1994-1995 Academic Catalog
3 n u COM-315 \\'omen in America Sp hours "Women in American urvey the unique voice which women have poken with in the U.S. during the twentieth century. Students will read works which di cus contemporary issues which concern women, and will analyze them from the perspective of a Chrisuan world-life view. CO 1-323 Organizational Communication Sp 3 hour A study of the usage of communication for the organizational structure. The cour e focuses on major organizational theorie , topics, and their con1municative implications. In addition. the cour e focu es on the role of communication during confl ict management, negotiation. cri si management. and small group process in the organizational context. 01\.1-324 Interper onaJ Communication Sp 3 hour The course centers on the nature and function of interpersonal communication a it operates within casual encounters, fa1nilies, organizations, and institutions. Implications for personal, social, and profe ional growth will be considered. CO~t-325 Intervie\ving - W 3 hour This cou rse focuses on the study of fundamental interviewing I pr1nc1ples . Instruction and training are offered across a variety of inter\ iew1ng sicuations, including inforn1ational , employment. an<l persuasive interviews. COM-331 Communication in the Information Age Sp 3 hours A c;urvey of the "new media" in electronic communication \Vith an empha 1s on the tructures of Lhe new media; their uc;e in such areas as politics, education, bu iness, and health care: the resuhing changes in communication pauerns in society; and the social and ethical issues rai sed by their use. C0:\1-333 Organizational Training W, 4 hour Eff ecuve organizanonal training programs must be properly planned. implemented, and managed. The course focu es on Lrainer skill s essential for training the adult employee 1n an organ12auonal euing Techniques and learning resources are presented to aid the trainer in assessing training need . Prerequi– site COM-323 Organizational Communication. 01\1-343 Principles of Pia) Directing Sp 4 hour A pracucal stud) of play d1recung methods and techniques applied through class projects . Students \Vill direct and perforn1 pla) cuttings from a variety of dramatic literature types during the quarter. The class is especial1y helpful to educauon majors who ~ill have to assist in educ.auonal theatre productions. No prerequi · ~Hes '()\1-345 r~orensics/ lndividual E"ents A. W.Sp 1 to 2 J1ours Students rcc.e1ve indi\ 1dual coaching for parucipation in intc:rcollcgiatc speech co1npetll1un . Areas of competiuon inclu<lc or al interpretation. public speaking, and lirnite<l prt!parat1on l.!\Cnl \. Pren;quisite: pcrn1i ssion of in~tructor , ( '()\1-346 Advanced Acting Sp 3 hours \n ddvanced pcrfu11nance class designed to build upon knov.'1- c.:dge and training lcarnl:d in Principles of Acllng. Attention v.·ill he given 10 scene tudy, acting theory. and au<lition principle\ (odtl }ear\) ( ()1\1- 60 ·r eaching Spct•ch A.Sp 2 hour~ I o he taken hy 1naJn1 s seeking certification in speech, the cou1 st involve discu sion ol rncthods directly related to the pcech d1 cipline; upplen1cut l::,l)lJ -3 16 J)rinciph:s of ' l\!aching. <) 1-361 '1\·aching r ·alive l)ran1atics 3 hours •or elen1entary and seconda1 y c:duca1ion 1najo1 ec:k1ng ce1tifica- tion in pel:ch . Acquaint tu<lcnt v. ith crcati\ c <lr an1atics and educational thcauc production for p1e-K through 12. Includes roh.: play111g, 1111p1 ovi ati()n, torytclling, theatr c ga1ncs, pla) thl.'1 ap}, panton1ilni.; aud dra,na pr nduclion. 1'1 CJequi itt: : 1\d111is ion to I du auon l)eparunent and/01 1111jo1 in co111n1unica1inn at ts . ""'() 1~ 62 'f al·hln, Secoudnr, 1)1 ,unu \'\' 2 hours • To be la~ en by n1aJ01 eel ing t.11.lication i11 pecch education. be cour e 1 de igned a an elective 10 n1cet the need of tu<lcnts planning L teach ec nda1) choo] d1 un1a la es and due t he" I pl } nd dran1a co111pe1ui ns. l~n 1 h h t:du ation tudent n1,ty al o be ad1n1ued to the ur to 1neet the needs ot I ngli h te., he1 "ho tc: h nd d111e t e ,ndar} d1an1a. Prerequ1 ue : lnt,oduction to J ducau n l>l 01 pernu I n of 111 1ructo1 . Communication Arts 81 COl\l-365 Clinical ,iethod', in Teaching peech - A ,W.Sp 3 hour Student5 eekii:g cerll fi e.ation for teaching c.;peet.h will gain c]as~room exper1~nce. Twent) cla\sroon1 hours \\111 equal one credit hour. Ass1gnrnents "tll be supervi'-lcd h} departn1ent taff rnembers. (C redi l!No Crcdn). CO 1-406 Organizational Leader~hip Sp 3 hour Leader hip as a societal role is addressed through anal) sis of theory and observauon of practitioners. A chronolo1?\ of 1nethod– olo~ical appro~chcc; tO the lUd) of lt!a<le rshtp IS pre~sentcd. Ass1gned reading and class processing of ideas and theurte\ prepare<; the student for ob<.,er\ auon and e\ aluauon of leaders 1n a va riety of <l1scipl1nes . COI\rl -410 Advanced Argurnent- A ..i hours Prepares students for 1ntercollcg1ate debate. Focuse on research and the creation' and develop1nent of argu1nentat1 \e claJin \. Class members con1pete in intercollegiate tourna1nentc;. Prcrequ1 He: COM-3 12 Argun1cntation and Debate. (Fee: $40) COI\tf-411 Hi -tor, of Public Addrc~s A 5 hour. Classical rhetorical S) sten1s and theories arc \tU<ltcd fro111 the perspecti ve of the rhetonc.,11 critic The de\ elopn1cnt of rhetoric. J\ traced from the Greek period to the pn.!'ient. A.nal~ \I\ i\ made of the.part rhetoric ha~pla}ed 111 the <lt!\ elopn1ent of philosoph1e and naltons. COI\11-413 Dramatic l .,iterature Sp 4 hour , A study of the hi stori cal develop1nenL of <lra11auc \t~ Jes. theo11. criticism. and construcuon Can he applied to n1eet Englt h or speech rcqu1re1nents. hut not both CO!\I-461 through CO~l-465 Speech Sen1inar 3 hours Course are available to the ,1d, anccd ~tudent \\ ho desire"' inlens1ve stu<l 1 111 a parucu lar area ot speech co1nn1un1cation.., CO 1-461 Con1munication Etl1ic 5p 3 hour Journaling life cxpcncnce. dt'>CU \Jng ,\1ncr1can 111oral trJdiuons. and perfonning 81hlical narrall\C\ ctrl! thc atll\ ic1e.., h) \\htch student<; real i,e the ethical ba'-li, tor con1n1un1cauon and the con1n1unicauon ha..,• .., for ethic.... (e\en )ear\) CO-:\I-464 pecial Topic · 1\ . V\'. )p ~u 3 hours Topics of in1portanL 111lere,t arc c,,u111ncd nn an "d, needed hast \. Repeatable to \l\ credit hour, COI\t-482 Senior Project I - Re..,carch 3 hour.., 0\1-483 Senior J>roject II - Rc..,carch Stu<lents select ,t 1op1c ot n1terc,t .1nd prepare a 111ajor n.:,cttrch paper \\'htch dt'-lcus,l..., their li1u.l1ng, . ·rake11 fl)r t,,o qua1tt.:r, dnd O\ersecn h 1 an 1n<l1\ 1dual racuh) 1nentor. lhis courst' Lultn1n.ne , chc: "tudent 's aca<lcnHL <lcvclopn1cnl in thL l.lcp,1rtn1c:nt Prc:r~qut,llt..' COM-205 Co1n1nunicatio11 I heor\ C'0'-1 22, I~c:,L,trch 111 Con11nun1c,tticHl'-, ...cnior standing~ ( "'()l\1-484 Senior J>rojel'l - Rl'cital I 3 hour, C()\1-485 Senior Projc<.'t - l~ccit,,1 11 5tudenC\ desiring to fulltll th\!ir ~enior pttljc: l rt'quiil.'1nen1 \\llh a rct.1t<1l 1nust dt.:clare that 10 their au\ isor befn1 e lhl' t: nd l)I tht sophornorc ) ca1. ' l'hc: required !>ursl.'s sho.uld .he 01npl. 'tt'd h_) spring of thl' junior) t:ar. ,\ platto11n l'X:11n1nalll>ll. 1cqu1n:d o1 all ,vho "ish to i1resent a rc~ital. is in~ludL"cl in l·und~1111ent, ls ol l)ral lnterpn..:tation . 1\II studt'tlls ,, ho\\ ' '.h hl transl~·r 1~l ollegc crt•lht for thi s course 11n1 t co111pletc a plat lnrn1. exa1~1111,,.11on tht' quarter they l'lllCI the 111ajnr. l~ntralll'C: ,tlld llllllllllillll)ll Ill progra1n aft' dctt•r1nincd h) t'a ult) . 1'1 t'rcquisite~ : 0~1 12" \ ,~ice an I I) iction, CC) 1-241 l·u11d:11nc:11tals l t Oral lntcrp1 etat1on, and ()l\l 243 Principles ol J\ ting . (I ee: _5) . ,., <:<> J-47 1 through(~() 1-476 lndC'pt·uth•nt Stud) trl S(ll'C'<.'h l -4 hour, "I aken to ~ecurc c111 111-dcpth hackg1 \,und 111 one of the areas \ f speech co11ununicauon. Repeau!bl~ tl> R l?tal t 1ght c I edit h ,ur in the lield. Prerequ1 ue · Per nll ion of 1n u ucto1 . CO 1- J7 l pc ;&ch ~1 47 1)1 an1n O~l 47.. pec1al 1 op1c Oi\l 476 l or n 1 ~ 0 1-473 01al l11terp1etdl1on • ,. • ( < >~ J-48 I l11tern hip in on1nu1uicut1ons \\, p, u 5- 1 ~ hou1 s ludents a 1 e pl 41 ced \\ uh p1 ote 101111 org,lntzauon to gau1 e pe 1 ien t! 111 uctu,tl t:,11t:er ~ll\lclllUll\ lntc1 n hips dt!pi.:1HJ upon "' 11lab1ht).
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