the tudy of uch econon1ic phenomena a interest rate , the price level and national income. output and employment. Prerequi ite or corequi tte: ECON-233 Microeconomic or permission of in cructor. ECON-313 Government and Busine --W 4 hour A tudy of the governmental agencie and their effect on An1erican busine s. Ca e studies and current event are developed to ho\\ the trend and status of variou law and regulation . The economic impact and difficulti~ which ari e in managing a business are reviewed. Prerequi ite: ECON-233 Microeconomic (odd }ear ) ECON-331 International i\tloney & Capital l\1arket --Sp 4 hour A study of the principle of 1none) . credit, and banking, and the operation of the banking y tern. Prerequi ice: ECO -233 Microeconomics . ECON-334 Hi tory of Economic T hought-- p 4 hour Principal figure in the development of econorntc idea · . and the contribution of each period of econon1ic thought fron1 tl1e n1erc,m uli st to the pre ·ent. Prcrequi ite: ECO -233 Microeconornics (e\.en,ear) E O -335 Comparati" e Economic Jstcm - .\ 4 hour · Analy i of the n1ajor econorr1ic S) ten1s e,1st1ng in the.! \\Orl<l today This involve , an1ong others, capuahs1n, soc1ah ' 111, communisn1. and fasc1s1n. The t.!conon1 ies of rrancc. Ch1na. Japan, and Yugu'ila\ ta are const<lered Prerequ1s1te: ECO 233 M1croeconon1ics. (odd }Cars) ECQf'j-336 International Trade and Econon1ic, \\' 4 hours A study of uuernational t!Conon11c theo1\ ~tnd international t1~tdt! poli<.) 'J ht: e<.ononu<. b,1s1s of trade .u1d t,\<.to1 1noh1lity, the benefns ot 1nternauon<1l trttde ttn<l the hurr1ers h.> internath.lnal tl.tde tlo\\s ,...-ill be c an1incd Prercqu1stte: l C'O'\ 231 ~lll roetono1nu. s or pcrn11,,1on f rotn 1n,tructor E O 1 -337 l .. abor l1' cono1nics \ 4 l1our~ ,\n e a111ination ut the role nt untlHls and the laht,r n1.1rkt•t in a free cntc1 prise ystctn . l':.1npha... is is givt•n ll' lht• i111pa l tlf unh.lns as a social institution in the colleLti, c h,trgaining pro l~..,... . Lahor legislation and the lahlH n10, t•1nent t\re studied f1 l'lll lH>th a his1or ical and cur1 cnt pcrspcc:ti, e. Prertqui:,iite: l· N 213 1iCll cono1ni1.:s. e,cn ears)
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