1994-1995 Academic Catalog
82 Ed11cation Tl1e Depart111e11t of Education offer i11 truction with the purpo, e of providing di tinctively Chri tian teach– er.. for Cl1ristia11. public, and n1is io11ary schools. The Col lege i apprO\'ed by the State of Ohio Department ()f Educatio11 for prograrn leading to the four-year Ol1io teacl1ing certificate in the following area : Earl}' Cl1ildhood Education (grade K-3) Elen1entary Educatio11 (grades 1-8) Ki11dergarten-Ele111entary (grades K-8) Secondary Education (grades 7-12)--i11: biological cience music bookkeeping/basic physical education bu ine political science bu iness education science comprehensive chen1i try social studies Engli h comprehensive history speech mathematic Special Education in: behavioral handicapped developmentally handicapped specific learning di sability Special (K- 12) in: health education . music physical education Spanish Endorsement in: reading TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) typewriting. 1'4erlin Ager brings extensn·e Christian and public school experience as a teacher. adn1i11isrra1or, and currenr school board nze,nber to the education clas5roon1. Certification Public Schools Students completing the specified program require– ments qualify for teacher certification from the state of Ohio. Ohio participates in the Interstate Agreement on qualification of educational personnel and has entered into an implementation contract (reciprocity) with thirty-five states: Alabama Alaska California Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Indiana Kansas Kentucky Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Montana Nebraska New Hampshire New Jersey New York North Carolina Oklahoma Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Even though reciprocal certification contracts exist with the states listed, additional requirements may need to be met in order to obtain permanent certification. Also, state certification requirement often change from year to year. Therefore students who wish to teach outside of Ohio should obtain a current description of certification requirements from the "Department of Education , in each state they plan to teach. Christian Schools Graduates qualify for certification by the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) . This certification is recognized by Christian schools around the world. •
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