1994-1995 Academic Catalog

68 Business Administration 1'"{."'()~-338 Ile, clopn1en tal Econo1nic · & Political Economy--Sp 4 hours \ ~tUd) of the interaction of pohtical and econon1ic y terns to pn.lduce econon11c de, elopment and gro,vth of nation states. A fran1e,vork for anal}5i~of developn1ent i explored and applied to ·pecific ca~e . tudie" of both indu trial and developing economics that ha, e recent!) undergone significant change. Prerequisite: ECO, -233 Microeconomic, and ECON-234 Macroeconomics or pem1i~sion of instructor. ECOI\-339 Public Finru1ce--Sp 4 hours Acon ideration of the financing of locaL state, and federal go, ernn1ent . Much attention i given to three functions of government: cabilization, di tribution, and allocation. All major ta,e ''-'hich are pre enc in the United States are studied as to truccure. revenue gained, and present status. Prerequisite: ECON-234 Macroeconomics. (even years) Fi11ance F~-171 Per onal F inance--A,Sp 4 hours A tudy of the current principles and practices of e tablishing a lifetime program of per onal money management. Topics include the economy. theories of work and income, preparation of financial goal.. budgets and report , relevant biblical passages for giving. principle and practices of purchasing food, clothing, transporta– tion. recreation, vacat ions, housing and home furnishings, in ur– ance for homes. autos. health and life. and investments in the money market. bond , stocks, mutual funds, real estate, precious metals and collectible will be treated. Credit, borrowing, making money grow, retirement. social security, estate planning and income taxes are also studied. (Credit not applicable to 1neet busine elective requirements.) FIN-273 Church Business Administration--W 4 hours A study of the principles and procedures of the financial 1nanage– ment of the local church organization. (Credit not applicable to meet business elective requirements.) FIN-331 l\1oney and Capital Markets--Sp 4 hours A study of financial markets and the roles that institutions and governments play in those markets, including the role of various international monetary systems . Pre requisite: ECON-233 Microeconomics. FIN-371 Financial Management of the Firm--A, W ,Sp 4 hours A study of the practical and theoretical aspects of financial decision making. Topics include cost of capital, capi tal structure, management of current assets, capital budgeting, sources of funds, and statement analysis. Prerequisite: ACCT-212 Principles of Accounting and BUS-212 Statistics. FIN-373 Investments--W 4 hours A study of the various types of investments including stocks, bonds. mutual funds. commercial, paper, options, and conunodi– ties. Particular emphasis is given to return and risk in developing investment strategies. Prerequisite: FJN-371 Financial Manage– ment of the Firm. FIN-377 Security Analysis and Portfolio Management--Sp 4 hours The theory and practice of security analysis techniques and portfolio management objectives. Prerequisite: FIN-373 Invest– ments . FI~-470 Senior Semina r in Finance--W 2 hours A forum to discuss contemporary topics and issues in finance and provide guidance in areas of student career interest. FL"\-472 Business Valuation --W 4 hours An advanced course in financial management, focusing on the valuation of business wealth. Introduction to standards of value, valuation methods for mergers, acquisitions, LBO's, reorganiza– tions, workouts and bankruptcy. Prerequisites: FIN-371 Financial Management of the Firm and ACCT-311,312 Intermediate Accounting. FIN-475 Financial Institution Administration --A 4 hours An integrated and comprehensive analysis of the management of financial institutions considering the unique problems faced by each cype of institucion. Prerequisite: FIN-331 International Money and Capital Markets . FIN-479 Case Pr oblems in F inancia l l\;fanagement--Sp 4 hours Case study of financial management in business enterprises. Planning current and long-term financial needs. profit planning, funds allocation, dividend policy , expansion, and combination. Prerequisite: FIN-472 Business Valuation . Management l\1G MT-350 P r inciples of Or ganization and Management-- A,W ,Sp 4 hours An examination of the policies, principles, practices, and problems involved in the organization and management of business concerns. 1\,fGMT-351 Small Business Management--Sp 4 hours A course dealing with the program involved in establishing and managing a small business . Financial organization, services, and problems are analyzed . Prerequisites: ACCT-212 Principles of Accounting, MGMT-350 Principles of Organization and Manage– ment, and MRKT-360 Principles of Marketing. MGl\;lT-352 Production and Oper ations Management--Sp 4 hours Introduction to the concepts, methodologies, and application of production and operations management. Designed to develop problem solving and decision making skills for application in the operations and production areas of the firms. Designed to develop an appreciation for the interaction of operations management with the management systems of organization. Prerequisites: ACCT- 212 Principles of Accounting. BUS-212 Statistics, MGMT-350 Principles of Organization and Management. MGMT-353 Human Resources Management--W 4 hours An analysis of the principal functions, processes, and problems involved in the management of personnel policies; selection, training, promotion , compensation, and discharge of personnel; labor turnover, safety, heal th, and recreation. Prerequisite: MGMT-350 Principles of Management or permission of instructor. l\ifGMT-354 Management Science--A 4 hours An introduction to linear programming. transportation and assignment problems, network flow problems, and inventory systems. The linear programming, transportation and assignment, network flow. and inventory models are solved and their use demonstrated by various applications . Prerequisite: BUS-212 Statistics. (even years) MGMT-355 Organizational Behavior--A,W 4 hours A study of the impact of human behavior within and upon the organizational structure. Emphasis is given to behavior as related to employment, absenteeism. employee turnover, productivity, human performance , and management. Prerequisite: MGMT-350 Principles of Organization and Management or permission of instructor. MGMT-357 International Management--W 4 hours A broad perspective of management of principles as they interact in the global economy. Exporting and foreign direct investment are analyzed from the multinational perspective. Strategy. organiza– tional structure and control techniques are developed in a world environment. Prerequisite: MGMT-350 Principles of Organization and Management. MGMT-451 Administr ative Policy and Strat egy-A,W ,Sp 4 hours A capstone to the undergraduate business program. integrating functional areas. Strategic issues faced by organizations are analyzed in a comprehensive manner. Skills in strategic analysis are developed through lectures and from diverse industries, nonprofit and quasi-public institutions. Open only to seniors in business administration. MGMT-452 Purchasing and Materials Management--A 4 hours An examination of the basic purchasing principles including the determination of price, quality and deUvery times of materials. Effective management of suppliers through their selection and certification win be matched with strategic production policies such as inventory control and production scheduling. Prerequisite: MGMT-350 Principles of Organization and Management.