1994-1995 Academic Catalog

• ) . .l • ' . , . . { I If " { . • ' ' • ' • , WSRV, the student radio station. gi\es broadcasr111g students oppor1unities ro ga,11 \'aluable "on-the-air" experience. Course Descriptions Broadcasting RT -101 Introduction to Broadcasting- A 3 hourc; Int;oduccion to the beginning. gro"•th, and regulation of broad– castt!}g, The structure of broadcasting. current critic1sn1 of the media, and the use of broadcasting by Christians are al!)O d1s– c~s ed. Broadcasting majors n1ust take the course concurrently with Audio Control 1'cchniqucs . RT\ 1 - l 02 Audio 011t rol rrechniques A 2 hours Instruction and training are offered in the operation of' electronic cqui~n~cnt ~ cd in broa~ca ting. l~rnpha is is upon radio, \\'i th so1ne telev1 ion. I he course I open to non-rnajor . 13roadcast n1ajors n1u t take the cour e conctn rent I) "'ith R'f\ 1 - lOl Introduction to Broadca ting. (Fet; : 30) RT\' -103 J•rogr4un Produ<.'tion V..' 3 hours 1 he roles o director and nund engineer a1 c c1npha ized in this cour c "'luch I de ign~d t introduce the tudcnt to lhe technique of"' orl 1ng \Vllh lhe other snen1ber ol a p1 oducuon ta! I "'hilt! de,elopu1g ,ar1ou l)pes ofprograrn fo1 b1oadcas1. Pn.!1cquisi te: JlTV I02 Audio onu ol Technique (I ee: 30) Rr1·, ~-l 04 Broadca t 11nou11cing Sp 4 hours Tius our e exan11nes all l) pcs 01 announcing and applie~ each to u e 111 both radio and tele, 1sion pr gran1 . En1pha i i on the u e 01 the , oi e a a t ol for con1n1unication of idea on a one tO·one ba 1 • (l ee· 30) RT\'-1 1 ~ port t ting V\' 2 hours 111e tud) of n1ethod of port ca un , coupled "'ith pra tice , luch ncenu ate n o, erage of 111,Jor p rt including ha ket ball, ~ tball ru d ba eh 11 Inter, 1e\l, 1ng le hnaque and ne,, ~ m1at for p 11 un , , 111 al o b co, 1.: red Open to all tudent ( 1 edll o rcdu) (odd ) ear ) Communication Arts 79 RTV-201 Academic Research in l\lediated Communication- A . 2 hour An mtroduction to re earch and paper wriring in the field of media study. !he cour e deal \\, ith hbrary re earch cool u ed in academic re earch of the field. leading the scudent throu£h the devel?pm~nt?l tages of a re earch paper. including propo al. working b1bhography. and paper outline. RTV-212 Writing for the Electronic l\.ledia- A 3 hour Cover the form and ·cyle of writing for the electronic media . Work in the course include writing n1usic connnuit). adverti ino copy, and cript for progran1s. (e\en ye:r ) RTV-2~3 Introductio~ to Photography- Sp 3 hour Acquaint tuden.t~ with ba 1c principles of photography (light. expo ure. compos1t1on, and darkroom kill ) through lecture. laboratory sessions . and photographic a ignment . (Fee: 535) RTV-260 Broadca t Clinic- A.W.Sp 2 hour Hands-on experience in a broadca tino laboracor\. The tudenc i trained in the diver e areas of broadca fing. including production. traffic. new. . sport , community er\ ice. and other.. The cour e i repeat.able to ~ l?tal of six hour . Require a n1inimum of ix hour work 1n the clinic per week. Prerequi ice: RTV-101 Introduction to Broadca ting. (Fee: $30) RTV-262 Television Camera Clinic- A.W.Sp 2 hour "~ ands-on'' training with tele, i ion equipment is de igned co orient ~e tud~nt to most of the equipn1ent normally u ed for video production. Six hour per week of \\,Ork at a ioned ta k are required. Prerequi ire : RTV-320 Televi ion Pr~duction. (Fee: $30) RTV-271 I~troduction to Electronic I\lultimedia Sp 3 hour The merging of con1puter and audio and\ ideo n1edia have create~ the field of n1ulti~edia compuung_ Thi cour e provide an overview of the technological change which have created chi ~lec.tro~ic marriage of media and it... application.. focu~ ing on 1nst1tut1onal and educacional u es. RTV-301 Broadca t Re earch S~ . tern W 3 hours A _rudy o~ metho~s of a~dience anal) i"i. progran1 ur\ e) . and pubhc erv1ce tud1e de"i1gned co acquaint the . tudent \\ ith . \ . tern~ and pro~e.dure a\ a1lable co te. t .... tation penetration and 1n1age Prerequ1 ue: RTV-lOl Incroducnon to Broadca...,tin11 . te,en \>ears) RTV-310 Advanced Audio Production A ... .t hour A le~ture/laborator) cla de igned tor ~tudent~ ,, 1th a .... crong ~on1m1tment to l?roducuon. The ~oursc ~eek· to de\ elop cr1ucal JU~gment 111 au~1? producnon \\ hile -..harpen1ng rudio production skill . Prercqu1\1te · RT\ - 103 Progra1n ProdtH.:tion tFee· 30) RTV-320 Tele, i ' ion Production \\ 1 .t hour~ Techniques and n1ethod..., of rele, 1 ion progra1n produ~uon Jre taught fron1 a producer· perspecu, c. Ba~tL tclc\ 1,ion related J()bs are described and production definttH)ll~ .tre C\platncd l f ec 30) RT -321 Electronic Field Production <;p .t hours The n1elhods of field producll\Hl .ire taught f1on1 the pt>rspccu,e of director and proJuLcr I he cnur-..t> lh:~lls ,, ith preproduLuon planning, production in the I 1cld.• ind the clectroniL po-..t prodt11.:ttl)ll (1nc. lu<ling , 1dcotapc ed1ung). ( l ct• ~ ,O) R'r\' -331 Broadcast .\d\'erti,ing ~nd Salc"i p 4 hour~ 'fhc ,1lcs structu1 c ot hroadcastin~ includin 1 tht rolt. \ l,f :::: salcsn1cn, s,1lcs rnanagc1nenc , and .de, pro,n,Jtinn 1-.. c,.un1ncd Rc-..cJ1 t..h pt tnL 1plcs arc applied t,J ,.lie, ,11H.I lllt Lrc~n,, c ,, 01 I-. 1n ad,c1using, in hiding C\Jp),,1iti1u,, is c:-..ploit.d Pre1cqu1-..11t' R1' -30 l Broadc,tst Reseat ch \, ,tcn1s. (I cc: ~30) R1' \ ' -34 J Issues u11d l~tl1ics 111 l '.. ll•ctronic l\lt.>diu \\ J hour:-. ·1h!s cou1 se exan1incs ~thical is~ues i.n the "idc t '1,tgc ,,r ele'-·tr Hti 1ned1a. 1\tte1 th~· est.1hhshn1ent ot .1 81hl11.:al ethical ha,e \,.:urrent criticisu1s of the role and pc1 t ,rn1nn'-e 01 ele ll\,ni · 111edi.1. re evalu tted . fopics in ·ludt: p1 ogrdtn c Hltenl, ad, ct using p1 i, ''-, an<l intellel tunl propt'rl). ' " R,.l'\'-361 ,\d\'till<.'t.>d Broudl'll t linic-- \ , \\ , "p :? hour~ 1\n ad van ·ed ,vo1 kshop in <1udio p1 l h1 ·uon "luch 1na) be 1epeated\,ithu1her 1ontH.1l )f i:\hl)Ul. Prere1u1sne: Rl\ .10 J\d, an ed udio Pi odu lion ( redil re ht) (Fee 0) RT\ -J62 ti, 111u:ed linic· iu 1' \ Pa otltu.·tion \\ , l .:? hour~ n ad, anced ,, 01 k hop in I \ , 1 teo produ ·ti,>n "lu h n1n, he repeated \\Jth, the1 to d totcll of 1x hou1s P1e1equ1 He: R1 \ 321 Lle tron1 l1eldP1oducunn ( 1edu o '1ed1t) t l ee 3t)