1994-1995 Academic Catalog

8 The Campus e11ten11ial Library The 66.000 ~ c.1uare f()()t, l\V )-floor library, erved a the orner ·tone of the llege · 19 7 Centennial celebratic)n. Thi cructure bri11g togetl1er the late t tecl111c)logie for higl1er learning. Located on a promi– r1ent ' ite ... \\'ithin tl1e academic clu ter of building , thi fa ' ilit)' pr vide ge11eral rudy and pecia.li zed ea.ting for <)ver 00 cude11t , and the nece ary 111format1on corage ai1d retrieval upport functio11 for continued qualit)' acaden1ic progran1 development. De igned to 11 u e a ollection of up to a quarter of a million \' Iur11e . tl1e library al o contai11 a faculty develop– ment center, the archive of the College a variety of en1inar and group tudy roon1 . and the Media Re– ource Center whicl1 include a media production e11ter . public acce computer a video tudio, a rare, SO Y language/learning laboratory, media- upported cla room . a1d the Curriculum Material Center . The library pre ently hou e over 140 000 volume and provide over 1,000 current periodical ub crip– cion . The library· integrated on-line computer sy tern include the library catalog with computerized acce to all library holding circulati on control for all materi- al . acqui ition (purcha e of material ) and budget management, and periodical holdings and management. The y tern i acce ed through 16 y tern terminal in the building and through CedarNet, the campu com– puter network. In addition, a variety of computerized library re ource , including indexing ervices, data- ba e , and reference work , are available on the campu network. Through an on-line computer net– work. OCLC, Inc. the library ha acce s to over twenty-eight million additional book and other library material in over 17,000 librarie in all fifty state , Canada, and everal fo reign countrie College Center Providing dining facil itie cla room , office and the computer center. the College Center erve a a focu of tudent activity on campu . Dining facilitie include the cafeteria, a paciou area which serve 21 Hall-you-can-eat ' meal a week to the more than 1,600 students who live on campu , and the Pre ident' Dining Room, a mall formal dining room . This unique room, reputed to be one of the finest of its kind in the tate and u ed exten ively by the pre ident may al o be re erved by rudent who wish to enjoy a formal dining occasion. Offices for the departments of academic record , admi ion and financial aid are located on the first fl oor of thi building. Chapel Completed in 1976 thi 2,000- eat auditorium bear the name of Jame T. Jeremiah the president who aw the College grow from 100 to 1,200 student during hi twenty-five year of ervice between 1953 and 1978. It decor, blue and gold, mirror the colors of the College and its cornerstone with Revelation 1:9 inscribed, bear it motto: For the Word of God and the Te timony of Jesu Christ. A rare three-console Allen digital organ, the only one of its kind in South– western Ohio fil l the chapel with music. A 10-foot Baldwin concert grand piano complements the organ. By its location at the center of the campus the James T. Jeremiab Chapel demon trates the centrality of the daily chapel program in the life of the Cedarville College family. Coordinated by the pre ident of the College, chapel services feature out tanding Christian speaker from all over the world and many walks of life . The pre ident him elf speaks mo t Monday . monung . Williams Hall Providing clas room and offices William Hall erve a the home of the academic departments of education and p ychology a well a the location of the alumni , planned giving, public relation and tudent ervice office . The building wa named for the late Arthur William popular faculty member and chairman of the Bible department. Collins Hall Collin Hall hou e the coun eling center and the academic department of communication arts and social cience and hi tory . Renovated in 1987 thi building bear the name of the Andrew Collin family long– time upporter of the College . Centennial Library -