1994-1995 Academic Catalog
, Faculty !\1erlin Ager, Chainnan: Professor of Education. Education: B.A.. Cedan ille College. 1960; M.S . . University of Wisconsin, 1962: graduate study. Miami University, summer of 1963; University of Wisconsin, summer of 1964; Ph.D., The Ohio Seate University. 1967. At Cedarville J 964-75 , 1978-present. Sue Baker, Professor of Education. Education: B.S., Kenc State Universit), 1968; M.Ed ., Kent State University, 1972; Ed.D., University of Cincinnati, 1987. At Cedarville since 1978. W. Philip Bas ett, Assistant Professor of Education. Education: B.S.. Plymouth Seate College, 1977: M.A., Grace Theological Seminary, 1986; Ph.D .. Andrews University, 1991. At Cedarville since 1991 . Eddie K. Baumann, Assistant Professor of Education. Educa– tion: B.S .. University Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1983; M .S., Univer– sit) Wiscon in-Milwaukee. 1987; graduate study, University Wisconsin-Milwaukee. 1987-. At Cedarville since 1993. Omer Bonenberger, Associate Profes or of Education. Education: B.A., Bob Jones University, 1960; M.A., Arizona State University, 1968; D.Ed. , Univer ity of Maine, 1981 . At Cedarville since 1981. Sally Castle, Assistant Professor of Education Education: B.S., Syracuse Universi ty . 1964; M.S.. The University of Dayton, 1983; Ed.S. , Wright Stace University, 1992. At Cedarville since 1994. D,,·ayne Frank, Professor of Education. Education: B.A., Cedarville College, 1960; B.S.. Central State University. 1960: M.S., ColJege of Idaho. I965; graduate study, Oregon State Un1\ersit), 1965; Ed .D . , Universityof ldaho, 1973 . At Cedarville since 1968. haron Eimer , As ociate Professor of Education. Education: B.S , Tennessee Temple University, 1975; M.Sp.Ed ., Univer it) of Tenne see. 1981; Ed. D ., University of Cincinnati. 1987 . At Cedan ille since 1981 . Timothy Heaton, Assistant Professor of Education. Education: B.A . Wittenberg University, 1973; M.A., Grace Theological Seminary. 1986; graduate study. Universicy of Dayton, 1989- . At Cedarville since 1987 . Anna Ruth Hille, Assistant Professor of Education. Education : B.A .. Bryan College. 1955; B.S.. Eastern KenLucky State, 1963: M.E.• Xavier Univer~it). 1976. At Cedarville since 1987. Beverly Monroe, Associate Professor of Educauon . Education: B.A Shelton College. 1957; M A . Wright State University, 197 l; Ph .D . Miami University. 1985 . At Cedan·ilJe ince 1977. Career Opportunities Botl1 Cl1ristian ai1d public school actively recruit e<lar\ 1 ille education graduates Graduate scl1ool also \\fClcon1e edarvi lle students. Career~ pursued by graduates i11clude: 111 isLia11 . cl1ool educaLion clc111entar)' scl1(J<Jl tcacl1cr ge11c ral education ( 1-8) l1igl1 l1oc l >r 111iddle cl1ool tcacl1er n1u ic ducation (K-8 pJl)' ical education -8 pl1y ica] educatic,n p "Cial educatio11 pccial n u ic - 1- Education 83 Teacher Education Program Admission Requiremenls Student mu t apply for admission to the Teacl1er Education Program. To be admitted they mu t meet the following requirement one quarter before "methods". (These requirement apply for both Elementary Education majors and secondary educa– tion students as well--unless stated otherwi e.) 1. Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 i11 all cour e . including in teaching field course and in profe - ional education courses (2.3 for K-3 program). 2. Grade of ''C" or above in General Education . . commun1cat1ons cour e . COM-110 Fu11damental of Speech ENG-110.140 E11glish Con1po ition I.II 3. Grade of ""C" or above in teaching field or concentration area cour es. 4. Acceptable score on PPST Exan1i11ation: Read– ing: 171 and above: Mathe111atics: 173 and abo,·e: Writing: 171 and above. 5. Satisfactory completio11 of tl1e follo~'ing cour e (HC" or above): EDUC-100 Intro. to Educatio11 EDUC- IO 1 Field Experie11ce EDUC- I02 Educatio11 of Exceptional Cl1ildre11 EDUC-300 Lear11er a11d tl1e Lear11ine: Proce~ .... 6. Satisfactory con1pletio11 of fot1ndatio11al educat1t1n cour e : (for elen1entar)' 111ajor 0111) ) EDUC- 182, 183 :Vtacl1e111acic5 f<)r Elen1. Teacl1er5 EDUC-230 Art\ & Craft~ EDUC-270 Audio\ i ual, (Ele111e11tar}) EDUC-290 Ha11d\\ riti1112 ........ EDlIC-320 Cl1ildren 's Literature EDUC-370 Mu~ic fot tl1e Elen1e11tar) cl1t1t)l PE0-299 Teacl1ing Healtl1 &. P.E. '- PYCH-270 Cl1il(l De\ ell)pn1e11t (or PYCH 370 ,\dt)lt.!"iCc11t De\ elt)11n1ent) 7. Sati~fact<>rv rati11gs 111 field e \()erie11ce~ t l)Sl , Introduct1<111 tt1 Educ ,l ti<.)11 f-1e Ill LA11e1 tt!lll e). 8 Rect)111111endatit)11 ()f the de11c.lr 1111ent's ad111i,,tt)11, inter\ te\V ct11111111ttee f l)e11artn1ent <)f Edt1catit)11 ~l),1,ed ()Il 1e<;t1111e, inter, te\v, a11d ref~r~11ces) . Teacher Ed11catio11 P1·og1·a111 Reten– tio11 a11d Co111pletio11 Rec111iren1e11t "' l . atisfact<)rv GI>1\ i11 all Cllt1rsts . .,. 2. atisfat:t lr) 'lHl1l)letic>n li 111t'thc, l~ Cl.lUrses. 3. Sat isfaCll)r) Cl>lll(ll~til)ll l)f fie I l and "lini al • eX()t.!rh:11 e . 4. ati · factl>r C(>1111>leti<lll lf tu i "Il l tc ·1cl1ing. - . 1\ ceJ)tal>le '"r c>1 es 11 tilt' 1 1"1 01 e B, teer ancl 1"1: r ecialt exan1 .
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