1994-1995 Academic Catalog

Ar ~ tlD • f .. l%J 1 '1ru. . B.A. I Cedar\'i/le broadcasting graduates obtain posuio11.\ around the cou11rn . Ruth Yuen, a 1990 graduate, ~erres as neivs d1recro1 at WUFN-FM 111 Alb1011, M1chi8an Program of Study The ommunication Arts Deparc111e11t offer~ the _following progran,s of study: ajor : Broadcasting, witl1 'pecial1zatic111s in: Ma11agen1c11t/Sales Productior1 Video n1cdia productio11 or11n1u11ication arts, wi 111 spec ializati<)11s in: e11cral con1111u11icatio11s Orga111, atio11al co111111u11icatio11s Platfo1111 arts co111111u11ica1io11 Multimedia Tecl111ologie peecl1 educatio11 li1 or : Broadca ti11 011111u11icati 11 art I anizati nal co111111l111i ati Jll laltorn1 art Communication Arts 71 Career Opportunities Graduate and profe ional chool welcome Cedarville College graduate . Career pur ued by graduate include: actor attorney broadca t programmer college professor inve unent con ultant journali t manager minister multimedia technology personnel manager politician producer public relations sale man tation manager teacher Co-Curricular Opportunities Forensics is intercollegiate peech competitio11. Area of competition include public peaking , oral interpretation, limited preparation event , a;d Lincolr1- Douglas debate. (Plea e refer to the Honor peech cour e definition: COM- 11 2.) Cedarville con1pete regularly with The Ohio State Univer icy, Mian1i Univer~ity'. Ba_ll State Univer ity, and otl1er nationally ranked 10 t1tut1on . For the pa r five year , Cedarville has ~ on the Ohio State Foren ic Cl1an1pion hip. Qualified tudent from all n1ajor n1ay contact Dr. David Robey, Direc tor of Fore1 ic , for auditio11 inforn1ation . Li1ni ted cl1olar hip are available. The Cedarville College Debate Tean1 succes.. full)' compete witl1 college, a1d u11i,,ersities i11 rl1e ea ~cer11 United State . Cedarville' dehater~ are defen<li11g tate cl1ampion . a1d are co1 1petiti\el} rank.ed \\ itl1in the Ea t Ce1 tral reg1or1. cudent , w i tl1 cl1e co111pecici, e edge who pla1 to pttr ue leadersl1ip cc1rcer\ ,t1cl1 as tl1e 11i1i try, law, educatio11. btl \lllC'-i\, l)r pt)l1c1c~ ,1re e1 couraged l() cc)ntact tl1e (lel),lte C<)acl1, Del)l)rah IIa ff t!) . Con1n1un1catio11 art'> 111ajor , 1nh!re,ced i11 L)rga11iza– tio1 al co111n1u1 icatio11 a11d l1t1111a11 1 e'-iot11 ct: "' a1 c e11cour– aged to joi11 tl1e Cedar,,ille College Cl1a1Jter ot tl1t: ociet. ' for Human Re ource l l:\Dl1g n1e11t ( HR I . SI-IR 1 n1e111bers i11vestigate rl1e fieltl l)f l1u111,1n 1c– source b)' de, elOJ)i11g the11 t)\\' 11 l1u111a11 resC)Ut\.:e !11a11agc111e11t 1)ro¥ra111111111g a11d a ti,' itiC" a11ll l )' atte11(l- 111g tlcl1er (ll't>fess1011al l1u n1an re t urce n1e tings a11 l c(>tlltren(;es. tivitits in ·luth.:, hut ·-.re 11 )( li111i1e l co di1111cr n1eetings, plant t ,t1rs, sl1adl>\\ da , , 11 l I r fes~ ior1al c111i11ar dtl I t 11fcr 11 es.