1994-1995 Academic Catalog
80 Communication Arts RT\ '-365 d, a11ced linic in Graphic 2 hour n tntroduccion to the u~e of the con1puter for video graphic . Include · character generator work. a weJI a the u e of paint, digitizing and anin1ation progran1 . (Fee : 30) RT\ -366 dvanced Broadca t linic: 3D Graphic and nimation \J 2 hour d, anced u e of the cornpucer for video graphic . The empha i i on three-din1en ional n1odeling, rendering. and animation in 24- bit graphic.. RT\ '-371 Gr aphic De ign for ~lultimedia Computing- A 3 hour An introduction to con1pucer graphic for video, this course pre .. ent principle of communicaLion through graphic de ign . Topic include problem in transfer of computer graphics co video, pecialized hardware for input and output on image the legal and ethical a peer of digitaJ imaging, and u e of presentation graphic . RTV-375 Authoring for Interactive Multimedia- Sp 4 hour Thi cour e cover the development of interactive multimedia programn1ing for educational and training application . Topic include re earch on the effectivene of the interactive media, the tea1n approach to planning for interactive projects, and the use of authoring oftware for control of various medja by the computer. RTV-401 l\1as l\1edia Law and Regulation- A 4 hours Development of Fir t Amendment protection and present legal requirement for media are studied. Empbasi is placed upon court deci ion on Fir t Amendment freedom for both broadca t and print journali c , a well a regulation impo ed upon the broad- ca cer. RTV-402 Seminar in Religious Broadcasting- W 3 hour lnten ive tudy in religious broadca ting. Prerequi ite: Permis– ion of in truetor . RTV-407 Internship in Broadcasting- A,W ,Sp.Su 5-15 hour RTV-408 Independent Study in Broadcasting 1-4 hours Prerequi ite: Permi sion of instructor. RTV-431 Broadca t Management- Sp 3 hours Acquaint the student with the concerns facing the management of a broadca c cation including legal requirement of the FCC, per onnel management, and implementation of programming. Prerequi ice: RTV-301 Broadcast Re earch Sy tern . RTV-464 Special Topics 3 hour Available to advanced cudent who desire inten e study in pecial areas of media . Co,nmunication Alts COl\il-110 Fundamental of Speech- A,W,Sp 5 hours U ually a prerequi ice for other cour es in peech, the fundamen– tal cour e offer theory and practice in ba ic peech skil1s for extemporaneous speaking, and the u e of voice and delivery in oraJ interpretation of pro e and poetry. Students gain extensive training in public peaking as an art. COM-112 Honors Speech- A 5 hours The cour e wiJJ expo e the student to and prepare the tudent for competition in the three general areas of intercollegiate foren ic competition: oral interpretation (prose. poetry , dramatic-duo), public peakjng (persua ion, informative , commurucation analysis), and limited preparation events (impromptu and extemporaneous peaking). Prerequisite : Audition and permission of instructor. COl\il-123 Voice and Diction- W 3 hours Thi course is designed to a sist the srudent in strengthenmg and maintaining the speaking voice. Areas of study include : voice physiology, effective breathing for speaking, voice quality and ~icularion. A brief examination of major vocal problems is also given . COM-141 Introduction to Dramatic Art- Sp 4 hours The cour e involves study of the history and development of theater: dramatic literature i con idered as a reflection of man and culture during various periods, dealing with philosophy, religion, and socio-political thought. A brief look at acting skills is also offered. COM-146Dramatic Participation 1 hour Student who perform in a Communications Art directed play may receive one hour of creilit to be applied to the quarter immediately following the specified production. Request for credit mu t be made to the director at the beginning of rehearsals for the production. (Credit/No Credit). Repeatable up to 4 hours . COM-200 Persua ive Theory- W 5 hour Method of applying contemporary communication theories on attitudes, involvement, and change are combined with clas ical po itions on the principJe and methods of persua ive communica– tions. Attention is given to the tudy, analysis, and delivery of per uasive peeches in a free ociety. The student is given background in the rhetorical criticism of logical, emotional, and ethlcal proofs . Interpersonal communicat ion problems, methods, and theorie are con idered . COM-205 Communication Theory- W 3 hours An introduction and critical as essment of the theories which underlie interpersonal. group, organjzationaJ and mass communica– tion practice and research . COM-222 Research in Communications-A 4 hours Forms and methodology for research and writing in communica– tion are tudied using empir ical, historical-critical, and specialized forI?ats. The course is required for major choosing a research proJecc. COM-223 Group Discussion- W 3 hours Group interaction and principles of directing effective group are studied in an attempt to develop individual understanding of group processes . The ilifferenc aim of ili cussion situations are empha– ized. COM-232 Theorie of Mass Media- Sp 5 hours Contemporary mass media i urveyed with anentjon to the nature, role, tructure , influence, operation, and problems of new paper , magazines, radio, and televi ion-journalistic activities. COM-240 Stagecraft- A,W. p 2 hours The theorie and techniques of designing, building, painting, and lighting cage etting: organization and operation of production crews; theorie and method of makeup . (Credit/ o Crerut). COM-241 Fundamentals of Oral Interpretation- A 5 hour The cudy of literature through the medium of oral performance involves development in analy i and performance kill . Interpre– tation theorie and technique are pre ented dealing with poetry, prose, and dramatic literature. COM-243 Principle of Acting- W 3 hours Study in the principal theories and n1echod of acting i balanced with practice of stage movement and voice. Principles of physical and emotional character development are explored. Ba ic commu– nication skills for the major and non-major are expanded. COM-244 Advanced Forensics 3 hours Advanced training for intercollegiate foren ic competition. Focu e on literary and rhetorical critici m, extemporaneous speaking, and writing of original oraLory. Repeatable to 6 hours. COM-310 Advanced Public Speaking- W,Sp 5 hour Emphasizes creative, logical, and audience-centered thinking which i needed for excellent public addre . Student exhibit logical communication kill through writing and speaking as ign– ments. COM-312 Argumentation and Debate A 5 hours A tudX of principles and practice of debate, the course includes an overview of ty~ical que tions used in intercollegiate debate as well as the theory involved in logical preparation and refutation of a ca e. COM-313 Rhetorical Criticism- Sp 3 hours To u~dersr~~d. ymbol in film, mu ic, talking or peaking, rhetorical cr1uc1sm searche for meaningful connection between 1n~ .s~ge, context, and speaker. Theory and method of rhetorical cr1t1c1sm are taught as tltinlcing and writing skills. (odd years) COM-314 Intercu1:tural Communication- W,Sp 4 hours A survey of American cultural narratives reveals assumptions :Vhich, uncons~iously or uncritically affmned, often cause 1ntercultural nusunderstanding. Three models of Culture and Communication p_rovide parailigms for understanding, managing, and problem-solvmg the intercultural encounter.
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