1994-1995 Academic Catalog
Business Administration 69 • :\fGl\IT-453 Industrial Relations 1\lanagement--Sp 4 hours MRKT-366 Principles of Advertising--W 4 hours Advertising a a tool in marketing management. Dec1 ion-making relative to market analysis. Media election, budgeting. production and layout, and n1easurernent of effectiveness. Prerequisite: ~ hoori 00 iii! ' -. • U5f 111 • • art The interplay between market forces and institutional rules which determine the emplo}ment relationship. Labor history, the effects of changing public policies, trade unions, collective bargaining are vie\\·ed from various international perspectives. Prerequisite: MGMT-350 Principles of Organization and Management. Marketing MRKT-360 Principles of .l\1arketing--A ,W.Sp 4 hours Survey of the marketing function in the business environment. Product. price. promotion, and distribution as well as consumers, organizations, service. nonprofit. and international markers. J\,IRKT-361 Sa1es J\,lanagement - A 4 hours Principles employed in the administration and strategy of a sales force. Factors involved in the organization of the sales force: recruiting and selection. training. compensacion. motivating. and conLrolling. Prerequisites: MGMT-350 Principles of Organization and \rtanagement. MRKT-360 Principles of Marketing. MRKT-363 Marketing Re earch--W 4 hours Role of market research in marketing development. Decision making in an atmosphere of uncertainty. Determination of hypotheses. Planning research designs: survey. observational, experimental, and simulation. Execution of survey design: questionnaire construction. sample design. interviewing, tabulation, analysis. lilterpretation of results, and presentation. Prerequisites: MRKT-360 Principles of Marketing, BUS-212 Statistics. !\tRKT-365 Consumer Behavior--A 4 hours Introduction to the psychological, sociological, cultural, and economic determinants of consumer behavior. Emphasis on exploration of various concepts and theories for the purpo e of building understanding and of providing an exposure to a variety of viewpoints . Prerequisite: MRKT-360 Principles of Marketing. Ill MRKT-360 Principles of Marketing or permi ion of instructor. MRKT-367 Industrial Marketing--Sp 4 hours A study of the industrial market sector which include buying behavior, applied den1and analysis, and segmentation technique . Designed to provide the student with deci ion-making capabilities for use in the industrial setling. Prerequi ite: MRKT-360 Prin– ciples of Marketing. (alternate years) MRKT-368 Nonprofit Marketing--Sp 4 hour The course is designed to acquaint the tudenc with kills, abilities and attitudes nece sary in order to effectively implement markecing practice in nonprofit organization . Prerequi ite: MRKT-360 Principles of Marketing or permis. ion of instructor . (alternate year ) MRKT-460 Mar keting l\l anagement--W 4 hour The marketing function relative to product development. promo– tion , pricing. physical di tribution. and the determinat_ion of marketing objectives of the markettng system and available n1arket . Prerequi ite : MGMT-350 Principles of Organization and Management. MRKT-360 Principle of Marketing. MRKT-461 Mar keting Strategy--Sp 4 hour Computer simulation will be used to acquaint the enior marketing srudent in a realistic fa hion co a variety of marketing iruacion and allow ''hand -on'' olutions to be implemented and te ·red . Prereq– uisites : Senior standing and sixteen hour of n1arketing including MRKT-360 Principle of Marketing. MRKT-462 International Marketing--Sp 4 hour An intensive investigation of the problen1 , regulauon , and challenge facing U.S. n1anufacrurers eeking to expand their market · to countries abroad. Prerequisite : MRKT-360 Principle of Marketing . eda,111/11 ~ t ,e,un ro111p111e1 , 0111res enah/e p,ofe'i 01 to 1111eg1ate 1111p.,r1c11lf oft,, ,11 e p, ogr(1111\ ullo '"' '" c 011rH s J.1ark 1111 p, ofe 01 Jeff FaH ett ii. p1c1ured he, e 1•,plr11n111g a 111<11~e1111g "'""" e111e111 softHar, parkcHJt
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