1994-1995 Academic Catalog
, The Setting Cedarville College i located on a 100-acre campu at the north edge of the village of Cedarville Ohio a quiet town with a population of approximately 3,000 . Founded in 1816 at the junction of two tate route , the village and it urrounding area have long maintained a reputation for providing a wholesome environment for learning. Thi pleasant etting continue today . ' Downtown Cedarville feature the hi toric Cedarville Opera House, two banks, everal haircutting e tabli hment , a few restaurants, and the ever-helpful Cedarville Hard– ware. Ma ie Creek contribute a touch of ru tic beauty to the area , bi ecting the village with it deep limestone gorge and cascading over picture que fall just we t of the village limit . Ma sies Creek Gorge and the adjacent William on Mound Park offer hour of recreati on, adventure, and reflec tion within a mile of the College. Rolling hill and prospering farm border the vil lage and College. Quiet, tree-lined lane beckon runner , cycli sts or tudent out for a "crui e." Ju t four mile north of campu lie Clifton, the ite of the quaint Clifton Mill , a water-powered gri t mill , and the renown Cli fton Gorge , who e 75-foot cliff attrac t rock climbers and hiker from all over the midwe t. Thi beautiful area, which extend we rward to the John Bryan State Park , ha been recognized a one of tl1e most cenic in the Midwe t and erve a a popular spot for tu dents to relax . Though located in a rural community, Cedarville College i convenientl y ituated within ea y acce to shopping area in the mall cities of Xenia and Spring– field. The Col lege lie in me center of a tri angle formed by three inter tate highway . I-70, 1-75, and 1- 71, and thus enj oy quick acce to Columbu , Dayton, and Cincinnati, three of the fa re ·t-growing 1netropoli– tan area in the nation. ounder ' H all Con tructed in 1895 as the tirsl building of rl1e College, HOld MainHha erved a~ the f()Cal point ()f campu5 acti vity for over ninety yea r . TJ1i hi ~Lori c facility was rer1an1ed " ounder · l-Iall " ()Il the Ccnten- 11ial 11arcer Day. Januar 1 26, J 987, to recog11i1e rhe 1ivt n1e11 who pooled tl1eir \ i s i() ll , e11crgy, and wealtl1 to gi t: bi1 rl1 to cdar\ 1lle ollege. oda)' this stacel) t1uc ture ~erves a eda r\ il le''> adn1inistrati c a11d acade1nic l1eadquarter\ \\ ith (>ft1cc\ for the president , acade111ic \ 1 ice pre~1de1L \ ice pt e\i de11t f (Jf Oe\ 1 e lo ptllCil l , and ~lUdt.! lll dC..<.:<l tlll l ~ ()ll the f 11 'il 1lo r . 111e scco11d floor <.:<Hlt ai1 s ()Ile ge11e1 al c ld~'>l ()tllll and o1 fices ft>r vice p resident f ,r llusi ne~~ . l~a<.: ult) t>f tee arc ll>t:atcd (>11 tl1e tl1ird J1t><>r . 'J'he lt>\Vt:r le \ t:l > Lili l1ui lding llt>uses tl1e cl>f))' ce1te1, Jlerstn1nel , ,t11d a11nua l gi\ 1 i11g t1ffi t e~. The Campus 7 Bookstore Offering one of the large t election of Chri tian book and material in the Midwe t, the Cedarville College Book tore make it home right in the center of campu . With everything from weat hirt to textbook to greeting card , the book tore endeavor to provide tudent with the material nece ary to enjoy a ucce ful college experience. Patter son Clinic Conveniently located in the center of campu , Patter on Clinic provide total health care including education to a i t tudent to avoid preventable illne e and enjoy a fulfil ling, healthy experience at the College. Con ulting phy ician and full - and part– time nur e provide health care. Communications Building The Communication Building hou e the po t office and CDR Radio etwork the College' radio mini try. Student receive federal a we ll a campu mail in their a igned po t offi ce boxe . CDR Radio Network erve a portion of Ohio, Jndiana and Kentucky with Chri t-centered, 24-hour programming. The five rati on network include WCDR (90.3 FM) broadca ting in the Dayton/Spring– field area WOHC (90. l FM) in Chillicotl1e and WOHP (88. 3 FM) in Port n1outh. Ohio. In additi n, CDR erve Columbu and Cent ral Ohio at 88 .1 FM and Richmond lndia11a at 95.3 FM through the u e of FM tran lator . A Ii te1er- upported mini try, the network offe r a quality mix of prai e and in pirational Chri tian mu ic, Bi ble-centered programming and up- to-date new a1d i11for111atio1. rudent , and Ii r ner participate i11 a nun1ber f ervi e project coordinated by CDR Ll1rougl1out tl1e year, i1cludi ng "Project Angeltree," a progra111 whi h be1etic.: chi ldre1 of pri on in111are i1 ou rl1ern a1d Ce11tral Ol1io. Alford Auditorium Located acros · fr()111 tl1e n1ai11 parr of ca111pus. hi ' t()ri " Alford udit()riu111 J1a. er, ed tl1e l1llege i11 ~e,·eral capacities throughout ic'-i 65-) ear hi stl1 r) . Original!) ct>nstrucccc.l a, a church audit t) r iu n1 . 1J1e \ tructt1re lat er ft1ncti l)ned as a g 1 n111a,i un1. Wl1e1 n .. ,, er at l1ler1c facil ities we re ht1 ii c. ,i\ lft1rd ~e 1, cd a\ tl1e (." l)l lc: gt!' .._ cha1el. ... ince 1976, 111~ aulh£l)r1un1 ha" J}t t) \ 1deli fac tlitte\ l() r u1 an1a pt t)LiuctilHl\ ill lll a" c.t largt' lect ure hall . n atld1tll)ll Cl) ll l[)lt'ced 111 1991 ht)U "ic\ a 111t1\1C rel1ea1\a l haJl . tl 111t1\1C <.tHllJ)UCL'r laht)r~ltt)f') , d11u 1nu~1c f~tcttlt ) () ll tce"
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