1994-1995 Academic Catalog
74 Communication Arts Communication Arts Tl1e con1111unication art n1ajor prepare tudents for career.. i11 public relation , per onnel management, co11. .. ulcac1c)' program, , media communication , and corporate executive training. Becau e of the impor– tar1ce of e cellent communication kills in many prote ions. chi major ha al o been cho en by tho e pur uing career in ale or politic . It al o serves as excellent undergraduate preparation for tho e planning additional graduate profe sional training such as law, theology. and busine . Cour e requirement involve fifty-five quarter hours including 31 hour in core requirements and 24 hours in an area of pecialization chosen with the advice of the tu dent's academic advi or . Graduating eniors in communication arts culminate their programs with an individualized senior project under the direction of a faculty mentor. This project involves either a enior recital or a senior thesis. The senior recital emphasizes the performance training in areas of acting, oral interpretation and public speak– ing, and results in a public performance. Students planning to do a recital should take COM-241 Funda– mentals of Oral Interpretation as a prerequisite. The senior thesis emphasizes research and writing, and results in a public lecture. Those doing the senior thesis should take COM-205 Communication Theories as a prerequi- . site. The core requirements involve thirty-one quarter hours including: COM-200 Persuasive Theory . ...... ...... . . . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. 5 COM-210 Advanced Public Speaking . ... .. .. . ........ . . . 5 COM-222 Research in Communication ............ . . . ... 4 COM-324 Interpersonal Communication ...... . . ....... . 3 COM-331 Communication in the Information Age .... 3 COM-411 History of Public Address ..... ....... .. . .. . . . 5 COM-462 or COM-463 Senior Project . . .. ...... ........ 6 The Cedan1/le Forensics rea,n picrured here defea,ed both Mia,ni Uni versity and The Ohio State University ro capture the srare title for the fifth year in a rolv.
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