1994-1995 Academic Catalog

70 Communication Arts Profile Tl1e Departn1ent of Con11nunication Art utilizes a combination of theor)' and practice to help students C<.1n1n1u11icate effectively in a wide range of ituations. Faculty Jame Phipp , Chair1na11: Profe or of Communication Arts. Pa t pre 1dent. Speech Communication A sociation of Ohio; experienced port ca ter . Education: B.A.. Cedarville College, 1968: M.A .. The Ohio State University, 1970; Ph .D., The Ohio State L 1 n1ver uy. 1975. At Cedarville ince 1968. J. \.\'e ley Baker, Profe or of Communication Art . Experi– enced ne'A ca ter: re earcher in interactive vjdeo. Education: B.A., Bob Jone Uni\er ity, 1972; M.A.. University of South Carolina, 1980: Ph.D ., The Ohio State Univer ·ity , 1991. At Cedarville since 1977. Gary Barker, A i cant Professor of Communication Arts. Education: B.A., Cedarville College, 1986: M.F .A., Michigan Stace Univer ity, 1989: post-graduate study, Regents College, England, The Central School of Speech and Drama, Summer, 1989. At Cedarville since 1992. Deborah Haffey , Assi tant Professor of Communication Art . Popular conference peaker; debate coach. Education: B.A., Cedarville College, 1968: M.A ., The Ohio State University, 1969. At Cedarville ince 1986. James Kragel, A si tant Profes or of Communication Arts. Education: B.S., Mankato State University. 1977; M.A. , Wheaton College, 1984. At Cedarville since 1994. James Leightenheimer, Assistant Professor of Communication Arts. Advi or of WSRN; Experienced broadcaster . Education: B.A., Cedarville College, 1980; M.A. , Ohio University, 1989. At Cedarville since 1982. J. Michael Lopez, Associate Professor of Communication Arts. Coordinator of Fundamentals Program. Education: B.A. , Bob Jone University, 1972; M.A., Bob Jones University, 1975; Ph.D., The Ohio State University, 1985 . At Cedarville since 1984. Clifford Johnson, Assi rant to the President, Professor of Communication Arts. Education: B.Ed. , Western Washington University, 1949; M.Ed. , Western Washington University, 1953; D.Ed. , University of Washington, 1962. At Cedarville since 1962. Diane Merchant, Assistant Professor of Communication Arts. Coordinator of secondary education program. Education: B.A. , Cedarville College, 1978; M .A., Kent State Unj versity, 1990; graduate study, The Ohio State University, 1988-. At Cedarville since 1986. K urt Moreland, Assistant Professor of Communication Arts. Advisor for the student chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management. Education: B.A., Cedarville College, 1976 ; M.A., West Virginia University, 1978; all work completed for Ph.D . except dissertation, Purdue University, 1981-. At Cedarville since 1981. David Robey, Associate Professor of Communication Arts. Director of Forensics; Director of the Village Players. Experi– enced actor; professional speaker; communications consultant. Educarion: B.A., Pillsbury Bible College, 1970; M.A. Bob Jones University, 1972; graduate study, Tennessee Temple University , 1974: Ph.D., Union Graduate School, 1989. At Cedarville since 1981. Miriam Maddox, Associate Professor Emerita of Speech . Education: B.A ., John Fletcher College, 1928; graduate study, Columbia University, 1929, Northwestern University, 1930; Graduate, Moody Bible Institute, 1931. At Cedarville from 1959 to 1974. j - - - ~.~~~~ - -- The interactive video laboratol) in Collins Hall features so,ne of rhe laresr compurer-based audio and video equiprnenr.